Isn't there something happening today?

Given some of the passion of a few posters, I really thought there would already be a thread, lots of hype and speculation.

Big reveal day today.

Given some of the passion of a few posters, I really thought there would already be a thread, lots of hype and speculation.

Big reveal day today.

operating under the premise that this isn’t a big deal is just stupid to be honest.

i cannot reiterate how much i don’t want a cybertruck, but to pretend like it doesn’t “matter” is silly.

operating under the premise that this isn’t a big deal is just stupid to be honest.

i cannot reiterate how much i don’t want a cybertruck, but to pretend like it doesn’t “matter” is silly.

Did I say it doesn’t “matter”? - I even said it was a big reveal… I truely expected there to be a thread and a bunch of hype from the Elon fanboys here. That sentence was not in pink, or jest.

But now I’ll have some fun with it.

Sorry didn’t mean to come across as its not a big deal. I mean for some it is.

In reality, its a car company delivering 10 vehicles they sold without ever providing dimensions or performance specs, or pricing. Which hopefully will be officially revealed today, but pretty much all of that information is already out, so there is not much other than making it official.

But yes, to your point when ever elon actually finally delivers on a promise it matters and is a big deal.

There are still folks who put down $250k years ago waiting to see what that car will look like, and many owners still waiting to turn their cars into autonomous taxi’s if elon would ever just flip the switch.

So yes, big day, Elon delivers on a promise. Bigger day if he ever did it remotely on time.

And for 10 users I guess its a big day, they finally get their truck.

But for most of the world, not sure it “matters”

Who put down $250k?

Who put down $250k?

Oops that should have only been $50k… the roadster was $5k down and $45k within 10 days. The car in 2017 was $250k who knows what it will be when it supposedly goes on sale next year.

operating under the premise that this isn’t a big deal is just stupid to be honest.

i cannot reiterate how much i don’t want a cybertruck, but to pretend like it doesn’t “matter” is silly.

It isn’t a big deal. Pretending it is a big deal is just stupid to be honest.

operating under the premise that this isn’t a big deal is just stupid to be honest.

i cannot reiterate how much i don’t want a cybertruck, but to pretend like it doesn’t “matter” is silly.

It isn’t a big deal. Pretending it is a big deal is just stupid to be honest.

you’re stupid

operating under the premise that this isn’t a big deal is just stupid to be honest.

i cannot reiterate how much i don’t want a cybertruck, but to pretend like it doesn’t “matter” is silly.

It isn’t a big deal. Pretending it is a big deal is just stupid to be honest.

you’re stupid

Are you getting together with a bunch of Musk groupies for a watch party?

I was excited for something good. Not more crap about elon.

yes and we are going to play a fun game of tummy sticks

operating under the premise that this isn’t a big deal is just stupid to be honest.

i cannot reiterate how much i don’t want a cybertruck, but to pretend like it doesn’t “matter” is silly.

I see this abomination frequently where I live. It is a completely useless vehicle especially considering its utility as a “truck”. Other than an insanely expensive grocery getter, there are no other uses for it.

Here in California, I’m sure there will be plenty of fanboys that drop the money for one. You can’t go a mile without seeing 1-2 Teslas. The other day I saw 3 red Y’s driving in a row down the freeway.

For the same money, you can get a Rivian or a Lightning, which are still not practical for things like towing anything, at least they have a workable bed and don’t look like a bulimic Delorean.

your assertion that the Rivian has a “workable bed” renders the rest of your statements fairly worthless.

operating under the premise that this isn’t a big deal is just stupid to be honest.

i cannot reiterate how much i don’t want a cybertruck, but to pretend like it doesn’t “matter” is silly.

It isn’t a big deal. Pretending it is a big deal is just stupid to be honest.

you’re stupid

Can you expand on why you think this is a big deal, or are you just planning on issuing cryptic posts with no supporting info and hurling insults? Is Windy taking a day off and you’re covering for him?

I thought this was going to be another Santos thread.

I thought it was gonna be about the Newsom Desantis debate

sure. it has been 4 (5?) years in the making. it’s got more pre-orders than probably any other vehicle, ever. it’s an exceptionally radical design that will sort of (maybe) change the way manufacturers and buyers look at vehicle design. it’s a mega-hyped event. the “event” will probably have more views than the latest state of the union address within the month of its airing. those are some reasons that it is a big deal.

I thought this was going to be another Santos thread.

I thought this was a day early and about the debut of the new comedy movie “Lady Ballers” coming out Tomorow.

your assertion that the Rivian has a “workable bed” renders the rest of your statements fairly worthless.

You must not drive a truck I’m guessing. The Rivian has a higher cargo capacity compared to the CT. Yes, it is a short 5 foot bed, but you can still put in a tool box or other type of rack system. You will also need a step stool to reach into the CT bed if you have something loaded up near the cabin.

sure. it has been 4 (5?) years in the making. it’s got more pre-orders than probably any other vehicle, ever. it’s an exceptionally radical design that will sort of (maybe) change the way manufacturers and buyers look at vehicle design. it’s a mega-hyped event. the “event” will probably have more views than the latest state of the union address within the month of its airing. those are some reasons that it is a big deal.


I’m not sure this is a big deal to anyone but Tesla enthusiasts or people deep into the auto industry maybe. I guess they’re delivering 10 trucks, which are thought to likely go to Tesla employees (as they’ve done in the past). The Cybertruck is no longer the only electric truck since the massive delays resulted in them getting beat to the market by other manufacturers. It also sounds like there’s some concern about prices not being what was originally advertised, and of course there are always quality concerns with Tesla. I know Tesla is hyping this, but I’m not sure anyone else is. I stay pretty tuned in, and I don’t think I would have remembered this was happening today if this thread wasn’t posted. Sure, people will take a look over the next weeks just to see what it looks like, but that doesn’t make it a big deal so much as a curiosity.

one man’s ‘big deal’ is another man’s ‘curiosity’ is another man’s ‘stupidity.’

like i said, i have no desire for a cybertruck, but there are a lot of things about tesla that i like.