Is it just me or.... (2)

Is everyone generally annoyed by the “holy shiv 13:14” banner that apparently is not gonna die? LOL

LOL, what a jerk!

that ad is older than Methuselah.

I freaking HATE that banner. I do check ST at work, and even though I don’t have a supervising boss to make me shut it down (and I’m busy enough that nobody will ever question how busy I am - we have published productivity numbers that anyone can look up any time if they doubt it), and it’s really annoying to have that banner splashed across my ST page. Looks ridiculous. I seriously think it’s hurt my appreciation of that bike and brand - I now realize why I might be getting all those darn negative vibes about the Shiv , when I’d normally expect to get really fired up about uber aerobikes.

I hate that it makes the rider look like he has a giant beer gut.

I hate that it makes the rider look like he has a giant beer gut.
why do you hate beer?

I like the fact that in less than 6 months, slowtwitchers have made reference to the large guts of the '08, '09, 11, and '12 Ironman World Champions.

Craig Alexander won while lugging that gut along, btw.

Perhaps we’ve lost perspective.