Is this cheating ( HS track)?

In my state, masks are required at all times while running for HS track. Now that we are a month in the season, certain teams and athletes magically have their mask migrate below their chins during their race, especially the distance runners. Unfortunately, the rules state “Masks must be worn at all times” no details on proper wearing. My daughter’s team is getting very frustrated with this because they are getting beat by runners who are not wearing their masks properly ( one lost by 5 seconds in the 3200, and another was beaten by .1 of a second in the 800 by a non mask wearing athlete). Yeah, they are salty but they feel they are being robbed by cheaters at a large invitational.

Unfortunately, meet officials have been reluctant to issue DQ’s. However, the athletes wearing masks are at a competitive disadvantage. What says Slowtwitch. Is this cheating on the level of drafting at Kona, a sticky bottle at San Remo up the Poggio, or corking a bat?

I decline to pass judgement, but in Illinois high school track athletes no longer have to wear a mask while competing.

I decline to pass judgement, but in Illinois high school track athletes no longer have to wear a mask while competing.

Wish that was the case here. Makes for a near impossible rule to enforce.

At the height of the pandemic when the local case counts were the worst, I would run and ride with lots of local medical staff (inc. doctors). While they were cautious in all other area, including outside while standing, outside while moving was never an area any of us wore masks.

At this point, I’m not sure I would even call it technically cheating. A mask on your chin meets the letter of the law and scientifically, it’s just as safe as having it over your mouth while outdoors and moving.


Could you cite your reference? Would be very useful for a discussion my training group is having.

A mask on your chin meets the letter of the law and scientifically

Russell Westbrook reaction WwwwhAT?!


Could you cite your reference? Would be very useful for a discussion my training group is having.

ditto please

Yes, cheating IMO; similar to drafting. The excuse that the rules aren’t more specific than “masks must be worn at all times” is BS; if the masks were worn on the top of the head, or strapped around a wrist would that be acceptable?

The officials just need to clarify that the masks must cover the nose and mouth at all times. Plenty of rules are like this. For example “boys must wear shirts/singlets when competing” clearly means that they are worn on the torso, and tying one on like a bandana does not count.

There is a separate discussion happening here as to if requiring masks makes sense; that’s not the issue here. The issue is a level playing field for all competitors.

you gotta play the game the way it is being officiated. Or at least if you want to win. Is it fair, i don’t know, but not a bad life lesson for HS kids.

granted, this is a tough situation, because if you believe there is a relevant safety element to wearing the masks properly in this situation its a lot tougher to play the game the way it is being officiated.

but to the original question is it cheating, my answer is no. What is occurring is within full view of the officials and they are using their judgement to interpret and apply the rules and they are not calling a foul. I would say cheating involves an attempt to deceive or hide the potentially illegal actions (i.e. try to not get caught) and that element is missing here.

you gotta play the game the way it is being officiated. Or at least if you want to win. Is it fair, i don’t know, but not a bad life lesson for HS kids.

granted, this is a tough situation, because if you believe there is a relevant safety element to wearing the masks properly in this situation its a lot tougher to play the game the way it is being officiated.

but to the original question is it cheating, my answer is no. What is occurring is within full view of the officials and they are using their judgement to interpret and apply the rules and they are not calling a foul. I would say cheating involves an attempt to deceive or hide the potentially illegal actions (i.e. try to not get caught) and that element is missing here.

So it is ok using PPE like Borat is ok for running/competing?:

He is without any doubt wearing a face mask…

Cheating in sports that have officials is a tough one. Where is the line between cheating and playing the way the game is being called. Tons of examples from traveling in the NBA to holding in the NFL. In game rules that officials are actively making judgement calls will always be on that fuzzy line.

There is clearly cheating that crosses the line though where athletes do things that intentionally break rules that they know are not being checked for …electric bikes in competition is a good example from a few years back.

I think your issue is with the officials , not the other athletes. It’s an issue with the governing body and how the rule is written and being interpreted. Hence this should not be called cheating.

Golf is the goofy sport where you are in the open and there are officials but you are supposed to self report you own infractions of the rules. Technically there should be no cheating in golf.

If they are purposely disregarding the rules then it’s cheating.

I despise this attitude that if rules are not utterly explicit, despite clearly being implied per any reasonable reading, then it’s acceptable or even admirable to exploit weaknesses in the language. Are you competing against your fellow athletes on athletic grounds or against the organisers on technicalities. You know exactly what the intent is, if unsure the right thing to do is request clarification for all athletes before the race. This sort of nonsense IS cheating in every respect that should matter. Would you really get the same satisfaction out of beating your competitors when they’re handicapped versus beating them at their best, or is this just about winning at all costs?

Your argument is akin to arguments I’ve seen here in the past that suggest anything that’s not illegal is thus acceptable… please find a moral compass, or stay well away from me. I find that attitude weak and disgusting.

Your daughter is following the rules, doing what her coach tells her and presumably doing her best under those constraints. At a high school level, that’s the best case scenario for a student athlete these days.

And lobby like crazy to have regional and state championships strictly enforced.

I think sports with timed events and individual scores should adopt a time trial format for now. At a track meet have each heat as only members of the same team or send 1 athlete off every 30 secs in a short distance event. Yes we might have to reduce the number of events and competitors but the kids can still go all out for the same time results. Instead of cancelling the high school CC meets lets have them send off one team at a time every 5-10 mins. Let the high school golfers and swimmers compete and then step aside for the next team to play/race the same course. No students will come in close contact with other districts and we compare the results at the end.

They need to change the format to make it fair. Kids died in China in the gym class.

I feel your frustration for sure! It’s a tough situation. In my own opinion I feel it’s cheating much like drafting in a triathlon if the rule states all racers must wear a mask. (and bending the rules like wearing it under your chin or below your nose is still cheating since it’s reasonable to assume we know how to wear a mask properly after 13 months of mask wearing)

I’m pro-mask and adhere to all the guidelines. But I would think running track outside w/o a mask would be safe enough? I’m no expert so just thinking out loud on this. It would be simpler if no masks were required during the race. (but wear them before and after)

Lots of variability at high school meets based on officiating, since some of this seems to come down to interpretation. Why wouldn’t the coaches and officials have a quick pre-meet conference to clarify how things will be enforced for that particular meet and ensure that the playing field is level for all?

They need to change the format to make it fair. Kids died in China in the gym class.

Let’s try to imagine how a mask caused a healthy fourteen year old to have a heart attack while exercising. Now let’s agree that this is silly.

From the mayo clinic (not the NY Post)
Is it safe to wear a mask while exercising?
Yes, it’s safe to wear a mask while exercising. New research has shown that your heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oxygen level and time of exhaustion are not significantly affected by wearing a mask during moderate to strenuous aerobic physical activity. Learn more.