Interesting pro child bride groups in CA

I’ll be honest I was a bit flabbergasted there’s no minimum age in CA for marriage and even more shocked at who wants to keep it that way

a letter from Planned Parenthood of California, ACLU California Action, and the National Center for Youth Law stated. “However, we also strongly believe in and support self-determination and bodily autonomy for all people, including young people who are pregnant and/or parenting.”

I usually respect the ACLU even when I don’t agree with them, but that’s a bullshit excuse for allowing 15 year olds to get married.

Well right around the corner from you they are forcing 10 year olds to have babies if they get knocked up, so shouldn’t they be able to get married too??

Well right around the corner from you they are forcing 10 year olds to have babies if they get knocked up, so shouldn’t they be able to get married too??

A) excellent avoidance of the topic at hand

B) Where right around the corner from me do you speak?

C) No comment on the law in CA or opposition to it?

Well right around the corner from you they are forcing 10 year olds to have babies if they get knocked up, so shouldn’t they be able to get married too??

A) excellent avoidance of the topic at hand

B) Where right around the corner from me do you speak?

C) No comment on the law in CA or opposition to it?

Hey, folks. Take it easy on Windy. They live in one of the few Midwestern states where Christian Fundamentalists like them haven’t been able to wrestle control over women’s medical decisions. Must be like a bad itch they can’t scratch.

Windy, I’m guessing Louisiana would be a good place for you to land…

Well right around the corner from you they are forcing 10 year olds to have babies if they get knocked up, so shouldn’t they be able to get married too??

A) excellent avoidance of the topic at hand

B) Where right around the corner from me do you speak?

C) No comment on the law in CA or opposition to it?

He’s talking about other states in the Great Lakes district by you, maybe Kentucky or something?


The ACLU isn’t what it used to be. It’s not even what it was 20 years ago, with its move toward embracing identity politics over First Amendment free speech.

I, along with Michael Dukakis, used to be a proud card carrying member. Haven’t made a donation in 20 plus years.

I do find this an interesting group that’s in opposition. It seems as if they’re more worried about some potential or perceived slippery slope than they are with the issue at hand.

Ain’t religion grand.

Google fu says for the Catholic Church officially the age is 14 for girls (16 for boys) althought it seems like progressives have pushed it to 16 in many places.

Probably thinking of Ohio.

10-year-old rape victim forced to travel from Ohio to Indiana for abortion

And don’t pick on California, because they are not the only state with no age limitation, but it’s not like a 14-year-old can run down and get married. It requires parental and court consent.

In the United States, there is no federal law banning child marriages – widely defined as those where at least one party is under the age of 18.

Each state sets its own minimum marriage age. Until 2018, child marriage was legal in all 50 states.

Since then 10 states have enacted laws setting the minimum marriage age to 18, while five states still have no minimum age at all.

4 states have no official minimum age, but still require either parental consent, court approval or both: California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.

Ain’t religion grand.

Google fu says for the Catholic Church officially the age is 14 for girls (16 for boys) although it seems like progressives have pushed it to 16 in many places.

Will windy comment on this?

I’ll be honest I was a bit flabbergasted there’s no minimum age in CA for marriage

And yet from that link: “there is no minimum age requirement to become married in California. For minors seeking to wed, however, the state requires approval from a guardian and a court order.”

Are Californian courts sanctioning marriages between 12 year old girls and adult men on a regular basis?

The fact that child marriage isn’t illegal per se is obviously concerning, but as already explained in this thread, CA is hardly unique in that regard.

But there are guardrails in place in CA which one would expect to be robust. So what is your point?

Probably thinking of Ohio.

10-year-old rape victim forced to travel from Ohio to Indiana for abortion

And don’t pick on California, because they are not the only state with no age limitation, but it’s not like a 14-year-old can run down and get married. It requires parental and court consent.

In the United States, there is no federal law banning child marriages – widely defined as those where at least one party is under the age of 18.

Each state sets its own minimum marriage age. Until 2018, child marriage was legal in all 50 states.

Since then 10 states have enacted laws setting the minimum marriage age to 18, while five states still have no minimum age at all.

4 states have no official minimum age, but still require either parental consent, court approval or both: California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.

I’ll assume you didn’t read the articles because there was parental consent but not bridal consent.

