Is the Garmin Varia legal for use during triathlons?

Is the Garmin Varia legal for use during triathlons?

I can see where it would not be but don’t see anywhere that it isn’t.



Is the Garmin Varia legal for use during triathlons?

I can see where it would not be but don’t see anywhere that it isn’t.



Seriously, my question would be “Why wouldn’t it be?”

Identify draft marshals.




I don’t think it is currently banned, but I could see it getting banned for the same reason mirrors aren’t allowed: people use them to see when a race official is approaching so they can stop doing whatever it is that should get them a penalty (drafting, headphones, etc.).

I could see banning them on a closed course because there really isn’t a point but if you’re in a race on open roads being able to “see” what’s coming behind you isn’t a bad thing

Is the Garmin Varia legal for use during triathlons?
I can see where it would not be but don’t see anywhere that it isn’t.Seriously, my question would be "Why wouldn’t it be?"4.04(c) Cameras, phone cameras, and video cameras are prohibited unless permission is
given by IRONMAN. If such permission is given by IRONMAN, it is the athlete’s
responsibility to notify the Head Referee of such permission prior to the start of the
Ask for permission and see what IM say.

Is the Garmin Varia legal for use during triathlons?
I can see where it would not be but don’t see anywhere that it isn’t.Seriously, my question would be "Why wouldn’t it be?"4.04(c) Cameras, phone cameras, and video cameras are prohibited unless permission is
given by IRONMAN. If such permission is given by IRONMAN, it is the athlete’s
responsibility to notify the Head Referee of such permission prior to the start of the
Ask for permission and see what IM say.

The first 2 generations of the Varia do not have a camera.

Is the Garmin Varia legal for use during triathlons?
I can see where it would not be but don’t see anywhere that it isn’t.Seriously, my question would be "Why wouldn’t it be?"4.04(c) Cameras, phone cameras, and video cameras are prohibited unless permission is
given by IRONMAN. If such permission is given by IRONMAN, it is the athlete’s
responsibility to notify the Head Referee of such permission prior to the start of the
Ask for permission and see what IM say.The first 2 generations of the Varia do not have a camera.No problem then. Will any element of the Varia’s output be displayed in view of the rider on a communication device? Would such use distract the athlete? (See 4.04(b))
What benefit do you see the use of a Garmin Varia offering in competition? Warning of another athlete about to pass you? Is this a benefit?

Is the Garmin Varia legal for use during triathlons?
I can see where it would not be but don’t see anywhere that it isn’t.Seriously, my question would be "Why wouldn’t it be?"4.04(c) Cameras, phone cameras, and video cameras are prohibited unless permission is
given by IRONMAN. If such permission is given by IRONMAN, it is the athlete’s
responsibility to notify the Head Referee of such permission prior to the start of the
Ask for permission and see what IM say.The first 2 generations of the Varia do not have a camera.No problem then. Will any element of the Varia’s output be displayed in view of the rider on a communication device? Would such use distract the athlete? (See 4.04(b))
What benefit do you see the use of a Garmin Varia offering in competition? Warning of another athlete about to pass you? Is this a benefit?

I’m not the OP but as someone who has been hit by a car while riding my bicycle, I feel there is a benefit to the Varia ANYTIME I’m riding my bike.

I have had several friends race with it at different venues. They simply asked the RD at the pre-race briefing and were granted permission.

Is the Garmin Varia legal for use during triathlons?
I can see where it would not be but don’t see anywhere that it isn’t.Seriously, my question would be "Why wouldn’t it be?"4.04(c) Cameras, phone cameras, and video cameras are prohibited unless permission is
given by IRONMAN. If such permission is given by IRONMAN, it is the athlete’s
responsibility to notify the Head Referee of such permission prior to the start of the
Ask for permission and see what IM say.The first 2 generations of the Varia do not have a camera.No problem then. Will any element of the Varia’s output be displayed in view of the rider on a communication device? Would such use distract the athlete? (See 4.04(b))
What benefit do you see the use of a Garmin Varia offering in competition? Warning of another athlete about to pass you? Is this a benefit?

I’m not the OP but as someone who has been hit by a car while riding my bicycle, I feel there is a benefit to the Varia ANYTIME I’m riding my bike.

I always ask the same question: What actionable info does a rear radar give you?

The benefit would be situational awareness. Racing on a course that is open to traffic IMO is more dangerous than riding on the same road during training. I’ve seen competitors cross left of center to pass without looking behind, and I’ve been startled more than once by cars passing me during a race. Not that a varia would help in this situation, but during a recent race a pickup was passing bikes while cresting a hill. Sure enough encounters oncoming traffic and has to veer back into the right lanes, then has to slam the brakes to avoid rear ending a cyclist.

I believe the Varia computer is an outstanding and indispensable product every road cyclist should own. It is programmed though to not alert vehicles traveling at the same rate of speed. Is there a market for a model with a time trial option that has a red/green LED like Race Ranger? It would not only add great level of policing ourselves but also help marshals. Using Race Ranger without course marshals may be the future but I wouldn’t trust it for handing out draft penalties through a software program.