Ingebrigtsen misses a medal in the 1500. Can he redeem himself in the 5000?

ETA: changed the title now that we are ~24 past the race

First Blummenfelt misses podium in the tri and now Ingebrigtsen gets outkicked to miss the podium in the 1500m.

Someone might need to do a wellness check

Oh wow I can’t wait to see the replay. Not even in the medals ???

I like the title because Halvard comes in when Norway does well and as this is track week there are only so many Norwegians who are topical this week.

Interestingly 3:32 was Seb Coes Gold medal winning time at LA 1984. That gets him 11th place today. It is still a respectable time in today’s context

Hopefully Warholm does okay. Sadness if he does not.

Kidding aside Ingebritsen does make things interesting and he took them out to a really fast pace.

The 1500 was such a great race!

First Blummenfelt misses podium in the tri Blummenfelt didn’t just ‘miss the podium’ he was almost in the teens. He’d said he needed to run 29 and was presumably training towards that. In the event, if he’d run 29:44 he’d have won. Sidenote: why was the run so ‘slow’: was it ‘long’?

Halvard goes home devastated

Sidenote: why was the run so ‘slow’: was it ‘long’? //

It was just probably accurate for a change…

And the race leading up was harder than most, that swim had to really stress everyone and take a bit of the mickey out of them…

The 1500 was such a great race!

Agreed, one of the best I’ve seen. Going into the bell lap and even as they pulled onto the home straight it was anyone’s race. I took my lunch early at work so I could catch it live and I’m looking forward to watching it again once I get home

Fantastic race. I can’t stand Ingebrigtsen, so was really hoping for “anyone but him”.
I do think there is some irony though in the fact that, despite not being able to beat Kerr, Jacob leaving space for Hocker to come up the inside still denied him the gold.

First Blummenfelt misses podium in the tri and now Ingebrigtsen gets outkicked to miss the podium in the 1500m.

Someone might need to do a wellness check

but…but…but… norwegian method, double threshold days, 12 thermometers (+1 up the butt), triple digit Vo2
Is it possible that we just looked at “normally” talented, hard-working athletes that had their time in the sun and everything else around it was just a huge hype (which just so happened to have helped sell overpriced products)?
Nah, no way. Its all true. I heard from some podcast guy that his wife heard from a training partner that this year the Norwegians are embracing AI (which is no hype whatsoever) and will crush everything and everyone. I’m off to buy my $1,000 trisuit and $5 gels.

First Blummenfelt misses podium in the tri and now Ingebrigtsen gets outkicked to miss the podium in the 1500m.

Someone might need to do a wellness check

but…but…but… norwegian method, double threshold days, 12 thermometers (+1 up the butt), triple digit Vo2
Is it possible that we just looked at “normally” talented, hard-working athletes that had their time in the sun and everything else around it was just a huge hype (which just so happened to have helped sell overpriced products)?
Nah, no way. Its all true. I heard from some podcast guy that his wife heard from a training partner that this year the Norwegians are embracing AI (which is no hype whatsoever) and will crush everything and everyone. I’m off to buy my $1,000 trisuit and $5 gels.

Don’t forget the plasmaid.

Kidding aside Ingebritsen does make things interesting and he took them out to a really fast pace.

so many PRs. OR. that doesn’t happen without him taking the race out so hard. but i do wonder why he did it. it was a very prefontaine kind of thing to do. but you only do that if you don’t have confidence in your kick, and he’s got a great kick. i would’ve waited to see whether cheruiyot would take it out fast, and sit on him. but i have to take my hat off that he rabbited a 3:27. i don’t think anyone else in the field could’ve done that.

Kidding aside Ingebritsen does make things interesting and he took them out to a really fast pace.

so many PRs. OR. that doesn’t happen without him taking the race out so hard. but i do wonder why he did it. it was a very prefontaine kind of thing to do. but you only do that if you don’t have confidence in your kick, and he’s got a great kick. i would’ve waited to see whether cheruiyot would take it out fast, and sit on him. but i have to take my hat off that he rabbited a 3:27. i don’t think anyone else in the field could’ve done that.

