Ironman Pro Series 70.3 St. George

Start lists are out and no Lionel!
Does anyone know whether he picked up some injury? Very surprised he’s not on it.

Start lists are out and no Lionel!
Does anyone know whether he picked up some injury? Very surprised he’s not on it.Linky?

Start lists are out and no Lionel!
Does anyone know whether he picked up some injury? Very surprised he’s not on it.Linky?

I see him on the link provided…

I see him on the link provided…

Unless we’re having a collective hallucination…

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 00.00.14.png

Search for his name

Considering IM just posted an hour ago I’m gonna go with that start list. He’s not a guy they are going to miss accidentally.

Pretty misleading post.

This should be deleted and combined with the single LS thread

Is Cam Wurf really racing this? FWIW, Lionel shows up in the tracker.

Lionel isn’t racing. He’s hurt apparently.

What type of injury?

Is Cam Wurf really racing this? FWIW, Lionel shows up in the tracker.

Talbot confirmed he’s not racing. Video coming out soon.

. . . I’m gonna go with that start list. This easiest:
32 WPros racing including T100 athletes: Findlay, Moench.
Hope Metzler J comes back with a bang and has a great race.

Looks like both WPro and MPro should be excellent races, but missing the cream (who are racing in the T100 Series). Many of those on the start list raced at Oceanside, a fair few at Singapore as T100 wildcards, and a few are even racing on Saturday in IM Texas (Lewis, Simpson, Currie, Hanson, Wilkowiecki, Magnien) - must assume that several of those will DNS. Slowtwitch’s favourite Weiss on the list.

. . . I’m gonna go with that start list. This easiest:
32 WPros racing including T100 athletes: Findlay, Moench.
Hope Metzler J comes back with a bang and has a great race.

Looks like both WPro and MPro should be excellent races, but missing the cream (who are racing in the T100 Series). Many of those on the start list raced at Oceanside, a fair few at Singapore as T100 wildcards, and a few are even racing on Saturday in IM Texas (Lewis, Simpson, Currie, Hanson, Wilkowiecki, Magnien) - must assume that several of those will DNS. Slowtwitch’s favourite Weiss on the list.

Can’t see how Paula and Sam don’t win this one looking at the lists.
MPro much more stacked than WPro, I’d say realistically 7-8 people that can fight for the win vs 3-4.

Lionel is finally not over-racing & is going to peak at championship races!! (or maybe he picked up an injury)

Lionel is finally not over-racing & is going to peak at championship races!! (or maybe he picked up an injury)

Your doing it wrong. Lionel is pretending to be injured as cover for continuing the biggliest build block ever and doesn’t want his competitors scared going into Kona about his insane fitness so he’s just telling people he’s injured.

Lionel is finally not over-racing & is going to peak at championship races!! (or maybe he picked up an injury)Racing Oceanside (so well) and then racing St George is no way over-racing. We’ll have to wait for @talbot_cox to share the facts and the overwhelming grief outpouring can stay in the thread designed for exactly that.
And everyone not so invested can enjoy an excellent build up to the third race in the IM Pro Series.
The newsworthy inclusion on the start list is Long who could manage 5 70.3s in between his T100 contract commitments (Chat and MT would fit neatly either side of EfA) and then cap it off with a Taupo win.

The site shows what Pro Series races athletes are registered for when you go to their profile. Looks like Sam is only registered for Taupo at this point.

Ironman have published the start list ‘properly’ (at last):

A quick look a the list shows that at least 11 athletes are already qualified:
Long, Landry, Sperl, Dubrick, Riele, Foley, Hamilton, Quenet, Klau, Arishita and M. Weiss.
It may be important for the IM Pro Series KQ contenders : Wilkowiecki, Magnien who may get one of the 4 slots for the WC. Mikki Taagholt who finished 6th at the 2022 70.3 WC there should be near the front. Guerbeur (FRA) who won l’Alpe d’Huez tri last year could benefit from the bike course.
So far, among the IM Pro Series contenders, only Currie is qualified for the 70.3 which gives him a boost for the Series, indeed, at the WC even a 8’20 (=500 points) difference to the winner gets as much as a win elsewhere. If Currie has a good race in Texas, he will be the early favorite for the season.