Is there an active Cervelo P5d fit Thread?

Don’t want to start a new one if there is an active one. Looking to order the new P5D

I think this is still the only fit thread for Cervelo:

Also not sure how active Eric is on ST anymore. I think like a lot of us old timers, he checks in less frequently than in the past

What are your fit numbers?

Fit and aero testing by Desert Dude

Stack 625
Reach 463
seat height 735

current bike Cervelo 2019 P5d 54

Fit and aero testing by Desert Dude

Stack 625
Reach 463
seat height 735

current bike Cervelo 2019 P5d 54

If you use those exact measurements on the Cervelo site (they use back of the pad for reach) it will tell you which frames would work and how to set them up. Not sure what else you would need (if anything).

I think this is still the only fit thread for Cervelo:

Also not sure how active Eric is on ST anymore. I think like a lot of us old timers, he checks in less frequently than in the past

Not to hijack this thread, but Brian, do you have any data on the P-Series (now with integrated cabling) vs the P5 and other frames? Curious if that might be the fastest budget option out there and potentially faster than a lot of brands top frames.

I think this is still the only fit thread for Cervelo:

Also not sure how active Eric is on ST anymore. I think like a lot of us old timers, he checks in less frequently than in the past

Not to hijack this thread, but Brian, do you have any data on the P-Series (now with integrated cabling) vs the P5 and other frames? Curious if that might be the fastest budget option out there and potentially faster than a lot of brands top frames.

The new P5 is 1w faster than the old P5 which is going to be faster than the rim brake P5. We did some wind tunnel stuff here with the rim brake P5 and the P5x which is just a hair faster than the P3x (2w iirc)

Now all that being said, anyone who says X is 1w faster than Y is most likely blowing smoke up your arse. Why? Most wind tunnels can tell the difference between X & Y down to about 1w, some a bit below, some maybe a bit more than that. I know A2 is <.8watts.

In order to tell the difference between X and Y with a high degree of certainty a company is going to have to do a lot of runs, more than what is typically done when manufacturers do testing. Time is money in the wind tunnel. When you’re $600/hr you’re looking to maximize your findings and not do 12 A/B runs.

If the margin of error is say .9 watts then that 1w difference is really a toss up. If you do say 3 runs with each bike and they are from .8-1.3w different and lets say bike A always is faster, given the margin of error of the tunnel you still don’t really know how much faster exactly. It could be .1w slower given the error.

I used to sell drugs. One of the studies I used has >2500 people in it. The QD dosing did better than the BID dosing over 24h. Wasn’t significant. It trended better and I often said “QD doing with X shows a trend towards better efficacy and patient outcomes.”

When a bike company says X is 1w faster what they really are saying is: Based upon our research Bike A shows the potential to be faster than bike B

Hope that helps. LMK if you have any questions

That’s super helpful Brian, appreciate the background information as well. Happy for a ballpark figure, but generally speaking, assuming same wheels and position, how much would you be giving up with a Cervelo P-Series vs something like a Canyon Speedmax CF SLX - if the P5 is 4-8W faster as I think you’ve mentioned before - surely the P-Series would be pretty close to the Speedmax?

The new P5 is 1w faster than the old P5 which is going to be faster than the rim brake P5.

Is it? Using Cervelos data from the P5D release I just ran the numbers in my 70.3 WC Taupo model and the P5 came out faster (for the weather I had loaded). By 1w for a 40kph rider.
Which suggests with the P5DII that in 12 years we have gained nothing other than wider tyres.
And the P5 bars weren’t optimal with a rider on, but can be optimised. That’s much harder on an EX10 or EX14 system.

The new P5 is 1w faster than the old P5 which is going to be faster than the rim brake P5.

Is it? Using Cervelos data from the P5D release I just ran the numbers in my 70.3 WC Taupo model and the P5 came out faster (for the weather I had loaded). By 1w for a 40kph rider.
Which suggests with the P5DII that in 12 years we have gained nothing other than wider tyres.
And the P5 bars weren’t optimal with a rider on, but can be optimised. That’s much harder on an EX10 or EX14 system.

Rim brake P5? (honestly cervelo why could you just call them the P6 for the P5 disc and now the P7?)

Cervelo said the P5D II was 1w faster than the P5DI. Fully agree that it’s very, very hard and probably very, very expensive to make significant aero gains on a bike that needs to TT/TRI in more than a straight line and for more than 60 minutes.

IMO the only reason to switch from a disc P5 to the new disc P5 would be if the fit coordinates hit your numbers better.

But if anyone wants me a P5D1 and a P5DII kitted out the same with the same fit coordinates along with ~ $2k, I’m happy to wind tunnel test them

That’s super helpful Brian, appreciate the background information as well. Happy for a ballpark figure, but generally speaking, assuming same wheels and position, how much would you be giving up with a Cervelo P-Series vs something like a Canyon Speedmax CF SLX - if the P5 is 4-8W faster as I think you’ve mentioned before - surely the P-Series would be pretty close to the Speedmax?

I suspect the P series is slightly faster than the Canyon.

I consulted with several pros, including a couple who had one or more top 10 IM finish and a few that had multiple top 5 70.3 finishes this past winter who were buying bikes w/their own dime. IIRC I recommended the P series to every one of them. I

Outpost Richmond bike shop has a full size run in and if you get a fit and buy the bike they’ll refund your fit fee. Best deal on those bikes anywhere. Dave Luscan is the fitter there.

If I was going to get back into racing, I’d jump on a plane and take advantage of that deal

Rim brake P5? (honestly cervelo why could you just call them the P6 for the P5 disc and now the P7?)

Reusing names is a curse for those of us who like to maintain databases of things. Yes, Cervelos data showed the rim brake P5 was faster in certain conditions

IMO the only reason to switch from a disc P5 to the new disc P5 would be if the fit coordinates hit your numbers better.

They’re not really much different though. Unless you were on a 58 and could go to a 61 now

Thanks for the shoutout. & Happy Birthday!

(shop doesn’t have a 48)

surely the P-Series would be pretty close to the Speedmax?

I can tell you this, it is pretty close to a Hanzo.

That’s super helpful Brian, appreciate the background information as well. Happy for a ballpark figure, but generally speaking, assuming same wheels and position, how much would you be giving up with a Cervelo P-Series vs something like a Canyon Speedmax CF SLX - if the P5 is 4-8W faster as I think you’ve mentioned before - surely the P-Series would be pretty close to the Speedmax?

I suspect the P series is slightly faster than the Canyon.

I consulted with several pros, including a couple who had one or more top 10 IM finish and a few that had multiple top 5 70.3 finishes this past winter who were buying bikes w/their own dime. IIRC I recommended the P series to every one of them. I

Outpost Richmond bike shop has a full size run in and if you get a fit and buy the bike they’ll refund your fit fee. Best deal on those bikes anywhere. Dave Luscan is the fitter there.

If I was going to get back into racing, I’d jump on a plane and take advantage of that deal

Thanks Brian, super helpful! Seems there are a few pros riding the P-Series including if I’m not mistaken, Jackie Hering.