Indian Wells 70.3 - race day updates

It doesn’t look like OutsideTV or ironmanlive are streaming on Sunday. Is anyone aware of other options?

i can’t even find a tracker for it on the IM website. has anyone found . . . anything? this race actually has a really interesting lineup!

Just the Ironman Tracker App I believe.

i can’t even find a tracker for it on the IM website. has anyone found . . . anything? this race actually has a really interesting lineup!

Yeah, I couldn’t see it on the Ironman website either, but it is on their Tracker App.

Just tracker…-preview-follow-liveHere’s the published start list:
One (from across the pond) has to be impressed quite how many USA professional elite triathletes there are.

Group of 14 (in 43 seconds) out of the water and all away from T1 within a minute #1 (Kanute) to #14 (Metzler)

Sam Long 27th out of water but climbing up right now 22nd. We need to watch relay teams as LS is doing relay.

Will keep an eye on their account today

Long has caught up 72 seconds on leader in 6 miles. Will keep an eye on their account todayYes Kyle is (it is said) a good oppo of Foley

i can’t even find a tracker for it on the IM website. has anyone found . . . anything? this race actually has a really interesting lineup!

Yeah, I couldn’t see it on the Ironman website either, but it is on their Tracker App.

ah screw this. i’m not downloading an app so i can watch your races, ironman. do you want me as a fan or not?

Sam made up a good chunk of time in the first 8.9 miles, only 1:35 down (fastest on course currently).

Ha in the IM app it does ask you if you are a fan or participant lol. Why it’s not a link to access beyond an app is good question.

because Ironman doesnt give a shit. they just want finishers.

Anyone know the name of Sanders’’ team? Searching by last name doesn’t bring it up.

Foley with a brutal swim, 5 minutes down. Even Ari beat him out of the water.

They’re doing a good job providing updates

Tamara will win on female side. She’s not much down and she can outrun everyone for sure.

Tamara will win on female side. She’s not much down and she can outrun everyone for sure.

tamara can quite literally outrun half the men, too.

Team no limits

Why Kanute dropped to #7 so quickly? Does he have a mechanical???

Uhm 12 secs. He’s sitting in.