Is this antisemitic?

Mr word salad guy trump says this:

(slur is in headline)

So, l know that many Joe Rogan fans say that ‘Italians love pizza’, but is this slur above antisemitic?

Or, is it just a dog whistle to the millions of antisemites, nazis, and white nationalists in trump’s base?

Of course it is anti-Semitic. That is a core premise of the insult.

I’d say borderline. I don’t think it’s racist to call someone a schmuck, but is dog whistly.

I’d say borderline. I don’t think it’s racist to call someone a schmuck, but is dog whistly.

But that is not what he said.

I’d say borderline. I don’t think it’s racist to call someone a schmuck, but is dog whistly.

But that is not what he said.

That’s why I said it’s dog whistly.

Of course it is anti-Semitic. That is a core premise of the insult.

I guess I don’t know the origin of schmuck never thought of it as racist, let alone to what group.

Okay googled it… its Yiddish for Penis … please explain how this is anti-semetic?

Mr word salad guy trump says this:

(slur is in headline)

So, l know that many Joe Rogan fans say that ‘Italians love pizza’, but is this slur above antisemitic?

Or, is it just a dog whistle to the millions of antisemites, nazis, and white nationalists in trump’s base?

Maybe it’s too early on a Saturday for my brain to delve into the deeper nuances, but I’m not seeing how this is particularly anti-semitic.

I don’t see how it relates to the Rogan comments you posted either, or how it’s a dog whistle.

It might be that we’re looking too hard to find “isms” when we could just be satisfied with saying his comments are selfish and spiteful.

Of course it is anti-Semitic. That is a core premise of the insult.

I guess I don’t know the origin of schmuck never thought of it as racist, let alone to what group.

Okay googled it… its Yiddish for Penis … please explain how this is anti-semetic?

I looked it up too. I always figured it was Yiddish or something for “asshole”, but turns out it’s “dick”.

Of course it is anti-Semitic. That is a core premise of the insult.

I guess I don’t know the origin of schmuck never thought of it as racist, let alone to what group.

Okay googled it… its Yiddish for Penis … please explain how this is anti-semetic?

I looked it up too. I always figured it was Yiddish or something for “asshole”, but turns out it’s “dick”.

I’m not convinced Donald Trump puts so much thought into his insults. He might understand that it sounds Jewish and Zuckerberg is Jewish, but mostly I just think he thinks it sounds funny.

Mr word salad guy trump says this:

(slur is in headline)

So, l know that many Joe Rogan fans say that ‘Italians love pizza’, but is this slur above antisemitic?

Or, is it just a dog whistle to the millions of antisemites, nazis, and white nationalists in trump’s base?

Maybe it’s too early on a Saturday for my brain to delve into the deeper nuances, but I’m not seeing how this is particularly anti-semitic.

I don’t see how it relates to the Rogan comments you posted either, or how it’s a dog whistle.

It might be that we’re looking too hard to find “isms” when we could just be satisfied with saying his comments are selfish and spiteful.

Trump is the consummate bully and has the bully’s instinct for insults, so he consistently using people’s gender, ethnicity, race, etc. when insulting them. Is that racist? I don’t know. I’ve heard plenty of Jewish people call others people schmucks, Jewish and gentile and I’m pretty sure I’ve heard respectable gentiles call a Jew a schmuck, and no one took exception.

It’s out of step with the times, dare I say politically incorrect, because any acknowledgement of a person’s identity when insulting them is now considered “racist”.

I would say racism is having animus towards a person simply because they belong to a given race, but it seems like the threshold is well below that nowadays for something to rise to the level of racism.

Of course it is anti-Semitic. That is a core premise of the insult.

I guess I don’t know the origin of schmuck never thought of it as racist, let alone to what group.

Okay googled it… its Yiddish for Penis … please explain how this is anti-semetic?

I looked it up too. I always figured it was Yiddish or something for “asshole”, but turns out it’s “dick”.

I’m not convinced Donald Trump puts so much thought into his insults. He might understand that it sounds Jewish and Zuckerberg is Jewish, but mostly I just think he thinks it sounds funny.

I learned today that Zuckerberg is Jewish. I guess I had just never thought about it before. And I agree, Trump just comes up with his insults off the cuff. He’s just not constrained by any sort of thoughts of possible racism, sexism, etc.

