Ironman Competition Rules 2024 - no more aero gains?

Hi Team,

The rumours are true and the new rules are released.

Section 5.01
Except as set forth below in Section 5.02(b), additional equipment that has the effect of reducing wind resistance is prohibited during the bike segment of the Race
(whether such equipment is worn under the athlete’s clothing, over the athlete’s clothing, or is otherwise attached to the athlete’s body or the athlete’s bike). This
includes, but is not limited to, (i) any bottles/hydration or any other insert located in the front of an athlete’s race suit and (ii) any insert in an athlete’s calf sleeves; (DSQ)

Section 5.03
(b) Protective screens, fuselages, fairings, or any other devices or materials (including duct tape) added or blended into the structure with the intent to reduce (or having the effect of reducing) resistance to air penetration are prohibited. Aerodynamic assemblies and protuberances on the head tube or elsewhere are prohibited;
To be honest, it leaves me wondering what is allowed and what is not. For example, are the fairings that Ditlev and Canyon bikes have at the back (behind the seat) not allowed? (Or the Shiv container)
What about the integrate cockpit drinking systems? (like the Profile Design or old school Speedmax)
What about a bento box? (or extra large bento box)What about the tool box stuff (e.g. Radsport Ibert)What about taping bolt holes?What about the strategic bottles? (Skipper or just simple stuff like the Fast TT Tri BTA Bottle Aero Cone)What about stuff, e.g., from Ez gainz like the cover for the chainrings?

Also, does it mean we will see more substance on a frame again? Like the Diamondback Andean but with more integrated stuff? That would be quite something given for a course like Nice you would want a lighter bike.


Will definitely be interesting how they officiate this. They talked about it being banned in the t100 race in Miami but then had like 3-4 ways your could still do it “legally”. I’m all for it being banned for multiple reasons. It looks ridiculous for any photos taken while riding and it gives an insane advantage to some based on the position you ride in. The more upright you are the more it helps. Someone like ryf got like 15 extra watts or something crazy from it.

Section 5.03 needs a lot more clarification. I think their intent is to rein in all the MacGyvered crap people attach to their bike for aero benefits that aren’t really part of the bike. Okay. But then it says “Aerodynamic assemblies and protuberances on the head tube or elsewhere are prohibited” which would also suggest nosecone type things that are part of the original design of the bike. My new Cadex, for example, has a nosecone. There’s stuff it hides underneath it but we all know what it’s really there for. Am I going to show up to a race and have them say I need to remove the nosecone?

One “easy” solution would be allow UCI rules + a very specific list of exceptions such as a bento box.

Easier to specify what is allowed rather than what isn’t.

One “easy” solution would be allow UCI rules + a very specific list of exceptions such as a bento box.

Easier to specify what is allowed rather than what isn’t.

Thank you–this was what I was about to post, myself.

Not really “get extra watts” but a better CdA.
So now the trend is to ban everything that gives some kind of benefit? Will aerosuits, disc wheels, aero calfs, helmets etc also be banned? And carbon shoes, wetsuits or swimskins? It’s understandable up to a certain point but come on… It will only lead to different applicability criteria at check in based on each official.

… It will only lead to different applicability criteria at check in based on each official.

As long as it’s at check in. Imagine the guy at check in waves you through but you get DSQd after the bike leg.

It is quite the double edged sword though in terms of innovation though. Easy is good, but I would rather like to see it in the opposite direction. No rules, but if you endanger others (or yourself) it is an instant DQ.

I was close in ordering a 3D printer just for some proper MacGyver projects. At the very least the Ironman decision will hurt the 3D printer sales! Unless the new challenge is to make it that professional that it looks like it is an original part!

It is quite the double edged sword though in terms of innovation though. Easy is good, but I would rather like to see it in the opposite direction. No rules, but if you endanger others (or yourself) it is an instant DQ.

I was close in ordering a 3D printer just for some proper MacGyver projects. At the very least the Ironman decision will hurt the 3D printer sales! Unless the new challenge is to make it that professional that it looks like it is an original part!

