IronBlog with Jessi

Check this out:

“A brand new blog site that takes you INSIDE KONA - behind the scenes - of the Ford Ironman World Triathlon Championship during race week in Kona, Hawaii. Jessi will be producing, hosting and posting video content all week along with a stellar team of other bloggers from and Triathlete Magazine who will bring you the written content.”

My God, is she gorgeous! I hope there are lots of pictures of the Blogger!

She’s from NJ! LOL.

I’m out here in Kona!! Will be bringing you behind the scenes all week…stay tuned on Ironblog!


so how come your web site is so out of date? It looks like you stopped updating it in 2005. did you race this year?

Will you marry me?

Old and soooooooo played already!



“Will you marry me?”

That’s probably her 300th proposal…TODAY :wink:


I am playing the odds. Maybe she will relent.

I am playing the odds. Maybe she will relent.If you ask 100 women a day if they will have sex with you the odds are quite good you will get sex several times a week. Whether you would really want the sex you got is another question. 8-O

“Old and soooooooo played already!”

He’s playing the odds.

But…won’t he be the hero if one of these days one of these hot womens says YES :wink:


Jessi Stensland…whos that…I have never seen her picture in a magazine??

Last time she was in an add - Lubriderm sent me a Christmas card.

We sat with each other on the flight over to KONA. We then spent the remainder of the day shooting for ironblob. When you are next to here that close and long, things are alot different…She is way hotter!!

I hate you Paul.

call me tomorrow…619-726-6995

Will do - now kill you phone number from the main forum dude.

Good news!

In order to help drive page views to’s IronBlog, on-air host Jessi Stensland has agreed to auction herself to the highest bidder for an intimate day of triathlon training.

So, stock up on the Bodyglide and shave down, because YOU might be the lucky winner!

(The last time we ran such a contest, I had to chase a wild pack of Brazilians away from the doorstep our Kona condo…)

So, go to to find out more.

Good luck!

I am playing the odds. Maybe she will relent.If you ask 100 women a day if they will have sex with you the odds are quite good you will get sex several times a week. Whether you would really want the sex you got is another question. 8-O

My friend in University went by this exact premise and did VERY well for himself.

Now I see what caused the earthquake in Hawaii!!!

She’s from NJ! LOL.
I’m from Jersey!!!