I wish I were able to post anonomously on this one…I’ve noticed a little discomfort in the strategic spots (between the legs): itching, dry and really uncomfortable when I workout. Is this jock itch? Any of you had this problem? If so how did you fix it? I’ve tried baby powder but I need something elseand I don’t want to go to the doctor over it. (sigh)
eh gad. Try A&D ointment and a different user name.
try some body glide. Might just be chafing (one hopes).
wash, moisturize (for the dry skin) and get some medicated ointment if otherwise. if the skin it broken, try peroxide.
I am no doctor but based on my experience with this stuff it is important to know if the skin is all red, itchy and rashy looking down there. Look at the symptoms for jock itch on webmd.com and see if they are consistent with yours. If so, then it probably is the dreaded jock itch (athlete’s foot in a bad location). Since it is not caused by a bacteria you can scrub all you want with antibacterial scrubs but that will not do any good. You can get the over the counter stuff at the drug store, but they do not work over night. Or, you can suck up your pride and go to the doctor (I have gone to the doctor twice). If you are too embarrassed to go into the details with the receptionist, then just do what I do and tell her you have a fungus infection. The advantages of going to the doctor are these: (1) the doctor can prescribe stronger medicine that acts quicker (2) the doctor can prescribe topical steroids that lessen the symptoms while the fungicide kills the fungus (3) and best of all the doctor can prescribe an oral pill that you can take to kill the fungus from inside your body. I am not going into detail because I like talking about this stuff, but because I have been plagued with these fungus infections and they can make training uncomfortable. The bottom line is that if you go to the doctor it should not cost too much and you can get back to normal quicker.
John Thomason
Cant say it loud enough HAIR DRYER if you have jock itch use a hair dryer after your showers,if you get Athletes foot use the dryer,Also this works for the woman too,keeps down the yeast infections.Do not ask how i know or how long i suffered.
While we are on it (and being that I am able to train once again)
Does it seem to itch more when you go to bed??? I had a nasty deal that WAS NOT Jock Itch…just chaffed skin from my many - swim (no shower) - bike for 4 hour training days. Things just never dried out and skin never healed…then it itches and you scratch it till it bleeds. (nice picture in your head huh?).
Diaper rash cream!!! And you dont need to be embarrased to buy it!!! (However never put it on in the Gym locker room - or in front of your wife for that matter. Dont let ANYONE know) Imagine all the jokes at the office if someone was to see you put some diaper rash cream on your “Wittew pwivate pawts”
It’s specifically located area…I bet this is the problem. It only came about after long hours of working out. Thanks.
Lessons I learned in the Marines:
Shower ASAP after exercise and wash with soap and a washcloth to get all the germs off.
Dry off thoroughly.
Apply liberal dose of Ammens Medicated Powder after showers and before bed.
You will notice improvement in 24-48 hours. Any other powder than Ammens and you are wasting your money.