Intertrochantric fracture with a resurfaced hip

Hey all. I was involved in a bike crash two weeks ago and suffered an intertrochantric fracture in my right hip. Unfortunately because I had a birmingham hip resurfacing 4 years ago, traditional treatment of the fracture was impossible due to the bhr device. Instead of a long metal rod and screws with a plate, I had three screws and a plate installed in my trochanter. I’ve been told no weight bearing for 6-12 weeks so the fracture can heal.

My question is: has anyone ever heard of any outcomes of a trochanter fracture with a resurfacing device already installed?
Anyone have any advice or recommendations? Not looking for sympathy just looking for possibilities of rehabbing back to normal or at least what to expect in the upcoming 12 months, after which I can have the plate and screws removed. Thanks.



Ouch, hope you get better soon.

The more of these I see, the more I just stay on my bike trainer. Might not be perfect, but the wife sure loves knowing I am safe.

An intertroch fx below a Birmingham hip and you ask on slowtwitch what to expect?!?!? I’d say there are probably only a handfull of surgeons on the planet who (think they) know what to expect. I’d trust your surgeon’s opinion or seek another opinion if you don’t. Good luck (seriously).

I’d suggest taking running out of your future exercise routine because banging any hip replacement on concrete for decades can’t be expected to turn out well.