Ironman Muskoka 134.4 (170km/106 mile bike)

Don’t know if anyone else has seen this but the bike course is going to be 170km not 180km. It’s a tough course I rode the full two loops twice as training for Chattanooga, but i do Ironman to challenge my self and I signed up knowing how tough this course will be. Just wondering why you shorten a course 10km and call it and Ironman. I was fine with Chattanooga being long but shortening a course makes no sense at all it’s an endurance challenge.

Here’s the link to the new distance

Damn… cuz everyone will have trained up to do 180k… I totally see your point. Bastards!

Because finding a triathlon bike course that is exactly 112 miles is not the easiest thing to do. If it is a two loop course with no out and back sections to make the distance, kudos to the race director for not adding a 3 mile out and back just to make the distance.

I’m not sure if this was supposed to be pink or not…

The whole thing about Ironman is swim 2.4 mi bike 112 and run 26.2. You take 10km off and you loose all integrity. They have numerous roads for out and backs. I am just wondering if the extremely low number of people entering the race so far had anything to do with it?

… It’s entirely possible (and your shrink can verify this) that you may be doing Ironmans for the totally wrong reasons…

Then again, you often hear folks who have competed in Roth talking about how utterly unsatisfying the experience was because of the wonky measurement…

Given that course, it will still be harder than an IMFL or IMAZ at least in terms of time FWIM.

I trend to agree that they should have added some distance unless, it’s not like there’s construction or some reason to prevent that. They should add an out & back if possible. Maybe it’s just not practical as it forces them to cross a major highway. I can;t imagine there’s no side roads that are at least 1 mile long to add 4 miles total… to get a little closer.

Besides, I think little out and back loops make for better competition as you can see where your competiton is.

The whole thing about Ironman is swim 2.4 mi bike 112 and run 26.2. You take 10km off and you loose all integrity. They have numerous roads for out and backs.** I am just wondering if the extremely low number of people entering the race so far had anything to do with it?**

What are the “low” numbers? Seems like a great course - no free rides:-)

I’ve never visited the area, but by reputation sounds like a challenging course and for sure a fair race.


Just over 1000 people as of last month. It’s a beautiful course and they have been working on the pavement all last summer. It’s a tough, beautiful, fun course can’t wait to race it. The area is really nice, the volunteers and people are awesome. It will be a great race.

Just over 1000 people as of last month. It’s a beautiful course and they have been working on the pavement all last summer. It’s a tough, beautiful, fun course can’t wait to race it. The area is really nice, the volunteers and people are awesome. It will be a great race.

…albeit a race that lacks all integrity (if I’m quoting you correctly)… Have “fun”?

I WAS contemplating signing up. But an IRONMAN is 140.6 miles. If I want to do an odd distance, I wont bother spending 7 c notes on a race. I will do a gran fondo instead. I also would never do a marathon that is 24 miles, no matter how hilly.

Bad bad development. Ironman has really jumped the shark if this is true. And if the excuse is the course is hard…pathetic.

Worst part…the medals will still say 3.8k/180k/42/2k (metric).

It’s not just the race that’s lost integrity it’s the whole brand.

So you did Chattanooga with its downhill swim but you’re not happy about a short bike course?

I was thinking the same thing. No one complains about races with people hitting 40 minutes at iron distance or several age groupers hitting 16 minutes for olympic distance.

this is kinda funny. i have always wanted to go to Penticton. still do. when Challenge got the race i wondered if they’d stop bowing to the 112 nonsense and get rid of the out and back. nah. everyone seems hung up on the distance.

makes me like races like Savageman even more. and makes me really wish the Seneca Epic would come into being.

I was thinking the same thing. No one complains about races with people hitting 40 minutes at iron distance or several age groupers hitting 16 minutes for olympic distance.

As I understand it, WTC protects its trademark for Ironman. As I further understand it, Ironman is a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike and a 26.2 mile run. Yup. Just checked my finisher medals. Says so right on them.

So, since this is NOT a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike and a 26.2 mile run, why is it an Ironman? Where do we stop? 2 mile swim, 100 mile bike and 20 mile run? Sure. Why not. It will make it easier for the masses and grow the sport! Hooray.

Bullshit. Overstated? Perhaps. But tell me how. Would ANY of you run a marathon if you knew it was 24.6 miles. Why on earth do you think there is not a single 40k race out there. It is the distance that matters. And dont give me any crap about how a hard course is “equivalent” to a longer course. If that is the case, we need to add 10% to all the distances at Florida. Wait…no one wants to do that? No kidding.

This just sucks.

Loved the bike and the run. I have never discussed my swim split with anyone. Anyone who has done more then just Chattanooga and discusses their swim split needs to get in touch with reality. I would have enjoyed that race if we swam up current. I enjoy the challenge the Ironman brings. It’s not all about P.R’s every time you race. Some people enjoy the challenge. The race that got me into the sport was wanting to do Ironman St. George unfortunately it was cancelled before I got the chance to race it.

Urh this is terrible! I signed up for an ironman race expecting a certain distance. If tis is true i may switch to a different event instead. Not cool.

Given that course, it will still be harder than an IMFL or IMAZ at least in terms of time FWIM.

I trend to agree that they should have added some distance unless, it’s not like there’s construction or some reason to prevent that. They should add an out & back if possible. Maybe it’s just not practical as it forces them to cross a major highway. I can;t imagine there’s no side roads that are at least 1 mile long to add 4 miles total… to get a little closer.

Besides, I think little out and back loops make for better competition as you can see where your competiton is.

when they first announced the bike course, it did have an out and back. can’t remember where it was but i think it went down fox point road

i seem to be missing something on the map as the 70.3 is actually a 94 km bike yet two loops equals 170 km?

perhaps Rich from Tri-Muskoka can jump in and explain the differences and changes

The tri-muskoka site still shows the 180km bike.