InfinIT formulation recommendation

After carefully reading the latest post about InfinIT I have decided to take the plunge and get with the InfinIT program.

so now the questions:

How many of you are on custom formulations, and which standard formula would you reccommend to start off with? (Training for 1/2 IM)

how often do you use the product during trianing (every time, only on rides/run over and hour, etc.)

Is going with the caffinated version going to make it less effective on race day if I use it all the time in training?

Do you ever use InfinIT as a meal replacement product?

lastly, are the InfinIT bottles good, or do they leak? (I’m suffering a serios bottle shortage right now and need to get some replacements)



I went through the survey, then plussed up the carbs a tiny bit, added a bit of protein and a teensy bit of caffeine, then reduced the flavor amount by a tad. Turned out great. I love this formula. I take it on every ride, and will stash some in my truck on long runs. I carried a bottle of it a few times, but it has a tendency to get a bit frothy.

Lastly, I got a few bottles and they are a bit smaller than standard, so I don’t use them on the bike at all.


If you need specific info you can contact Kim Mueller at She is a nutritionist that is affiliated with InfinIT. Otherwise, I recommend just going through the steps on the InfinIT website. It is very easy to use and will guide you through making the correct choices for the various parameters.

If you sweat a lot (salt on your helmet straps etc) and/or if your race will be somewhere hot, I suggest using a lot of the electrolytes. My personal mix is low flavor, max electrolytes, a touch of protein and aminos, and carbs slightly to the longer event side of middle. I also have a more sugary mix I use for sprints and shorter bike races.

The neat thing about InfinIT is that you can train with it and make any changes in your next order. Maybe you find it too sweet or not sweet enough, etc. What other drink allows that?!?

I use InfinIT for all hard or long training. If I’m doing an easy recovery ride I’ll usually just use water. When I travel, I just fill a waterbottle with the powder instead of carrying the full tub. The recovery drink is great for after workouts too.

I’ve now used InfinIT for podium finishes at ITU Age-Group Worlds and at St. Anthony’s. That is significant in my case because I have issues with my muscles that make them cramp more easily and more easily damaged if I don’t fuel properly. InfinIT has made a HUGE difference in my ability to perform at a high level, and also recover from those efforts.

Jeremy we just placed an order for the larger specialized bottles. More exspensive but worth it. I agree with you.

They will still be clear so you can see the fluid and have the ounce marks.

If I were to place an order in the next day or two would i get the new bottles, or would I get what is left of the old ones?

What does adding protien/aminos/anti-oxidents do for you?


I would wait a week until I get the new ones. They are going to be much nicer. I will send out an e-mail to all of our clients when they come in.

Amino’s are a highly concentrated specific protein.

We use whey because it is more stable when it sits in the heat, stays in solution and it has more amino’s than soy. It also does not gunk the heck out of your bottles like soy does.

Anti oxidants are not all that necessary if you are taking a multi vitamin and eating well. I do not think they are necessary for a during training or racing drink. Save it for your recovery drink.

It seems that many athletes have been selecting one of the pre set formulas and then adjusting after they use it a while. It makes sense to me unless you have big problems with cramping, have a big frame (increased caloric needs) or like very little flavor in your drink.

Hope that helps


Jeremy we just placed an order for the larger specialized bottles.


Any chance of a little swappy-swap? I really have no use for these little guys.

I wish. Specialized bottles are expensive.

Nice try though… :slight_smile:

Since you will have to wait a month to get your order filled (if they don’t lose it and you make 3-4 calls + 3-4 emails to the company), the quick water bottle issue seems funny.