howdy, i have a question and i will be brief. I got signed up for Ironman Az for 2009 and i know it is a tad early and all, but i am trying to gather as much info about the race as i can. i have watched the race twice now and just don’t want to be caught off guard ya know. no chunk of info is too small or unimportant. i have been participating in tri’s for almost five seasons and have done up to a half iron thus far. so any help from the “league of triathletes” (to steal a phrase from Big Un and TacBoy) would be wonderful.
Read my race report. This should give you a good idea.
How did you get registered for 09? I just checked the site and the entry link says that the 2008 November race is closed with no info of 2009? Am I missing something?
in april, after the race, i hung out until something like 3:00 in the a.m. and found out where they were gonna allow registration for '09. and like i said before, i waited, and waited until 7:00 a.m. and sure enough, they opened up “in person” registration for '09 for the general public and they who volunteered at the april race… they are going to do the sam thing in november FYI (or at least that is what the folks who were running registration said).
Your question is too broad to allow for useful input that isn’t an encyclopedia.
Narrow it down and you’ll get better answers.
mmmokay…let’s try this then (and thanks for the input)
the special needs bags…wtf? and the whole “somebody racks your bike for you” thing. I guess I am just wondering about the logistics of the race or the “flow” of it so to speak. I am used to coming into T-1, stripping outta my wetsuit, slapping on the bike shoes, helmet, etc. and taking off on the bike, etc… but things run a bit different in a “Ironman” race. And there is the big “tent” thing. is it for changing? can you go in there, change into your century bib shorts, then come back in and change into your running garb…just stuff one would not know if he/she had never done a race like this before. I realize that the question was really broad but i figured someone would have me shave it down in time to be a bit more centeralized ya know?
you’ll get a race bible that explains all about t1 and t2. and if you’re worrying about that stuff 1.5 years in advance - instead of sbr - then you’ll go insane well before the race begins.
For special needs comments, read my “race report”.
The changing tent is because for IM people will often completely change their clothes.
Hence, the need to shield Aunt Emma’s eyes from our assorted wares. You’ll
have clothes bags and they’ll get it for you.
My plan is the same as it was for my HIM. Wear the same thing the whole race.
Only this time I’ll take off the wetsuit after the swim.
okay so i am slightly o.c.d. i know it is way too early for stuff like this buit i wanted to test the waters just to see what i could come up with. one could say that i try to plan ahead…a bit too much ahead i guess…
If you also wait until after the race in November of '08 you’ll have plenty
of race reports to read. It will be a good time to get advice.
There is a thread buried somewhere around here about things
people are afraid to admit. OCD shows up everywhere in it.
funny. folks will say things on blogs and post stuff on forums that even the wives and best friends don’t know…
AZ keeps both the April and November races?? I thought it was both April and Nov this year but was to be only Nov in 09 and thereafter…
Maybe I misread, and they allowed a few to register for the 2009 Nov race…
Going forward it is only November. But they allowed people in April 08 to sign up for November 09, just
like they will after November 08. Given two on-site registrations, the chances for internet signup seem
were you sleeping both times you watched the race?
nope, wasn’t sleeping. just allot to take in at one time and, speaking only for myself here, i cannot be everywhere all at once, so i guessed i missed a few things. but i got pretty much what i was looking for info wise. i will check out the race reviews and such. thanks to all who responded it is apprecaited~