Home printed 3D parts should be an instant DQ. Ask me how I know :slight_smile:

No but seriously, I see people think they can 3D print spacers/angles for their aerobars.

I have 3 printers, off to get a 4th today

These new rules would seem to have some unintended consequences. I’d venture to guess these are aimed at the bottle down the kit (clearly) and the Joe Skipper bottle setup. But 5.03 would also seem to make the profile design aeria front hydration system illegal. This is OEM on lots of Quintana Roo bikes, and would also make the similar system on the Giant Trinity and Cube Aetherium illegal. It is also relevant for me and I’m sure other athletes who planned on using the profile design aeria system this year non OEM, but attached using the specific profile design stem. Will there be an exception for OEM systems like this? Will I get a DSQ if I add this on my bike? Not to mention, lots of BTA hydration systems could technically be read as being illegal under this rule. I suspect that Ironman will enforce it based somewhat on a level of egregiousness test, i.e. if the primary if not sole purpose of an attachment is aero benefit, but it unfairly leaves a lot up to interpretation.

Adding this here as text.
The 2024 IRONMAN Rules have been published (wef 6 March) and the relevant section is:

5.01(m) Except as set forth below in Section 5.02(b) , additional equipment that has the effect of reducing wind resistance is prohibited during the bike segment of the Race (whether such equipment is worn under the athlete’s clothing, over the athlete’s
clothing, or is otherwise attached to the athlete’s body or the athlete’s bike). This
includes, but is not limited to, (i) any bottles/hydration or any other insert located in
the front of an athlete’s race suit and (ii) any insert in an athlete’s calf sleeves; (DSQ)

5.03(b) Protective screens, fuselages, fairings, or any other devices or materials (including
duct tape) added or blended into the structure with the intent to reduce (or having
the effect of reducing) resistance to air penetration are prohibited. Aerodynamic
assemblies and protuberances on the head tube or elsewhere are prohibited; (DSQ)

This rule implies that temporary storage of a bottle in a pocket or down the front (see Sanders at Oceanside) will risk a DQ. And chucking outside a litter zone will mean DQ.

As for zippergate (off topic):
6.01(e) Uniforms with a front zipper may be unzipped to any length, provided, that (i) the
zipper should be connected at the bottom of the uniform at all times, and (ii) the
top of the uniform should cover the shoulders at all times; (30 or 60 Second Time
Penalty (as applicable), DSQ if not remedied promptly). The uniform should be fully
zipped when crossing the finish line;
Note that zipping up at the finish is a ‘should’ not a ‘shall’ and has no penalty attached
but IM have used ‘should’ when they mean ‘shall’ or ‘is to be / are to be’ on all this stuff.

These new rules would seem to have some unintended consequences. I’d venture to guess these are aimed at the bottle down the kit (clearly) and the Joe Skipper bottle setup. But 5.03 would also seem to make the profile design aeria front hydration system illegal. This is OEM on lots of Quintana Roo bikes, and would also make the similar system on the Giant Trinity and Cube Aetherium illegal. It is also relevant for me and I’m sure other athletes who planned on using the profile design aeria system this year non OEM, but attached using the specific profile design stem. Will there be an exception for OEM systems like this? Will I get a DSQ if I add this on my bike? Not to mention, lots of BTA hydration systems could technically be read as being illegal under this rule. I suspect that Ironman will enforce it based somewhat on a level of egregiousness test, i.e. if the primary if not sole purpose of an attachment is aero benefit, but it unfairly leaves a lot bup to interpretation.

If I want to wear a tinfoil hat I would think the new rule was advocated for by companies like Profile Design. No cost hydration solutions directly impact them financially. I doubt this rule means no more Aeria’s or BTS solutions as these are profit centers for these manufacturers.

It is quite the double edged sword though in terms of innovation though. Easy is good, but I would rather like to see it in the opposite direction. No rules, but if you endanger others (or yourself) it is an instant DQ.

