Is the tide turning?

Never saw this before. Image captured by my brother in, of all states, Florida (Tampa area).

car bumper sticker:


was the tide ever un-turned? if so, what do you think was the cause?

Never saw this before. Image captured by my brother in, of all states, Florida (Tampa area).

car bumper sticker:

I’m no statistician but one bumper sticker = a tidal wave plus or minus one standard deviation

was the tide ever un-turned? if so, what do you think was the cause?

Good question.

I think there were multiple causes: 1. massive dissatisfaction with how this country has been run for a long, long time. Under both parties, but republican policies have been far more responsible for making the poor poorer and the rich richer. It’s unreal, see this, the info will blow you away (because the america of today is not the america of our childhoods, or of our parents). 2. Also, worsening conditions in the USA due to rapidly accelerating global heating and degraded environmental conditions. 3. Also simply massive directed chaos/disinformation campaigns from a country run far worse than even the usa: putin’s russia.

Probably other things, but those are the big ones.

Never saw this before. Image captured by my brother in, of all states, Florida (Tampa area).

car bumper sticker:

I’m no statistician but one bumper sticker = a tidal wave plus or minus one standard deviation

Yeah, good point.

But a sticker like this in Florida??

rarer than a unicorn.

the Harris rally in the Villages a bigger sign . . .

Never saw this before. Image captured by my brother in, of all states, Florida (Tampa area).

car bumper sticker:

I’m no statistician but one bumper sticker = a tidal wave plus or minus one standard deviation

Yeah, good point.

But a sticker like this in Florida??

rarer than a unicorn.

Is it really? What is the breakdown of house districts in FL? How many R vs D voters in FL?

But a sticker like this in Florida??

rarer than a unicorn.Is it really?

Who knows? But based on what I’ve seen on my many visits to the Tampa area and based on what my brother says about living in that part of western FL (he’s been there for years), it sure seems that way.

But maybe that is all just anecdotal.

Do you think that FL is still a swing state?

Based on what I’ve seen on my many visits to the Tampa area and about what my brother says about that part of western FL (he’s lived there for decades), it sure seems that way.

But maybe that is all just anecdotal. Do you think that FL is still a swing state?

What youve seen doesn’t really matter. You were shocked that an anti-trump sticker was in Florida and is “rarer than a unicorn.”

Clearly youre shocked about normal probabilities. Something that 30% of the Tampa residents probably support…unicorn, yea sure.

4.3M dems vs 5.3M pubs in FL. Hardly shocking to see someone anti-trump.

Not answerring any other questions as they’re not pertinent.

Based on what I’ve seen on my many visits to the Tampa area and about what my brother says about that part of western FL (he’s lived there for decades), it sure seems that way.

But maybe that is all just anecdotal. Do you think that FL is still a swing state?

What youve seen doesn’t really matter. You were shocked that an anti-trump sticker was in Florida and is “rarer than a unicorn.”

Clearly youre shocked about normal probabilities. Something that 30% of the Tampa residents probably support…unicorn, yea sure.

4.3M dems vs 5.3M pubs in FL. Hardly shocking to see someone anti-trump.

Not answerring any other questions as they’re not pertinent.

I was more referring to how many anti-trump stickers that I have seen on cars down there.

Previous to this one, Zero.

I was more referring to how many anti-trump stickers that I have seen on cars down there.

Previous to this one, Zero.

You said this:

But a sticker like this in Florida??

Your shock was that a sticker like this could end up in FL of all places. The tone of your OP and subsequent posts is one of utter disbelief and a tide turning in a state that was almost split 50/50 in 2020… The fact is 25% of the districts are democratic, 30% of your brothers area is democratic, and there are 4.3MM democrats to the states 5.3MM republicans.

So I’m in more disbelief that people like you are so shocked at something that really isn’t difficult to believe and post topics about it rather than give google a little visit.

Its not like you said “this is clever,” or “has anyone else seen this before or seen it elsewhere.” But you havent seen it before so its got to be rare.

Yes, sir, that is exactly what I was saying.

Never saw such a sticker on a car in FL. And my brother who has been in FL for almost 20 years also has never seen one. Almost like a unicorn !

Yes, sir, that is exactly what I was saying.

Never saw such a sticker on a car in FL. And my brother who has been down there for almost 20 years also has never seen one. Almost like a unicorn !

Have a good day.

Yes, sir, that is exactly what I was saying.

Never saw such a sticker on a car in FL. And my brother who has been down there for almost 20 years also has never seen one. Almost like a unicorn !

Have a good day.

You too.

And thanks for the earlier PT advice help.

Yes, sir, that is exactly what I was saying.

Never saw such a sticker on a car in FL. And my brother who has been down there for almost 20 years also has never seen one. Almost like a unicorn !

Have a good day.

You too.

And thanks for the earlier PT advice help.

Crap, I think I dropped the ball on one more reply to you re that. I was offline for a while. I’ll circle back to it.

the Harris rally in the Villages a bigger sign . . .


That is a very good sign.

the Harris rally in the Villages a bigger sign . . .


That is a very good sign.

Trump seems to get more radical every day and every few days another Republican politician or Trump family member is coming out for Harris.

A lot of Trump’s votes in the past are ‘‘we have to vote for the party votes’’. Every one of those Republican leaders who come for Harris, give those party voters a reason to vote against the Donald.

Tide will turn when moderate conservatives officially split and form their own party. The name ‘conservative party’ appears to be available. Not before.

Bam! Well, that didn’t take long. Less than 2 weeks in and Harris leads in 8, count 'em 8, national polls.

So much for donny boy’s brilliant strategy of dodging a debate because he’s leading in all the polls. We know he follows the polls closely so it must have felt like a firm kick to the groin when he saw that headline. Went from a comfortable lead over Biden to trailing. This could be happening!

Kamala Harris Now Leads Donald Trump in Eight National Polls (

Bam! Well, that didn’t take long. Less than 2 weeks in and Harris leads in 8, count 'em 8, national polls.

So much for donny boy’s brilliant strategy of dodging a debate because he’s leading in all the polls. We know he follows the polls closely so it must have felt like a firm kick to the groin when he saw that headline. Went from a comfortable lead over Biden to trailing. This could be happening!

Kamala Harris Now Leads Donald Trump in Eight National Polls (

Feel free to cross-post positive Kamala Harris news here:

Trying something a little different than the usual threads of ^that type.