Israel exploding Hezbollah's handhelds?

I think Hezbollah is now down to using Campbell’s soup cans and string.

If you’re Hezbollah you’re now questioning that everything might go boom in the next minutes, hours, days, and weeks. The PsyOps is strong here.

Hahahahaha. “Wow. We had a bad day yesterday. What else could go wrong?”

If you don’t know what SCRM is neither does Hezbollah.

Another wave of devices going off today – walkie-talkies, solar equipment:

[Apologies if mentioned already…]


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The infiltration of supply lines to achieve this—pagers, 2-way radios, etc.—is nothing short of tactically brilliant.

The psy-ops…if you’re Hezbollah (or supplier, ally, family, friend, sympathizer, etc.) you’re questioning when ANYTHING around you might explode. ANYTHING.

Terrorism targets civilians (either direct attacks or intimidation) to achieve political and ideological influences… This was not targeted at civilians, the users of the pagers were all affiliated with Hezbollah. Unfortunately, there has been some inevitable collateral damage. Of course, the terrorists and their allies (radical left) will claim that everyone was a civilian to promote more antisemitism.

Brilliant move by Israel.

Can you post your source on the bolded/capitalized info?

I mentioned the exploding pagers news to a friend. His reply was:

Hezbollah should stop buying gear on eBay sold by “DefinitelyNotMossad”

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“Here are your new walkie-talkies. Enjoy”

Signed - Ismael

Israel: after the pagers explode what if… now hear me out! We go after even more basic tech


“If we have to have a choice between being dead and pitied, and being alive with a bad image, we’d rather be alive and have the bad image.”

Golda Meir


Per 22 USCS 2656f - Terrorism : Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.

Per 18 USC Ch. 113B -
(1) the term “international terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and

Sure, that is one of many definitions. But it is still a reasonably good one.

I am no defender of Hezbollah, they have done terrible things. But, call me crazy, killing children and wounding civilians willy-nilly in addition to killing a few of your desired targets is not something that I find great joy in.

Of course not, but that’s a normal consideration of regular military (i.e. non-terrorist) activities as well. Point being, collateral civilian casualties is not the defining characteristic that would make something terrorism.

Terrorism can be a little fuzzy; kind of a “you know it when you see it” thing, but generally speaking, when an official intelligence or military arm of a recognized sovereign nation takes one of these actions, we don’t consider it terrorism. It might be a war crime or a morally questionable military or intelligence activity, but we generally use terrorism when it’s a subnational group, and usually when they are targeting a reaction in the non-combatant population.

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How confident are you that these devices were not in the possession of civilians?

Hezbollah is not just militants. It is also an actual political party. There are members of Hezbollah or people employed by them that are civilians.

We really don’t want to claim that anyone that is part of a government is no longer a civilian. That is what bad people would claim. I don’t think you want to be a bad person.

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This is even trickier, because even if all the people in possession of these devices were affiliated with Hezbollah, that does not make them all combatants. Hezbollah is also a political party in Lebanon and has responsibility for governing areas. So hezbollah runs hospitals and all sorts of other government services.

I think we would all agree it would be terrorism if Hezbollah started blowing up explosives in grocery stores in Israeli because some random Israeli civilian servant was there.

It really is not clear what happened here and how much this was targeted at combatants or if it was Hezbollah as a whole, which would include many non combatants. Let alone if many of the devices were not with people affiliated with hezbollah.

Still, I think as a general rule, you shouldn’t be detonating explosives when you have no idea where that explosive device is, have no idea who is in possession of it, and know it is likely near civilians. That seems like a good general rule for life.


Please enumerate the tenants of Hezbollah, here, as a reminder of its ideology.

yes, this is spectacular warcraft and i think it’s possible to admire the plot while rueing the loss of innocent life, especially since most of us as individuals have f*ck all to do except comment
