Just did MOO and will be doing LOU and looking for some tips and suggestions as for setting up intensity/volume for the next three weekends before the race. Would love to hear from some of you that have done 2 this close together. I came out of MOO feeling pretty good. Calves were cramping at about 19 of the run and are really the only part of me that is stiill a bit tender and sore. No joint pain to really speak of. I’m 48 and a MOP’er and LOU will be IM#8 for me. I have been recovering and took the first 3 days off and went for a short swim and easy MTB ride already. Probably will try and do a short run on Friday or Saturday. Also plan on riding 40-50 easyish this weekend. The question i’m having is weather to try and do some bigger volume next weekend( Sep 24th,25th) then the following week cut it back for a taper or do bigger week on Oct 1st and 2nd with the race being on the 9th? I feel i should go more bike/swim focused and get in an 80-100 miler in ion the 24th and 25th weekend and hopefully get maybe 2 longish runs in before the race of maybe 12-14ish. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.
Following as I’m in the same boat. Originally was going to race Texas but had to switch to IMLou as late winter was crazy at work. I probably won’t run til next Tuesday and doubt I put in more than 10-15 miles per week leading up to race. Ran most of the marathon (3:52, slow but legs are tired). Will do two or three 60-70 mile rides, not hard, just going out and see how the legs feel. Guessing first 60-70 mile ride a week from tomorrow. This weekend, nada, camping with my girls.
I did both last year. My advice…do "just enough ". I don’t think any ride over 50 miles is necessary and keep runs frequent but not long. I felt good at LOU until the run and the just felt like legs were tired. You won’t gain much and will only cause more fatigue
There is nothing specific, but i would heavy advise that you dont rush back into training, esp the running. Give yourself this week to fully recovery physically and mentally, then next week start to feel out what you can do, that feels ok, without the goal of adding stress. The week of the 26th i would start to add in more work, id look at adding in easier volume, no intensity. On the weekend, if you keep the intensity below race watts, you could go up to 3-4 hours, only if you keep it light. The goal is to just feel good
You can’t do nothing till the 9th, but the last thing you want to do is rush back into it. Everyone’s recovery is different.
I just did MOO too and will be on the big island Saturday before LOU racing. I was committed to do MOO before winning the legacy lottery so it was a training race and I shut it down at mile 15 and walked it in so I’ve been feeling pretty good this week. Been swimming this week and plan to bike long this weekend. Swim and bike focus next two weeks with light running for me. Staggered taper; run, bike, then swim.
I’ve never done two Ironmans a month apart, but I did do IMWI and Cozumel a few years ago (12 weeks apart) so I had to get back to training fairly quickly after WI. I wouldn’t ride 40-50 miles this weekend. You might find that you’re starting to feel alright, but there’s still a lot of deep fatigue that you can easily bring back if you go too long or too hard. The last thing you want to do is get back at it too soon and dig a hole you can’t climb out of. I didn’t do anything over an hour for the first 12 days after WI and kept everything easy and gave myself several rest days. My notes in TP say that I felt pretty good the weekend two weeks after IMWI. I did some longer workouts then but didn’t push the pace. I had more time to ease back into training though.
People who have actually done two Ironmans a month apart may have different advice for you, but I would approach this as though IMWI was your last big key workout for Louisville and that you’re now doing a long taper rather than trying to work in a short build before Louisville. You’re trying to shed the fatigue from WI and hang onto your fitness, not build additional fitness. There really isn’t time to recover, build and taper again in a month.
Good luck. I hope it works out for you and you have a good day in Louisville.
Thanks all for all your tips advice and recommendations. They were most helpful. Took it real easy this week and mostly just swam( steam room and Jacuzzi) after felt great. Did some walking and a little recreational riding. Thursday did an hour east on my TT bike and today did an easy, flat 50 miles. Quads still feel the hills a bit of MOO but overall pretty good. Tomorrow I’m going to do an easy 3-5 miles and see how that feels. Then if all goes well alternate run and ride days mixed with a few swims. If im feeling good next weekend maybe bike 60=70 and run 8-12ish easy.Thanks again!!