Ironman Ottawa

They’re posting it as 323m bike and 253 run, which seems high for the run, but includes hills like Bronson bridge and up the canal locks to Hog’s back (or is it on Col By?).

What hotels would be best to look at, to be as close as possible to expo/race start etc??

Obvious choices are Chateau Laurier and Lord Elgin that are close to the finish. Maybe the Westin too if you’re fine with walking through a mall lol.

Also the incline up to the roundabout past Dow’s Lake

They’re posting it as 323m bike and 253 run, which seems high for the run, but includes hills like Bronson bridge and up the canal locks to Hog’s back (or is it on Col By?).

The run course goes from T2 perhaps at city hall, perhaps at Confed park up a bit back to Wellington, down to Col By and all the way to Hogs back and then you come back to Bronson Bridge, Cross to Queen E Driveway, and then you run past Dows Lake Pavillion to Arboreturn roundabout back down all the way along Queen E Driveway to Pretoria bridge, across to Col By, North to Wellington, a brief short spurt on Wellington to turn around near T2 and finish line. Then you repeat that again and do loop 2 and at end of loop 2 you run past finish line to Parliament hill and then go all the way past Parliament, all the way downhill to the western parkway and turn around and looks like a giant grind back up to the finish like near T2 and Chateau Laurier area (details not yet established).

If it was me, I would want to get that giant torturous out and back done on Loop 1 and end Loop 2 without having to do two relatively giant grinder hills before the finish line.

Not sure how they got 250m vertical on the run, however, the hills at 40 and 42 km along grind out of around 40m each so maybe that is not that far off (elevation delta between Ottawa river in Ottawa to Parliament hill is 45m). But you do five climbs of that on bike, so that right there is 200m of the bike elevation gain.

CTV was at the press conference and rolled up a story here with various turn by turn details:,place%20Aug.%203%2C%202025.

What hotels would be best to look at, to be as close as possible to expo/race start etc??

Obvious choices are Chateau Laurier and Lord Elgin that are close to the finish. Maybe the Westin too if you’re fine with walking through a mall lol.

Huh? You don’t have to walk through a mall to get into the Westin. The conference/event spaces connect to the Rideau Centre, but the hotel itself fronts Colonel By Drive.

Back in the day I got a Kona slot at IMC Penticton on Aug 25 for Oct 6 Kona which I foolishly (or maybe smartly) declined.

Yeah, IMMT was usually the week before that (3rd weekend in August) and was qualifier for that year’s WC, so I’m assuming that Ottawa on 3 Aug 2025 would qualify for WC that same October 2025. So, Nice for men and Kona for Women.

Just replying to the last post

Has anyone gotten a priority registration yes? I have both AWA and Triclub so I figured I’d get a priority, but some people are reporting that priority spots have already gone out

I received a priority registration e mail hours after the new race announcement-as part of a Tri club benefit.

Back in the day I got a Kona slot at IMC Penticton on Aug 25 for Oct 6 Kona which I foolishly (or maybe smartly) declined.

Yeah, IMMT was usually the week before that (3rd weekend in August) and was qualifier for that year’s WC, so I’m assuming that Ottawa on 3 Aug 2025 would qualify for WC that same October 2025. So, Nice for men and Kona for Women.

On the ironman website they are saying the qualifiers from Ottawa go to worlds 2025 now. But at the press conf they said the cut off date for 2025 is still in flux. Honestly I hope it stays a qualifier for current year worlds vs next year worlds because it just makes it easier to qualify for everyone. Travel is more complex, but in my view travel is the easy part to figure out as there are always flights and always accommodations and you can always quit your job if your employer is an asshole and says you can’t go to Kona 2.5 months later or nice 6 weeks later. Few ever got to their grave saying they wished they slaved for the corporation more rather than go to worlds (of sorts)

I received the email

No idea why

Only did 1 IM branded race and that was 10+ years ago

On the ironman website they are saying the qualifiers from Ottawa go to worlds 2025 now. But at the press conf they said the cut off date for 2026 is still in flux. Honestly I hope it stays a qualifier for current year worlds vs next year worlds because it just makes it easier to qualify for everyone. Travel is more complex, but in my view travel is the easy part to figure out as there are always flights and always accommodations and you can always quit your job if your employer is an asshole and says you can’t go to Kona 2.5 months later or nice 6 weeks later. Few ever got to their grave saying they wished they slaved for the corporation more rather than go to worlds (of sorts)

I’d much prefer if it was 16 months vs 2. My employer isn’t going to give me much grief, but part of this is also planning family vacations and having supporters with you - which becomes harder if its last minute. At 2 months, it would just be me going. At 16 months, I’d likely have people coming with me. The race may not care if its just me, but the local venue would certainly care if I’m bringing a few people with me.

Though the website is saying that Ottawa 2024 goes to the WCs for 2025, which is clearly a typo.

The 2024 IRONMAN Canada event offers Age Group Qualifying slots to the 2025 VinFast IRONMAN World Championship.

fortunately i received a priority registration, oddly my girl friend did not. anyone figure out why some awa/tri club are receiving and some aren’t?

I figured out why I didn’t get a priority registration - I had somehow marked my email preferences to unsubscribe.

The only reason I figured it out was that I went to the part of the website where it says “notify me” and it let me know that I had unsubscribed from all communications. I don’t remember doing so, and there isn’t an easy to find toggle in your IM profile, but you can do so by doing the notify me thing.

thanks, after you updated did you then get the priority?

looks like my GF somehow had her tri club affiliation removed…
my GF emailed IM to see if they can send her a link…

we are a bit excited to race in our Nations Capital! ha!

I’m curious to hear what the early registration numbers are before Monday. Every long course triathlete I know in the area has already signed up.

Ya I’m not sure why or how or who is getting the priority registrations.
I am a AWA and signed up for all e-mail notifications and I received nothing.

Maybe I should write to Ironman.

Ya I’m not sure why or how or who is getting the priority registrations.
I am a AWA and signed up for all e-mail notifications and I received nothing.

Maybe I should write to Ironman.

I have always found their emails random. I get some priority emails, but not others.

Either way, I’m pretty doubtful it will sell out in a week, but I’m sure if you email them they’ll give you a code.

thanks, after you updated did you then get the priority?

No - but I emailed Ironman to see if they can resend. They’re not usually the fastest response, so I’m not expecting an email before Monday anyway. I highly doubt it will sell out before Monday, but its always better to have that assurance.

hopefully it sells out at a later point :slight_smile:

funny enough, she found the email in her deleted folder… :-/

I was eager to sign up for the inaugural race in Ottawa, but on the priority registration Ironman site, I noticed that the Flex90 options (split payment and deferral protection) were not available upon payment. Oddly, ‘best price and entry benefits’ are advertised for April 22. Several of us will have to wait and see what pans out or if the Flex90 program is not available for 2025.

Additionally, The Nirvana options on the priority registration are also listed as a day short, having everyone checkout on race day. For example ‘4 nights’ checking in on Wednesday, the last ‘night’ is Saturday. August 3rd is Sunday and probably the most important night for race finish hotel proximity.