Ischial bursitis - anybody had it? treatment?

Wasn’t sure if I’d done something to my hamstring or glute, but after some massage some self work over the last week, I’m becoming increasingly sure I’ve got ischial bursitis. There’s swelling/bulging right on the sit bone itself. Sitting on a bike seat is not an option, and sitting in general I’m basically just sitting on one cheek.

I’m able to run okay, but biking is a no go. Haven’t found much useful info online in regards to home treatment.

Anybody else experience it?

For several years I thought that I had ischial bursitis. It turned out to be high hamstring tendonitus instead.It was really as ass kicker, pun intended, of course. Ever now, >20yrs later, it still comes back occasionally. Do some searching here and you’ll find a couple threads on “high” or “upper” hamstring problems.