Is this a trans/girls sports issue

or just an overly aggressive player injuring opponents? Basketball is a physical sport, but not a contact sport by definition, so it’s easy to see how this could happen with a collegiate-level female HS athlete being overly aggressive with average size girls HS basketball players. Obviously this is making the rounds as a transgender in girl’s sports issue.

To me, yes, but not inherently so. Easy to imagine trans athletes playing physical basketball against females and not injuring anyone.

A girls’ basketball game between two Massachusetts high schools recently made national headlines after one team forfeited at halftime following a series of injuries, some of which allegedly involved a transgender player on the opposing squad.

The coach for the Collegiate Charter School of Lowell girls’ basketball team forfeited the Feb. 8 game against Lynn’s KIPP Academy after a third Lowell player was injured, the charter school explained in a statement.

Injuries involving trans basketball player spark controversy in Mass. (


The Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association handbook states that a student “shall not be excluded from participation on a gender-specific sports team that is consistent with the student’s bona fide gender identity.”

The MIAA defers to the student and their school when it comes to specific gender classification; according to the handbook, a student’s eligibility to participate on a gender-specific sports team is *based on either the gender listed on their birth certificate or their “bona fide gender identity.*”

“Bona fide gender identity” is probably a defined term in the handbook.

And all athletes should take due care to avoid causing injury to others, regardless of gender identify of themselves or other players.

I have a copy of the MIAA handbook, and the term is not defined in it, unfortunately.

To a degree, yes, they should.

Was the action in the video flagrant in terms of using force to maintain possession; if so, was it flagrant because of the size and strength mismatch?

To me it looks like a player aggressively turning away to maintain control of the ball and if it were a defender of equal size and strength it would likely not have resulted in injury.

I dated a woman exactly your height, strong athletic build. Put her in the trans player’s position and she could cause equal damage and more.

It is one of the factors to look: are trans women going to fall on the larger/stronger side of the bell curve and change the risk profile for some sports? The anecdotal answer from seeing some stuff is “yes.” But the problem with anecdotal stuff is presentation bias. The larger, stronger trans women instantly show up in the media and on social media. There could be tons of smaller trans women who don’t have any visible difference in size/strength that we don’t see.

Also large, powerful women exist. And they hurt each other just like men hurt each other.

Looking at the incident in the video and completely ignoring the gender aspect, is that a technical foul? Hard to tell the complete context, but it looks like two players tied up with the ball in which case I believe it’s fair to keep fighting for possession until the whistle blows? And the whistle did not blow until after the ball had been muscled free. Don’t know a ton about basketball, so not sure.

If that is a boy, he has no place playing with girls.

It shouldn’t be that hard to answer.

Does anyone know anything about number 32? Looking at that video, I don’t see anything female about her. Are they just taking her word for it?

I had two tall girlfriends; 6 ft and 5’11’'. I don’t think either one of them could have out muscled anyone.

Did you miss the trans part of this story?

It’s a male.

If that is a boy, he has no place playing with girls.

It shouldn’t be that hard to answer.

If it’s a girl are the injuries somehow more acceptable?

If that is a boy, he has no place playing with girls.

It shouldn’t be that hard to answer.

If it’s a girl are the injuries somehow more acceptable?

Yes, without question.

Did you miss the trans part of this story?

It’s a male.

If it’s a trans issue, then according to the story, they are female.

Maybe they need to apply the ‘boner find’ test.

Did you miss the trans part of this story?

It’s a male.

If it’s a trans issue, then according to the story, they are female.

Maybe they need to apply the ‘boner find’ test.

Female is based on biology, aka sex. Definitely not female.

Female is based on biology, aka sex. Definitely not female.

The term can be used for either sex or gender identity. Context dependent. Usually it’s pretty clear what the intended usage is.

Female is based on biology, aka sex. Definitely not female.

The term can be used for either sex or gender identity. Context dependent. Usually it’s pretty clear what the intended usage is.

Yeah, no.

My point being only that if they’re playing in that game, someone, somewhere has accepted the claim that they are ‘female’.

It does make me wonder of the legitimacy of some cases and whether they are there because they tired of getting beat up by their male opponents.

Hard to tell if the specific incident in that video was exacerbated by the involvement of a transgender athlete or not. It’s a pretty quick clip.

Bigger issue is that there were 3 injured players from a single team in less than a half of basketball. Sounds like 2 of those were involved in plays/incidents with the transgender player, but regardless, seems like more rough play was allowed than probably should have been by the refs and coaches.

Yeah, no.

So if you had a friend whose child was trans, and stated a preference for female pronouns despite being biologically male you’d terminate that friendship?

I’ve just never comprehended the emotional refusal to do a basic human courtesy with as far as I can tell no significant cost.

I call the trans people I know what they want. No drama! I don’t really care.

To me it all comes down to “Do transgender people exist? Are they a real thing?” And if “yes,” then it seems a courtesy to accomodate to them to some degree. And they seem to be real to me.

The courtesy does have lines. Like sports.

Yeah, no.

So if you had a friend whose child was trans, and stated a preference for female pronouns despite being biologically male you’d terminate that friendship?

I’ve just never comprehended the emotional refusal to do a basic human courtesy with as far as I can tell no significant cost.

Female is not a pronoun. It is a specific descriptive term.

Female is not a pronoun. It is a specific descriptive term.

OK, pronouns/adjectives. Don’t make me LOL if you tell me you’re OK with preferred pronouns but are drawing a line in the sand over adjectives. :slight_smile: