In Response to a Few Questions/Statements on the Forum

BK. Is that you?

Record10t was my favorite poster of all time.

You have too much time on your hands… I don’t care what a bunch of strangers on the internet think, let alone so much that I would have to create a fake account to say what I think.

I do like Mr Tibbs train of thought though, life is way to short and valuable to be wasting it arguing about meaningless crap on the internet.

Really it’s quite embarrassing if you had to explain to a friend/spouse what you have been doing "so a mod said they would be making some changes and everyone lost their mind, I told them to chill and stop being hysterical, this made them even more hysterical, I got abused, called names, someone thought he was being smart by picking up on a typo, I argued about that for a while, argued some more about semantics’…friend/spouse blank staring you…

How embarrassing… And with this realisation I’m out, have fun loosers.

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My wife and I listen to each other intently on things that are of interest to us. Whether it’s something at work, with friends, or a website or book we are reading.

Sad that you don’t understand that. But hey at least your virtue is noted and you’re sporting it conspicuously for all of us simpleton internet users despite your recent digital arguments of late.

That’s not Tibbs and that isn’t why you were banned.

We spend a lot more time not arguing that we do arguing. I ain’t going to lie, you guys were a godsend during COVID. I’m just not sure which god.

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Yep. Look at the responses when someone or their family has medical issues, or their dog dies, or they have questions about work, law, house projects or any other subject. All differences are put aside and help, encouragement or sympathy is given.

No one was banned for supporting Trump. But nice try at victimhood.

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Years ago, I had a two hour phone call with Veganerd when my son was struggling.

I missed a DM earlier this year or I would have met up with another forum member in Austin.
That’s not your typical forum behavior.
The original Tibbs reached out to me years ago. I don’t think the new Tibbs is the old Tibbs.


Thank you for the insight. I may be in the minority in that I am uncertain about the categorization of the LR, but not necessarily opposed to it. As I said in the other thread, I am interested to see what is in store. The new format is superior IMHO, although I don’t know all the bells and whistles yet. But I will confess that I was put off by the totality of the messaging about the change. I don’t know if it is tone being lost in forum format, a miscalculation, emotion on everyone’s part, or what. As succinctly as I can put it: in the absence of information, people will infer a narrative based on the information that they have been provided.

Between the (perhaps unintended) snarky tone of the first post saying people could go elsewhere, the banning of members questioning the change, and liking some of the posts that seemed to antagonize those members, it struck me as… not ideal behavior from people who are the new stewards of the forum. I can’t imagine that was the intention, but that was how it was received. Everyone is still breathing, the bans are rescinded, and in the scheme of things a forum change isn’t that big of a deal. In the end, I think there was forgivable, but significant damage done. Fortunately, I feel like the mood has lightened some today, and I hope that continues!

I wish you, the other mods, and all of the ownership team luck in migrating things to whatever the new LR is, and hope whatever we land on works for all of us.

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thanks for your post. I love this place. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

That’s my experience.

The level of discourse here is- generally- higher than most other places. A- again generally- bunch of smart folks who don’t suffer fools lightly and have a good balance of diversity of points of view.

If you haven’t reconsidered your point of view during or after a discussion in the LR, you are doing it wrong.