It's August 25th

…and I woke up to our heat pump on heating mode this morning. I think this is the earliest I can remember having the heat kick in. We had, maybe, 5-6 weeks of warm weather this summer.

In other forum news, a few hundred km away IMC is happening in Penticton, and they just had their swim cancelled because the lake is too cold. FWIW, IMC is generally a very warm race, and typically the race is in danger of being non-wetsuit legal due to the water being too warm.

This summer weather has been nuts.

so weird.

it’s as the the climate is . . . becoming different, somehow.


Now, excuse me while I go warm up my v8 diesel truck for 30 minutes.


Now, excuse me while I go warm up my v8 diesel truck for 30 minutes.

With the price of fuel in Canada that seems wasteful


Now, excuse me while I go warm up my v8 diesel truck for 30 minutes.

With the price of fuel in Canada that seems wasteful

It is, and I’m obviously joking. I very, very rarely drive my truck outside of work. Generally walk to get groceries, bike to the gym, or take my wife’s more economical vehicle. Well, I used to take my wife’s vehicle…

And we are in the 90s this week, close to 100F.

And we are in the 90s this week, close to 100F.

102 Saturday

102 Sunday

100 today

I am ready for a break.

And we are in the 90s this week, close to 100F.

Yeah, I think this will be our hottest week of the year. Every day 90 and above.

Probably the same system I experienced in northern Nevada. Snow on the mountains in August!

And then back to the 90-100F this week, probably.

I regretted not bringing gloves on my Saturday hike in CO.

Probably the same system I experienced in northern Nevada. Snow on the mountains in August!

And then back to the 90-100F this week, probably.

I think I read that Banff ski resort got snow over the weekend. A freak August snowfall isn’t totally unheard of for Alberta but on the BC side of the mountains its felt like fall for weeks.

I spent most of this summer cursing about the sweat running down the crack of my ass. I’m ready for some cool weather.

(Yes, I get that climate change is a thing and it’s not a good thing and the collective global ‘we’ should be concerned about and taking action in regard to that reality and blah blah blah but I’ve done my time with a sweaty butthole for the year, so please just send some of that sweet, cool non-jock-itch air down my way so that I can go get my snowboard tuned up without looking like a lunatic.)

…and I woke up to our heat pump on heating mode this morning. I think this is the earliest I can remember having the heat kick in. We had, maybe, 5-6 weeks of warm weather this summer.

In other forum news, a few hundred km away IMC is happening in Penticton, and they just had their swim cancelled because the lake is too cold. FWIW, IMC is generally a very warm race, and typically the race is in danger of being non-wetsuit legal due to the water being too warm.

This summer weather has been nuts.

What temp is too cold for an IM swim?

…and I woke up to our heat pump on heating mode this morning. I think this is the earliest I can remember having the heat kick in. We had, maybe, 5-6 weeks of warm weather this summer.

In other forum news, a few hundred km away IMC is happening in Penticton, and they just had their swim cancelled because the lake is too cold. FWIW, IMC is generally a very warm race, and typically the race is in danger of being non-wetsuit legal due to the water being too warm.

This summer weather has been nuts.

What temp is too cold for an IM swim?

I’m not sure exactly, I think there is a combined air/water temp level that is acceptable. I believe the lake was at 13C on race morning, which is insane as Penticton is known for its long, hot, dry summers.

I wish I could have some of that ass sweat inducing heat! I’m in a sweater right now and I’m not happy about it.

The leaves haven’t started falling yet, but, I have noticed more college girls about in leggings and blundstones with pumpkin spice lattes, which is actually a more accurate predictor of an early fall. It’s science.

Here in Ontario we’ve gone back and forth between heat and cool. Just last week it went down to about 10 C overnight and was only 19 C in the day. Today it’s 28 C.

I wish I could have some of that ass sweat inducing heat! I’m in a sweater right now and I’m not happy about it.

The leaves haven’t started falling yet, but, I have noticed more college girls about in leggings and blundstones with pumpkin spice lattes, which is actually a more accurate predictor of an early fall. It’s science.

Mrs. mck414 and I were at the grocery store early Saturday morning, lamenting about the continuing 90 degree temps we’re still seeing, when I dropped “I can’t wait for Han Solo Season” and she replied “I know, I better dig out my boots.”

I love that woman.

LOL. Yup. Nailed it. Except here the style is shorter boots with white tube socks with a red stripe at the top over the leggings.

…and I woke up to our heat pump on heating mode this morning. I think this is the earliest I can remember having the heat kick in. We had, maybe, 5-6 weeks of warm weather this summer.

In other forum news, a few hundred km away IMC is happening in Penticton, and they just had their swim cancelled because the lake is too cold. FWIW, IMC is generally a very warm race, and typically the race is in danger of being non-wetsuit legal due to the water being too warm.

This summer weather has been nuts.

What temp is too cold for an IM swim?

I’m not sure exactly, I think there is a combined air/water temp level that is acceptable. I believe the lake was at 13C on race morning, which is insane as Penticton is known for its long, hot, dry summers.

I had to look up the conversion but it’s 55 F. That’s pretty cold!

Back in the good old days when the S.O.S had cold water they used to wrap people in blankets and feed them chicken broth. Montauk, my favorite race, is wickedly cold and Tahoe was less than 50 when I did it. But none of those races is 2.4 miles. Some of the slower swimmers could find themselves in trouble at that temperature.