He took it out at 1:36 at the 700m point and 2:33 at 1100m and then 3:27 at the finish. I don’t think Hawker put his nose in any wind till around 40m to go. Ingebreitsen did all the work and just was the rabbit for everyone. These guys are moving at 26kph with way more aero drag than a cyclist moving that fast so the guy in the front is doing a ton of air moving work. When we xc ski race at similar speeds and similar aero profile the benefit of draft is massive so not sure why he did all the work assuming at every lap he can see the entire field behind him on the giant Jumbotron TV (I assume there is one) and saw he was dropping/distancing no one

so many PRs. OR. that doesn’t happen without him taking the race out so hard. but i do wonder why he did it. it was a very prefontaine kind of thing to do. but you only do that if you don’t have confidence in your kick, and he’s got a great kick. i would’ve waited to see whether cheruiyot would take it out fast, and sit on him. but i have to take my hat off that he rabbited a 3:27. i don’t think anyone else in the field could’ve done that.

He took it out at 1:36 at the 700m point and 2:33 at 1100m and then 3:27 at the finish. I don’t think Hawker put his nose in any wind till around 40m to go. Ingebreitsen did all the work and just was the rabbit for everyone. A simple plea @Dev
Please could you make a reasonable effort to correctly name the 2024 Olympic 1500m Champion (it’s HOCKER), or maybe this is just carelessness. I guess Ingebrigtsen’s name is more difficult to spell but he is a multiple World Champion and the Tokyo Olympic Champion.
Nuguse was a whisker from silver.

Ingebrigtsen looked shell shocked at the end, but wrote some classy words on the 'gram shortly after the race.

I believe he is doing the 5000m, what are his chances?

First Blummenfelt misses podium in the tri and now Ingebrigtsen gets outkicked to miss the podium in the 1500m.

Someone might need to do a wellness check

i think we’re all just glad that the modest, reserved americans finally have a bit of success to celebrate.

Kidding aside Ingebritsen does make things interesting and he took them out to a really fast pace.

so many PRs. OR. that doesn’t happen without him taking the race out so hard. but i do wonder why he did it. it was a very prefontaine kind of thing to do. but you only do that if you don’t have confidence in your kick, and he’s got a great kick. i would’ve waited to see whether cheruiyot would take it out fast, and sit on him. but i have to take my hat off that he rabbited a 3:27. i don’t think anyone else in the field could’ve done that.

He needs to go back to his old strategy? Probably.

Kidding aside Ingebritsen does make things interesting and he took them out to a really fast pace.

so many PRs. OR. that doesn’t happen without him taking the race out so hard. but i do wonder why he did it. it was a very prefontaine kind of thing to do. but you only do that if you don’t have confidence in your kick, and he’s got a great kick. i would’ve waited to see whether cheruiyot would take it out fast, and sit on him. but i have to take my hat off that he rabbited a 3:27. i don’t think anyone else in the field could’ve done that.

Ingebrigsten was out kicked at the WCs by Kerr in '23 and Wightman in '22. He ran a 3:26 in July with pacers but he won by 10 m. Seems like he thought his best chance was a fast race. Bad decision in hindsight.

I believe he is doing the 5000m, what are his chances?

Pretty good. He won the last two world championships. Strategy will probably be a bit opposite of the 1500. In that race he came in with the fastest PR but I think knew he was up a a number of guys who had a faster closing kick. So he tried to run out their legs rather then let it be a jog-fest like the 2016 race. For the 5k there are a number of guy in the race with faster PR’s. But most of these guys are 5k/10k runners and he should be able to out kick them. So if he’s smart he should just sit in and wait and hope for a slow race (kind of like how round 1 was)

Can we focus on the split times and what happened? I think we know who I was talking about (and sorry if I misspelled their names, I am operating in my third language here, and I just heard Hocker’s name, and gravitated towards a common fomulation of how it is spelled. As for the Norwegian guy, well let’s leave it at that).

In any case in a race normally for medals and not for time, the Tokyo Gold medalist, just took on the job of the unpaid rabbit. Maybe he thought you could break El Gherrouj’s 3:26.00 on a fast track. He was certainly on pace for that, and would know exactly how fast his laps would have to be to do that which is 54.9 seconds per lap or alternating between 13.5 and 14 second 100’s (depending on straightaway and bends) and maybe he thought if he did that, then he’d just drop most of the field, except Josh Kerr beat him in the Prefontaine Mile earlier this year, so it was not like he was dropping Kerr