Ironman Busso Roll Downs

How did the ironman worlds slot roll down go at Busso? I dont think there was a lot of Kona slots for males and interested to see how demand for France was from female side.

How did the ironman worlds slot roll down go at Busso? I dont think there was a lot of Kona slots for males and interested to see how demand for France was from female side.

1st and 2nd female pros both took their slots.

How did the ironman worlds slot roll down go at Busso? I dont think there was a lot of Kona slots for males and interested to see how demand for France was from female side.
the mens rolled in a few ages where there was 2 spots as the winner allready had a spot proably from last year race and took the option of kona over nice when u had the option to do nice or kona
a couple of them went down to 6 or 8 from memory with only 20 in total

on the women’s side , as expected they couldn’t give them away and didnt get rid of all of them (50)it was many times when they just said anyone who wants one please come up
the japanese took most of the spots that rolled , so they where happy

its quite sad to see it get like this , certainly not a world champs with the worlds best racing

Ok sounds about what I thought, its a long expensive trip to france and Kona also.

I think that this is the first qualifying race for 2024. All of the female and male pro’s took their slots.

The men’s Kona slots did not roll far. In my AG, 60-64, the slot rolled to 4th. I think that some of the people finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd already had a slot.

As already mentioned, the woman’s Nice slots rolled a long way. For many AG’s they asked anyone in that AG wanting to go to come to the stage. To me this is not a negative. It shows that there is enough interest in the female AGers to fill Nice in 2024. This can only encourage more females to get involved in Triathlon.

As already mentioned, the woman’s Nice slots rolled a long way. For many AG’s they asked anyone in that AG wanting to go to come to the stage. To me this is not a negative. It shows that there is enough interest in the female AGers to fill Nice in 2024. This can only encourage more females to get involved in Triathlon.
if selling a world champs as just pay your $$$ and roll up then that cant be good , male or female

Imnz was a bit the same for men in Nice rolled heavily, some is that it’s “not Kona” some of the guys I chatted to said its just so far to travel, Busso a bit the same. Not sure Aussie NZ are representative of all places, loads of Americans, Asians and Europeans were in Nice. I do think women will roll even deeper than men though for Nice generally.

As already mentioned, the woman’s Nice slots rolled a long way. For many AG’s they asked anyone in that AG wanting to go to come to the stage. To me this is not a negative. It shows that there is enough interest in the female AGers to fill Nice in 2024. This can only encourage more females to get involved in Triathlon.
if selling a world champs as just pay your $$$ and roll up then that cant be good , male or female

This top 10-20AGer, and 200-300th ranked World Championship racer wouldn’t mind some more slow pokes at the WC. As much as I enjoy the process of putting together my best races ever at a Championship, it’s always a little disheartening when 200 people still finish in front of me :slight_smile:

But this has been discussed forever. And there have always been some 70.3 WC locations more coveted than others. That the same will go for full WC races every other year is no big deal. If occasionally, the qualifying process for a championship ends up being, “complete the race, and be willing to pay for a slot” that’s not a big deal. The fast racers will always determine how many slots are left. If you’re unwilling to signup for a championship race because you don’t get an expensive Hawaii vacation to go with it… I sorta question your commitment to the sport.

Now, if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t have the budget to race a WC every year, of which there are obviously many, I fully understanding waiting until the next year and hoping you can qualify for Kona.

I’m just surprised at anyone who would race the WC every year in Kona and then turn their nose up at Nice.