I’ll also assume you didn’t read the article because CA democrats want to change the law but the ACLU et al want to keep child brides legal using some weird ass rationale.

Try addressing the topic at hand. (We all know you avoided responding to questions about your voting IQ test)

I’ll also assume you didn’t read the article because CA democrats want to change the law but the ACLU et al want to keep child brides legal using some weird ass rationale.

Wouldn’t the reason be religious freedom because these days it’s almost always within the context of religion that these cases exist?

Ain’t religion grand.

Google fu says for the Catholic Church officially the age is 14 for girls (16 for boys) althought it seems like progressives have pushed it to 16 in many places.

Did you read either article or you just want to deflect?

Please provide statistics on the number of child brides in Vatican City since that’s the only fucking place in the World your little tidbit of information matters (and ironically there’s still a minimum unlike California)

I’ll be honest I was a bit flabbergasted there’s no minimum age in CA for marriage and even more shocked at who wants to keep it that way

a letter from Planned Parenthood of California, ACLU California Action, and the National Center for Youth Law stated. “However, we also strongly believe in and support self-determination and bodily autonomy for all people, including young people who are pregnant and/or parenting.”

I usually respect the ACLU even when I don’t agree with them, but that’s a bullshit excuse for allowing 15 year olds to get married.

Both the left and the right in America (and Canada) put too much emphasis on freedom at the expense of protecting the vulnerable. In this case it is underage girls forced to marry. In another case it is scores of people killed by guns

I’ll also assume you didn’t read the article because CA democrats want to change the law but the ACLU et al want to keep child brides legal using some weird ass rationale.

Wouldn’t the reason be religious freedom because these days it’s almost always within the context of religion that these cases exist?

You didn’t read the quote I fucking put in the article did you?

And actually no there’s not which is why polygamy is outlawed.

Ain’t religion grand.

Google fu says for the Catholic Church officially the age is 14 for girls (16 for boys) althought it seems like progressives have pushed it to 16 in many places.

Did you read either article or you just want to deflect?

Please provide statistics on the number of child brides in Vatican City since that’s the only fucking place in the World your little tidbit of information matters (and ironically there’s still a minimum unlike California)

I did, hence my comment on religion and the information that one of our major religious organizations doesn’t have a problem with it.

I’ll be honest I was a bit flabbergasted there’s no minimum age in CA for marriage

And yet from that link: “there is no minimum age requirement to become married in California. For minors seeking to wed, however, the state requires approval from a guardian and a court order.”

Are Californian courts sanctioning marriages between 12 year old girls and adult men on a regular basis?

The fact that child marriage isn’t illegal per se is obviously concerning, but as already explained in this thread, CA is hardly unique in that regard.

But there are guardrails in place in CA which one would expect to be robust. So what is your point?

I just found it odd CA is only one of four states that allows it.

I found it interesting who’s opposing changing the law and the rationale.

I’ll also assume you didn’t read the article because CA democrats want to change the law but the ACLU et al want to keep child brides legal using some weird ass rationale.

Wouldn’t the reason be religious freedom because these days it’s almost always within the context of religion that these cases exist?

You didn’t read the quote I fucking put in the article did you?

And actually no there’s not which is why polygamy is outlawed.

I’d think almost all of these marriages are occurring within conservative religious traditions.

Ain’t religion grand.

Google fu says for the Catholic Church officially the age is 14 for girls (16 for boys) althought it seems like progressives have pushed it to 16 in many places.

Did you read either article or you just want to deflect?

Please provide statistics on the number of child brides in Vatican City since that’s the only fucking place in the World your little tidbit of information matters (and ironically there’s still a minimum unlike California)

I did, hence my comment on religion and the information that one of our major religious organizations doesn’t have a problem with it.

Render unto Ceasar my friend

I’ll also assume you didn’t read the article because CA democrats want to change the law but the ACLU et al want to keep child brides legal using some weird ass rationale.

Wouldn’t the reason be religious freedom because these days it’s almost always within the context of religion that these cases exist?

You didn’t read the quote I fucking put in the article did you?

And actually no there’s not which is why polygamy is outlawed.

I’d think almost all of these marriages are occurring within conservative religious traditions.

Feel free to provide a quote from the ACLU or planned Parenthood citing religious freedom as part of their rationale for opposing the bill.