Is Francois OK? (1)

He hasn’t posted in over 24 hours. And then I just saw this headline:

“More Bones of Hobbit-Sized Humans Found on Pacific Island”

By Patricia Reaney Tue Oct 11, 9:57 AM ET

LONDON (Reuters) - Australian scientists said on Tuesday they have discovered more remains of hobbit-sized humans which belong to a previously unknown species that lived at the end of the last Ice Age.

Hope all is well.

(Sorry Francois, just “piling on”, you seem to have a very good sense of humor…hope you’re having a good trip!)

Francois is alive and well here in Kona.

Thank goodness!! Have a great time down there all. You have me thinking of making the trip just to spectate sometime.

he is in Kona now

wish I was there, sounds like the Kona crew is having fun

my ‘vacation’ is going to be at Endurance Camp in December, 5 days, 500 miles, 30,000 feet of climbing, in the mountains in 30-50 degree weather, rain, snow, slogging along, no SAG, and … loving it

I will need to go to Hawaii afterward, for a vacation from my vacation

No wireless hotspot in my living room…

LOL, the “hobbitt” was alive when he left my house for the airport. Glad to see they let him on the plane

Well he arrived at my house with a hole in his leg…kj

and now checking with KEJ how to best sue Brian for the vicious attack of his dog… :wink:

The well behaved, non-biting, loud barking, friendly dogs are mine. The weirdo dog…that is Mimi’s.

Is Francois staying at your house in April? I will need to use him as bait to lure the attack dogs away from me…