So used compression boots for first time about month ago and have had severe pain on outter knee ever since. Could have these caused an injury or aggravated my it band? I’m not sure if the pain happened from that but all I remember is it started around that time. Going for MRI today. Will MRI show any issues with IT band? Doc said it’s that or meniscus.

Ice and anti inflammatories don’t help. Wrapping seems to make it worse.

Saw a video where doc said friction is actually not the problem. Anyway here I am because I can’t sleep as the pain is so bad.

If the compression boots actually caused this anything I can do for it? Need help here. Thank you very much

After a horrible run at Kona (cough, brag, cough), I had the same thing - pain on outside of knee 10 minutes into the run. Googled it and everyone says its IT band.
I started doing the rehab exercises recommended in all these articles and YT (side steps with bands, clamshells, etc.) with the goal of strengthening the hip muscles. Nothing helped. 2 miles into running, sharp pain would start. No issue with cycling.

Then I found on TrainerRoad forum someone suggesting to stretch the quad muscle. I found the article below and been stretching it with a chair (#10 on the list). Within a week I could run pain free.

Just in case, I keep doing the hip strengthening exercises, but the quad stretch is really what did it for me.
I imagine it may or may not work for you, but worth a shot. Good luck.

I’ve had IT Band issues on and off over the years. The below is the only thing that has saved me every time. And the only reason the injury keeps coming back is because I get lazy and stop doing the exercises.

I’ve had limited relief by foam rolling the quads, glutes, and top of the hip area but for long term problem solving the below exercises. I usually do them every other day, take 7-10 days off running completely and make sure to start off again nice and easy.

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