ISO: 2014-2018 Felt IA base bar and aero bar setup


Looking for the original Felt IA base bar/aerobar setup that would have come with the IA FRD or the IA1/IA2 integrated front ends. The rim brake frames.

PM if you have a cockpit that you swapped from and are looking to unload it.


I assume from your post - these parts no longer available from Felt? I actually need a base bar also.

Not much help here, but I got lucky and found one on Ebay a year ago when I had to replace my IA1 basebar. Had to go with a 44cm over the stock 42cm, but it was worth it. Worth keeping your eyes there as well.

Link to that seller’s page incase they come across another:

Appreciate the help, thanks!

I reached out to them, no answer yet.

Bump, still looking!