IronCowboy - Conquer 100 (100 IM distances/100 CONSECUTIVE DAYS)- results page

Goal times (daily)
Swim: 1:30hr
T1: 15m
Bike: 6:45hr
T2: 30m
Run: 5hr
Total: 14 hours

Day 1- March 1st (per IC’s IG)
Swim: 1:24hr
T1: 17m
Bike: 6:48hr
T2: 30m
Run: 5:40hr
Total: 14.41 hours


Thats a rough start. 40 minutes off on day 1 marathon when you should be cruising is difficult. The 40 minutes is a big enough delta that it means that something went wrong. I saw a couple of his IG posts afterwards and he was mentioning that he had forgotten how difficult an IM was.

Not surprised he hit his bike split as the bike pics he posted he was riding a foot behind someone else.

Someone questioned the drafting and he said it was Guinness approved. Presumably referring to the record cert company and not the beer …

I am in the He didn’t do the 50/50 but what he did was still impressive camp. I wish him well. Can’t believe how mind numbingly boring that would be

Someone questioned the drafting and he said it was Guinness approved. Presumably referring to the record cert company and not the beer …

They’re the same. Seriously. The records started as a beer promotion.

Don’t take Guinness world records too seriously. They started as a beer promotion, then made money by book sales, now make money by charging people for certifying their records.

Maybe he just took his time to avoid getting fatigued.

This will be a popular thread for the next month or so for sure.

But doing 100 IMs, everyday…think my desk job is not that bad !

He’s going to get trash no matter what…but I will watch the netflix docuseries when it comes out!

So with all the ways out there to post times such as Strava, Garmin Connect, etc., IG the only way he posts his times?

I would actually like to see the Strava files, it would be quite interesting to see how his pace and HR vary as the challenge progresses.

I still contend one of the biggest issues is that eventually you run out of time.

Let’s just say 7am “start” is the goal. Means he didn’t finish until past 9:30pm. Means he likely didn’t eat / unwind / get ready for next day and in bed by 11pm. That gives him at most 8 hours of sleep for day 2. It also means if you delay start it just means you get done later. I argued w one person that to me you can’t do these in anything below about 13.5 hr or else time / stress / lack of sleep will bite you on the ass (20 days from now) eventually.

ETA: Looking like 530am is start times in the pool.

I don’t. Just commenting on the drafting.

Scrolled through the IG stories. Oh boy. Promoting some local doc with a nose spray that “destroys covid within minutes”…

Just found this. Live gps tracking for the 100 in 100.

So with all the ways out there to post times such as Strava, Garmin Connect, etc., IG the only way he posts his times?

I would actually like to see the Strava files, it would be quite interesting to see how his pace and HR vary as the challenge progresses.

Follow him on strava, he is there

Interesting set of sponsors. Is he that big? Also 1st Phorm was definitely a Bro Supps brand for a long time. I’ve noticed they’ve started engaging endurance athletes on the gram as ambassadors.

Here is the link to his strava profile, events are uploading as soon as he completes them.

I’ll be curious if they can’t get that bike split to closer to an 18 mph avg especially if drafting. That would save 30 mins easily but if that’s what is “comfortable” for IC, fair enough.

20mi into D2 he’s at 16.1mph avg…of course it seems to be cold AF so that may have something to do with it. I’m just surprised he biked that slow. I’d have easily thought he would avg 18 with drafting aids. Maybe the course is hilly enough that you can’t get that quick.

So how is he making money to pay the bills doing this? I ask because I just do not understand how this kind of thing works with a family to support; or does he become the non-wage earner during this investment period, which hopefully pays off with some type of monetary return? 100 days of having no input into the family (monetarily or presence) is a pretty big investment from my standpoint, and a risk that is outside of my comfort zone…that alone is pretty impressive.

Stephen J

I’m pretty sure he’s got a legion of athletes under his “coaching” brand/business.

Well, I guess he’s simulating a typical AG IM like Texas, sitting 1ft behind someone else for 112 miles 🙄.

I’ll be curious if they can’t get that bike split to closer to an 18 mph avg especially if drafting. That would save 30 mins easily but if that’s what is “comfortable” for IC, fair enough.

20mi into D2 he’s at 16.1mph avg…of course it seems to be cold AF so that may have something to do with it. I’m just surprised he biked that slow. I’d have easily thought he would avg 18 with drafting aids. Maybe the course is hilly enough that you can’t get that quick.

you predicted this would end in a bike crash. I think you are right.

But I wouldn’t underestimate James ability to suffer. There will come a point where he is going to be doing some 17-18 hour IM’s, sleeping 4-5 hours and repeating. The guy doesn’t quit and to that I am really impressed w him.

So how is he making money to pay the bills doing this? I ask because I just do not understand how this kind of thing works with a family to support; or does he become the non-wage earner during this investment period, which hopefully pays off with some type of monetary return? 100 days of having no input into the family (monetarily or presence) is a pretty big investment from my standpoint, and a risk that is outside of my comfort zone…that alone is pretty impressive.

Stephen J

In theory, all the sponsors listed on the page are “paying” him. Why would they do that? Exposure via his social media and the documentary that will come out of this.

The Presenting Sponsor based on his website looks like 1st Phorm Nutrition. Then the other sponsors are: Champions and Legends CBD, Fezzari Bicycles, Zoca Gear, XLear Health, BiSaddle, Eleve Health, Nate Wade Subaru, Bio Strap, Junk Head Bands, ICON Meals, Master Spas, Koo Eyewear, TYR, Rockwell (Watches and Sunglasses), Subaru, ENVE, Pearl Izumi, HOKA, Kask, Garmin, and Theragun.

For him I would hope all of those sponsorships involve an exchange of Cash and not just VIK.

could you do me a favor? Can we have a separate discussion thread on the other issues. I agree they are worth discussing. I would like there to be a thread where we can just look to what he is actually doing.

I don’t get what the point of it is. Is it to prove the human body can accomplish long slow exercise every day for 100 days? I think we know the body is capable. I am getting tired of hearing about people asking other people to fund their pursuits that has no practical benefit to society.

The point is to make money and increase notoriety, which makes more money.