I have a quick question for a Vet. My dog is getting old (11) and her back leg are in pain and she can barely get up. Our vet gave her some antiflamatery but no results. Can you give your dog Aspirin or Tylenol?
Thank you so much.
I have a quick question for a Vet. My dog is getting old (11) and her back leg are in pain and she can barely get up. Our vet gave her some antiflamatery but no results. Can you give your dog Aspirin or Tylenol?
Thank you so much.
We give our German Sherpard baby asprin for his bad hips. It seems to help. Good luck
You can give your dog a buffered aspirin, although it probably won’t be as effective as a veterinary product such as Rimadyl, Deramaxx, Metacam, or Previcox. Absolutely NO tylenol (acetominophen), ibuprofen, or naproxen. Which ever NSAID you give make sure you give it on a full stomach.
If you are interested, look into acupuncture. My holistic vet has had results with older animals.
you can also try something like Osteo3 which is a glucosmine etc., supplement. i’ve got my 13.5 year old brown dog on it and have been able to reduce her intake of deramax a ton. i’d not recommend rimadyl long term at all due to the damage it can do to the kidney and liver (speaking from experience - my dog has liver issues which her heart issues have now trumped ).
What anti inflammatory drugs did your vet prescribe? At my hospital, the usual pair would be metacam and tramadol. More often than not though, Rimadyl is given first. As someone mentioned glucosamine really do help but it has to be given daily. Has your vet done X-rays to note the root of the problem? Hip dysplasia, misalignment of spine, swelling, etc? Or did he systematically treated it?
Another route which isn’t new but is gaining in popularity is physical therapy. Underwater treadmills and such has shown major success, and frankly the cost isn’t too much. (Rimadyl, Previcox, Metacam are really expensive drugs)
Thank you everybody for your inputs. She’s now taking Metacam and we just got her some glucosamine. We will give it a few more days and if she doesnt improve we will try something else. It’s funny how much I care as far as what I give my dog, when its me in pain I take the first thing I put my hands on without even questionning myself!
thanks again.