I was close in ordering a 3D printer just for some proper MacGyver projects. At the very least the Ironman decision will hurt the 3D printer sales! Unless the new challenge is to make it that professional that it looks like it is an original part!

Home printed 3D parts should be an instant DQ. Ask me how I know :slight_smile:

No but seriously, I see people think they can 3D print spacers/angles for their aerobars.

I have 3 printers, off to get a 4th today

We have 50 now. None of them I would trust with structural parts. One that I would trust costs like 20 of ours and you still need to understand materials engineering or something will break.

We have 50 now. None of them I would trust with structural parts. One that I would trust costs like 20 of ours and you still need to understand materials engineering or something will break.

Agreed. I have had many home made parts fly off my bike. All during training/testing rides. There is a stretch of road about 5km long, there must be a half dozen aero sensors in the ditch somewhere since I print my own Garmin/Gopro mounts :slight_smile:

IM could make this simple. Allow accessories from an approved manufacturer list. Then work with that manufacturer. Profile Design, on the list. QR on the list…Those companies won’t muck with the rules. Make it simple for the athlete. I bought everything from QT, I am good to go.

This rule implies that temporary storage of a bottle in a pocket or down the front (see Sanders at Oceanside) will risk a DQ. And chucking outside a litter zone will mean DQ.

I hope they extend the litter zones a bit with this rule change. It can be tough to grab a bottle, open the bottle, and refill a hydration system within the litter zone. I’ve had to stuff empty bottles down my kit in the past due to missing the window. Now the only option will be to take what you can get and chuck the half-full bottle at the end of the litter zone.

One of the areas I heard mentioned that they could get around the ‘rule’ was that if it was a bottle taken from the course. I personally think that is one way to normalize the rule a bit - it is accessible to everyone, and frankly I have put a bottle in my kit (before I knew it was aero) because I forgot to throw my empty one out that was BTS.

There is a lot of gray area with the fuselage piece of the rule. If it has a purpose (IE carrying nutrition, flat kit, etc) then it would be allowed, however if the sole purpose is to reduce drag (I immediately think of the old P5 brake covers, that had zero structural add), it is illegal.

I can only imagine how many people that do not have the $$ to get a semi-custom/custom front end, and were using the duct tape method will get a 3d printer to get an ‘aftermarket’ looking piece. I would be more afraid of catastrophic failure from homegrown solutions like that than duct tape.

Playing devils advocate, will taping gels to your top tube (amazes me that people still do this, but thats a whole other point) be illegal?

Gonna be really tough to draw clear lines on this mess of a rule.

Section 5.03
(b) Protective screens, fuselages, fairings, or any other devices or materials (including duct tape) added or blended into the structure with the intent to reduce (or having the effect of reducing) resistance to air penetration are prohibited. Aerodynamic assemblies and protuberances on the head tube or elsewhere are prohibited;

Intent or effect is the first issue. Is it the intent of the rider to reduce resistance when tapering off bar tape? Or just making it look neat? Can a computer be taped on or does it need to use an actual mount?

It also only says “resistance to air penetration”. Presumably all sort of funky tail pieces are legal then. They do nothing to “reduce resistance to air penetration”, only help reattach the flow after it has been penetrated.

This rule reads like it was written by a new college grad trying to impress his boss. Fancy words that sound cool but obfuscate the actual meaning. Purple prose

I suppose I should take my TriRig delta cover off.

“This rule reads like it was written by a new college grad trying to impress his boss. Fancy words that sound cool but obfuscate the actual meaning. Purple prose”

This is the most accurate description of this. Bravo!

Thinking more about this and aero hydration solutions.

A massively tall double bottle holder behind the arms, effectively pressed against your chest, one bottle below each pectoral.

Would it still be effective without the fabric covering it? Maybe. Will it be much more dangerous and unwieldy than a bottle down the kit? Yes. Is it legal under these rules? Also yes