Is my powertap dying?

My powertap just read lower then i have normally seen on any of my other powertaps. I have 3 of them and when i calibrate 2 of them on a joule the number is between 508-525. now the third one is between 488-493, under 500 when i calibrate compared to the other 2.

I calibrate it on the powertap joule 2.0 as well as my garmin 910 or edge 500.

anyone have any advice on what to do or what is going on??

This should be a redundant question but did you check the battery and or the firmware?

did both. batteries are good. and firmware is updated

Best way to be sure it with a torque test (after putting in a new battery, of course)

Incidentally, you should perform the same test on the two “good” wheels to be sure that they are good.

Had the same problem with one of mine. Shipped it to and they recalibrated it for me. All is good now. When you calibrate it on your cycling computers, you are just merely zeroing out the torque offset.