Is Corey Feldman Insane?

I’m serious. His music and performances are so bad, and I think he has no idea.

yeah that was really awful.

It is hard to imagine what it must be like to live a life like his. He was told he was brilliant at everything he did from a very young age.

On the awful music note:

Ed Sheeran, who I don’t really care for but I know some people do, is at best a mediocre singing talent. Sirius XM held an exclusive content live performance a month ago. Basically they pay him a boatload of cash and then they replay it as exclusive content. I cannot believe how bad it was considering how much money he makes. The man cannot sing in tune, has no sense of rhythm and struggles to hit high-notes. Because it is “exclusive” content you can only hear it on Sirius, so I am curious if others heard it. It was so bad they only played it for a few weeks.

Insane? Not sure.

Is his brain fried from all the drugs he’s done? Probably.

Maybe it’s performance art? Like when Joaquin Phoenix “quit acting to start a hip-hop career.”

Have you ever known anyone who was determined to be successful through earnings or popularity say:

“I know I made a lot of money and a large number of people really like what I have done.
But those people are idiots.
In reality- I really, really suck!”

God it would be awesome if someone rich or famous actually said that.


Have you ever known anyone who was determined to be successful through earnings or popularity say:

“I know I made a lot of money and a large number of people really like what I have done.
But those people are idiots.
In reality- I really, really suck!”

God it would be awesome if someone rich or famous actually said that.


But this is someone who got rich* and famous acting and now is trying to be a musician. And he’s not the first who’s tried and it’s been bad.

*I’m not sure that he actually ever was that well off from the acting.

Have you ever known anyone who was determined to be successful through earnings or popularity say:

“I know I made a lot of money and a large number of people really like what I have done.
But those people are idiots.
In reality- I really, really suck!”

God it would be awesome if someone rich or famous actually said that.


That’s pretty much what Joaquin Pheonix was doing above. He was intentionally being as bad as he could in order to point out the disconnect between celebrity adoration and genuine artistic value.

Who is this guy? Yes, he’s pretty bad. I only lasted a few seconds

Why does anyone care how bad he is?

You’re not a child of the 80’s, are you?

I’m serious. His music and performances are so bad, and I think he has no idea.

which county fair is this?

Who is this guy? Yes, he’s pretty bad. I only lasted a few seconds

Why does anyone care how bad he is?

For me I care less about how bad he is, and more about how oblivious he is about it. You can tell that he takes his music very seriously.

I remember seeing him twenty years ago when I was in college. He was not good but nowhere near as bad as that new performance.

He’s not the only person who kinda sucks at their job but finds it rewarding nonetheless and better than their alternatives.

My guess is he feels he is unique in his connection to MJ and his style of art and performance. As far as self awareness of his work being more of a punchline than most small scale performers’ work, who’s to say. I suspect he’s well aware.

I’ve seen a number of interviews with him. His pretty messed up. Sexual abuse by industry people when he was a child actor, heavy early drug use, no parents to care for him, estranged parents stealing his money as a child, Cory Haim his best fireind ODing/suicide (who was also molested) been pretty broke financially for a long time, just trying to hustle for some money.


And with Nona tusk education or real world skills due to what you described. Sure, he sucks. But I kind of feel for the dude. What else does he have?

Never mind him, think of the band members. How low are they that they are having to play for him?

Empty post contents.


This is the greatest guitar solo ever uploaded to the internets.

lol, that’s what I do late at night when I know everyone is in bed and have my headphones on.