Ironman and pre-race testing for AG?

I heard from someone out in Kona that an athlete was tested yesterday (anti-doping). This particular athlete has some suspicion that they could be doping. Ironman is not well known for doing that much testing, but does anyone here have more details on whether Ironman does pre-race testing? I had thought that it was only after the race and for those that landed in the podium I would guess. But maybe I am wrong.

And can anyone share more details on a timeline on how this would look if they tested positive?

In Competition testing timetable actually is 24 hours prior to competition day + competition day. So this would be an out of comp test that likely was “targeted” especially if she has a suspicious background. Which in that aspect, USADA was most certainly going to be here to post race test, so if they were getting info on particular athlete (hotline calls in on said athlete), this is kinda an easy way to test them, especially as they were likely already traveling here.

In Competition testing timetable actually is 24 hours prior to competition day + competition day. So this would be an out of comp test that likely was “targeted” especially if she has a suspicious background. Which in that aspect, USADA was most certainly going to be here to post race test, so if they were getting info on particular athlete (hotline calls in on said athlete), this is kinda an easy way to test them, especially as they were likely already traveling here.

I didn’t know the window for “in competition” was that narrow. Thanks for that.

Do you know if these tests are urine tests?

I would guess that type of “targeted” athlete will ge the full treatment- urine + blood, while I’d think most post race would be urine. Conventional wisdom states that you getting popped at a race (or this close to a race) means you basically failed the IQ test of doping; at this point you should be “clean”.

I would guess that type of “targeted” athlete will ge the full treatment- urine + blood, while I’d think most post race would be urine. Conventional wisdom states that you getting popped at a race (or this close to a race) means you basically failed the IQ test of doping; at this point you should be “clean”.

I won’t argue with that. I hope this person did fail this IQ test if they are indeed doping. They recently had a major win in a local races that raised even more suspicion so next few weeks are going to be interesting while the results come out.

How does that timeline look like, do you know?

LOL!!! I’m trying to be as vague as possible, I don’t want to give any type of information that would allow people to find them out, not until the results are actually made public. I will gladly come back and post here who I was talking about if they do get a ban from Ironman.

Ironman regularly pulls age groupers as they check-in at Kona for testing. Has been for years. As far as I know, this only happens at Kona.

When you check in at the King Kam, if you get flagged, you get pulled into a back room for testing.

The athlete should know the result within prob a month at the latest, likely 2-3 weeks. The issue is if a positive occurs, then it kinda goes down a chain of events that “slows” down the process depending on how the athlete wants to proceed. They can work with authorities and admit their issue and potentially get a lighter sentence or they can “lawyer up” and fight it behind the scenes which then at that point your going to get the maximum penalty but also may slow down the overall announcement process. So the initial test result itself will be known likely in a few weeks, a month at the latest.

Ironman regularly pulls age groupers as they check-in at Kona for testing. Has been for years. As far as I know, this only happens at Kona.

When you check in at the King Kam, if you get flagged, you get pulled into a back room for testing.

That’s where it happened, during check-in.

Ironman regularly pulls age groupers as they check-in at Kona for testing. Has been for years. As far as I know, this only happens at Kona.

When you check in at the King Kam, if you get flagged, you get pulled into a back room for testing.

That’s where it happened, during check-in.

Yes, previously they had a room rented and it was a bit of a production line so to speak. Rumour is about 100 tests or 5% at check in…but I don’t know for sure. Also it is OC testing as things like alcohol and weed are banned IC…allowed OC.

Also IC testing starts at 11.59pm or effectively the night and day of.


Certainly women posting on FB pages that have admitted and recommended HRT. I did check results for one person and she certainly has won recently at 2 IM races… so perhaps someone dropped a dime on her…. Rightfully so

Certainly women posting on FB pages that have admitted and recommended HRT. I did check results for one person and she certainly has won recently at 2 IM races… so perhaps someone dropped a dime on her…. Rightfully so

We will know in a few weeks, I supposed. This person is still racing Kona Saturday to the looks of it.

Here is the link read all the comments…. Certainly eye opening

Here is the link read all the comments…. Certainly eye opening

It’s a private group; I had to request access.

I am no expert, but seem to remember that somebody here, during the Chartier aftermath, mentioned that the time before EPO cannot any longer be traced in the body, is less than a week?
If this is the case, you´d be darn stupid to dope the last couple of weeks before a big race like Kona. You will still have all the benefits leading into that in training.

But hey … people are stupid, I know … dopers a stupider :slight_smile:

Certainly women posting on FB pages that have admitted and recommended HRT. I did check results for one person and she certainly has won recently at 2 IM races… so perhaps someone dropped a dime on her…. Rightfully so

NO, people need to read up a little bit.

":Hormone replacement therapies (HRT) involving estrogen, estradiol, or progesterone to treat the symptoms of menopause are not prohibited. However, any therapy (even bioidentical hormone therapies) that contains testosterone (e.g., Covaryx, EEMT), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) (e.g., Intrarosa), or any other prohibited substance is prohibited at all times. "

(from USADA)


No you should read ALL the comments and you are wrong No?

Female HRT is what you wrote HRT does also include T… please be informed

Again READ the comments in the link.

No you should read ALL the comments and you are wrong No?

Female HRT is what you wrote HRT does also include T… please be informed

Again READ the comments in the link.

Fair enough, HRT with T at least in Canada is very uncommon. The group is private and I’m pending, so unable to read the comments.


Certainly women posting on FB pages that have admitted and recommended HRT. I did check results for one person and she certainly has won recently at 2 IM races… so perhaps someone dropped a dime on her…. Rightfully so

HRT in general isn’t banned, just particular kinds. Estrogen and progesterone are fine, testosterone is a banned substance.

Just want to make the distinction that HRT use isn’t equal to doping.