Of course it is anti-Semitic. That is a core premise of the insult.

I guess I don’t know the origin of schmuck never thought of it as racist, let alone to what group.

Okay googled it… its Yiddish for Penis … please explain how this is anti-semetic?

I looked it up too. I always figured it was Yiddish or something for “asshole”, but turns out it’s “dick”.

I’m not convinced Donald Trump puts so much thought into his insults. He might understand that it sounds Jewish and Zuckerberg is Jewish, but mostly I just think he thinks it sounds funny.

I agree, Suckerschmuck would have been a better one but probably to hard for Trump to come up with.

Of course it is anti-Semitic. That is a core premise of the insult.

I would agree. And my guess is that this distortion of his last name by trump is very deliberate. All to reach out to certain people in trump’s base.

Of course it is anti-Semitic. That is a core premise of the insult.

I would agree. And my guess is that this distortion of his last name by trump is very deliberate. All to reach out to certain people in trump’s base.

Just knock it off.

Multiple people in this thread had to Google the etymology of schmuck.

You routinely say Trump and his mega-MAGA followers are all dopes.

Yet, you also believe they are somehow talking in secret code.

I’m in my 50’s and I know schmuck to have been universally used to mean idiot/dope.

The obvious answer is Trump liked the rhyming nature of it. He’s got the intellectual insult ability of a 5th grader in the schoolyard (think “Hairy Mary” or “Fatty Patty”).

Someday you’re gonna wake up and realize you spent large parts of your life being angry about things that aren’t things.


I am familiar with the etymology of the word.

I was more intrigued by trump’s use of the word to turn Zuckerberg’s last name into a slur. A large percentage of trump’s limited brainpower makes itself busy with developing novel insults for his enemies. So this is quite deliberate.

(edited to remove the bugs)


Of course it is anti-Semitic. That is a core premise of the insult.

I would agree. And my guess is that this distortion of his last name by trump is very deliberate. All to reach out to certain people in trump’s base.

Just knock it off.

Multiple people in this thread had to Google the etymology of schmuck.

You routinely say Trump and his mega-MAGA followers are all dopes.

Yet, you also believe they are somehow talking in secret code.

I’m in my 50’s and I know schmuck to have been universally used to mean idiot/dope.

The obvious answer is Trump liked the rhyming nature of it. He’s got the intellectual insult ability of a 5th grader in the schoolyard (think “Hairy Mary” or “Fatty Patty”).

Someday you’re gonna wake up and realize you spent large parts of your life being angry about things that aren’t things.


Just because some people on this forum don’t know about schmuck, Trump’s history is unmistakable. He grew up in NYC, went to Wharton, worked in real estate, surrounded himself with people like Cohen and Weisselberg, his daughter married Kushner, and much more. There is almost zero chance that Trump does not know that schmuck is a Yiddish derogatory term. Whether or not he knows its precise meaning — he probably does — he knows the gist of it. Had he said Zuckerfart, etc., that’s just an insult. But, Zuckerschmuck is a deliberate reference to Zuckerberg being Jewish. I am not saying that makes Trump anti-Semitic. He may just enjoy insulting people. Regardless, his choice of this insult is about Zuckerberg being Jewish, which plays to many in his base.

Had he said Zuckerfart, etc., that’s just an insult. But, Zuckerschmuck is a deliberate reference to Zuckerberg being Jewish. I am not saying that makes Trump anti-Semitic. He may just enjoy insulting people. Regardless, his choice of this insult is about Zuckerberg being Jewish, which plays to many in his base.

x 1,000

Of course it is anti-Semitic. That is a core premise of the insult.

I guess I don’t know the origin of schmuck never thought of it as racist, let alone to what group.

Okay googled it… its Yiddish for Penis … please explain how this is anti-semetic?

He basically called Zuckerberg a Jewish prick. That is anti-Semitic. It’s not like he just called him a prick. The insult was connected to Zuckerberg being Jewish.

Do you seriously think it’s just a coincidence that Zuckerberg is Jewish? We know Trump much better than that.

It seems reasonable to think that we might come up with a rule or definition for racist/sexist/antisemitic insults and then apply the rule to these facts to see if the insult is racist, right?

What is a racist/sexist/antisemitic insult?