Indicators when to retire a tire?

I would like to settle an ongoing dispute with my spouse. When is it time to exchange a tire with a new one? Obviously prior to showing threads. What are the indicators?

I would like to settle an ongoing dispute with my spouse. When is it time to exchange a tire with a new one? Obviously prior to showing threads. What are the indicators?

When bicycle rolling resistance publishes specs of a new tire with better crr

On a serious note I always looked at the little wear indicators on the conti tires.

For me I start to get flats more often. It’s usually the rear tire, and I swap my front to rear and put a new one on the front.

When the Vittoria starts to delaminate.

But I admit I do tend to end up swapping tyres once I notice it’s though to the carcass a bit too often. I never get around to checking the TWIs.

Another Continental user here. Generally when the wear dimples have gone off the back tire. The front goes to the back and a new tire on the front. Recently I had a new Continental 5000S that kept getting flats in the first hundred miles. I was sure it was the tire and replaced it. The flat issue went away.

If your tire has wear dimples (see image below), it’s when those are fully worn away. If not, when the flat spot in the center of the tread exceeds 1cm.