In Response to a Few Questions/Statements on the Forum

Yeeper. Honest question. How many hours have you spent in here over the past 20 years arguing with strangers? Do you think that is normal? Please tell me there is something better to be doing with your life?

A lot of very successful forums have or had a separate area for members to shoot the shit.

Not everyone wants to be restricted in the manner you’re suggesting. Intelligent individuals generally have a knack for sifting through the masses to engage with other intelligent individuals or at least people they feel can bring value to their life. And politics is a pretty important topic for intelligent people to be able to discuss.

I hope the mission and finances can allow for that to continue. Others with more experience have suggested this is not possible and the mods have alluded to changed which put the writing on the wall.

It’s ironic; the terms of agreement mention writing like you would write for the NYT but the NYT writes about politics and ■■■■■ One of the most bizarre articles I ever read in the NYT was about how high def cameras were a detriment to the ■■■■ industry because you could see all the razor burn and other genital blemishes so well. Hardly family friendly Sunday dinner topics but it was still the NYT.

Tibbs, two honest questions:

  1. Why do you feel you have the ability to judge or put someone down for something they want to do with their time?


  1. How is interacting online any different than speaking in person to my friends?

And lastly not a question but a comment: there is a thing called multi-tasking and people can type while watching tv, waiting for things, on a road trip (not driving), in a dull meeting etc.

All of those “how much time have you wasted blah blah blah” arguments are always ridiculous and judgmental. Hardly constructive.

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There are plenty of smart successful people in the LR. The fact that they choose to spend some time here should tell you that there is real value for them here.

I often discuss issues at the intersection of law and politics with other DC lawyers. They sometimes express surprise at the details I’ll bring to the conversation. The reason I know those details is because of the LR. The conversations here push me to dig deeper, actually read the briefs and court opinions, etc., rather than rely on the media’s explanations.


that is so funny that you write this, because i started a thread this morning pointed to (but not only for) cathy morgan, about a male country/bluegrass singer who came across my transom. the video i posted is of a song that has among its lyrics:

Nobody has to know your mind
And how you choose to waste your time
Give me a mile, I’ll take an inch
Give me a shovel, I can dig my own ditch
Nobody has to know your mind

it’s not helpful or welcome when somebody opines on how i choose to spend my time, unless my habit includes meth or burglary.


I did see the thread but didn’t recognize the title, so I didn’t open it yet. But I just did and saw the imbedded YouTube video.

Solid lyrics; after bedtime I’ll be giving it a listen :+1:t4:

I’ve improved my arguments by testing them on you guys, and I’ve handled opposing arguments better because I’ve seen them here first. The effort with which we argue here is a valuable exercise that benefits me there.

ETA: Example: I worked through a lot of ideas with you guys regarding the MT AG issues. That series of MT AG events inspired me to action and inspired me to reach out to a retired Montana Supreme Court justice, who has since become a mentor and friend. Our arguing here helped me present my ideas to him three years ago. And, actually, surviving the arguments here gave me courage to present my arguments to him. lol

Based upon my writings, which he has been so kind as to review from time to time, this justice acted as a reference for me as I transitioned into a new phase of my career last spring. In fact, I just had a fantastic communication with him this morning.

What happens here is significant. There is no doubt in my mind that high quality ideas are exchanged here, and that is valuable.


Google likes to influence politics, they just don’t want anyone discussing them.

Says the user with an account 1 day old.

I appreciate the response. And yes, I was one of those initially bitching about the new forum. But it is growing on me. I enjoyed the simplicity of the last one, but the new one certainly has some positive features.

Regarding values, your response gives me hope but it’s hard to reconcile what you say is happening with the way the new ownership has been executing things and communicating about them. I guess we will see what next week brings.

I’d actually be really surprised if the LR wasn’t actually good for advertisers. While I don’t do Tris any longers (though have started training again), i do ride my bike a lot and still buy a ton of stuff for riding. I am guessing that most of the LR is not just doing nothing. The swimmers probably swim, the runners probably run. So while we probably won’t buy everything, we still fit a part of the demographic.

I assumed this was the final salvo. Mr. Tibbs, the OG forum member, making his return to tell everyone to head for greener pastures. The end is nigh.

I will remember the Lavender Room fondly. Even thou I was banned for supporting Trump.

I haven’t done a tri since 2013. But I still run and ride and fitness is still a part of my daily routine. I keep a pulse on triathlon and other endurance sports, but my traffic here would be a fraction of what it is without the LR.

Yeah, Tibbs showing up might as well have been Gabriel announcing judgement day with his horn!

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betcha a dollar this is fake tibbs

If it was the real Tibbs, he is doing better than I would have thought…

Just a guess, but it sounds like @lastlap. His last post was 2 days ago and he was saying much the same stuff as the “Mr Tibbs” account (which is only 1 day old) is now saying.

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Says the person who is arguing with strangers. If you think that we’re only “arguing” here, then you aren’t paying attention.

IMO you are off base. I have met a number of people from here, we have had multiple womens’ camps, and lots of us have met up at various races, or for a cocktail in Austin, this spring. People have helped fellow STers out in many ways. You should know about that, or have you forgotten?

I do remember the kindness. But honestly, Tibbs ebayed the bike yo’all got him years ago. And sure the field trips to xanatusia are awesome. But, What Dan, Monty and the others put on there is more of a main forum retreat. They are not looking for a battle royale between Duffy, forge, blep, Nutella, windy, Kay blep, sphere, etc.