IMLP Report: Thanks Slowtwitch

Just got back from IMLP. Interesting experience. I had not planned on signing up for next year. Even if I did, by the time I got to the fair ground at 11:00, onsite was sold out (700 spots) and I was told online was also closed out.

First off it was great to meet lots of slowtwitchers. I did not have any family or friends travelling to the race with me, so it was very nice to see many familiar faces and meet some new ones. It can actually get pretty lonely the few days leading up the race if you are by yourself. Dev called me several times during the week to check up on me and make sure I was doing okay and ready to race. Appreciated that.

Thursday: Dev and I went for an easy swim. Also ran into the Kaiser (kus) and Spinndogg. Went out to watch the tour on the big screen at Wise Guy’s that night and ran into Runsum??? (Rich) who I had met at Tupper lake a few weeks earlier and swordfish came out as well. I called kus, but he was going to bed (Note: if you want to go sub 10:00 in an IM don’t stay up late drinking on Thursday).

Friday: 8:00 am meet up at the swim. No swimming for me, but I saw Record10 and promptly told him I had called the sheriff to get his dog off the beach. Since I played it straight and he didn’t know who I was I had him going for a minute. Also met trukweaz and Collosal Quads. Went for a great breakfast at the Black Bear with rich, Record, swordfish, rroof and Dan from Chicago (forget his slowtwitch name).

Later that day I ran into Murphy’s Law at Placid Planet bikes. He busted his fork on the ride up, but I didn’t seem to affect his race.

Went to the dinner with Dev, Jean, Peter and the Kona Express. The whole thing was a little freaky, kind of like a cult meeting or revival. A bunch of sponsor talk and how great it is to be an IM. They recognized some guy from the crowd who lost the most weigth training for the IM. I assumed they meant this year’s race, but this guy had his own ideas. He apparently lost 106 pounds over several years and raced last year. He wasn’t even sure if he lost any weight since last year. This was kind of stupid.

Saturday: Went for an easy bike with Dev and ran into KJGrog. Basically if you hang around with Dev, you spend most of your time talking because he knows just about everyone.

Checked out the Expo. Overall lame and no swag. At the bootleg expo at High Peaks Cyclery I ran into Wayne (Polar rep) manning the Polar tent. He gave me a polar shoe/swim bag, the only decent swag I got. Thanks Wayne. Wayne was also there to cheer me on during the run. The Serotta guy trued my wheel for me.

Oh yeah, the race. I will just give a few snippets.

Swim: I am not a great swimmer, but this was the best part. I somehow got in just the right spot. My HIM PR is 32:30 and I swam a 63:03 going easy, with a 30:XX first loop. The worst bumps I took were from the buoys. I was on the rope by 400m in and had smooth sailing all the way.

Bike: Rode a 5:46, about what I thought. Saw itseazy and kus way out in front coming out of Hasselton on first loop. Pretty much ideal conditions, once the rain stopped after about 90 minutes. 2:53 for each loop, perfect pacing. Passed a lot of folks (30 - 40) in the last 15 miles. Stopped to pee twice, so maybe I wasted 2:00, but at least I can say I don’t wet my pants on purpose. I also had to stop once to fix my timing chip. Very crowded even with the hills, had to work hard to ride mostly clean. Caught Record10 on the first out and back, told him he was drafting/blocking/cheating (he wasn’t) and I was going to post on slowtwitch about it. He is a pretty nice guy to put up with me busting his balls like that. Felt pretty good, the crowds in town were awesome and the time passed really quickly. There was a little kid blowing a bugle in Wilmington on the first loop. He was still going when I went by the second time.

Run: I was on the road at 7:01, only 1 minute off the plan. My legs felt great, my stomach not so good. I did the first mile in 6:50 (downhill) and my heart rate was about 150. Running okay, but I did not take any aid for about 3 miles or so, and not much of substance until 5 miles. I knew this would come back to me, but htere was nothing to do except keep moving. I had to make 5 bathroom stops on the first loop. Ticking off the miles, finally stomach felt okay by mile 8. I sort of met Dr Tommy here (Tom Evans) as he was lapping me and I grabbed a coke, that he was going for at the aid station (sorry, didn’t see you behind me). Somehow through all that, I ran a 1:37 first loop. My heart rate was about 155, which is only about 5 - 7 beats above a very easy pace for me. I was optimistic that my stomach problems were under control and the legs would hold up. Of course the first loop means nothing, this is where the race really starts and the true contenders shine. Continued to go well to about mile 18 and then I crashed hard, just had no energy and some knee pain was starting to set in. Had a two really rough miles and had to walk a bit. Took a lot of cola, just running aid station to aid station and bounced back a bit for the last six miles and ended up with a 3:41 split. I probably could have pulled back another 5 - 6 minutes in the last 5 miles if I really sucked it up, but my goals were out the window and I was suffering enough already. I did my best to bring it in steady with a manageable pain level, no need to be a hero and prolongue my recovery. Overall I was a little off with the fourth sport (nutrition), but all things considered I figure I did okay for my first crack at an IM.

Dev took the smackdown by 19:00 and grabbed a Kona spot to boot. Go Dev, unfortunately I will not be able to participate in any smackdowns in October (this year).

you had a great race, nice job. good to hear that dev got a kona spot

Great seeing you on the run.

I think you did a great job and you ain’t no stinking tri virgin like me no more :wink:

Enjoy your fitness ,let your wouds heal,set a new goal.
Their will be other smack down.

Great job Thom / Dirt

Great job Matt! I guess you’ll have to qualify at Muskoka next year :slight_smile: for Smackdown Mach II. Dev’s already come out of retirement for '07 IMLP.

How could you forget meeting me?!?!??!

I worked registration this morning…new system where you pay on-line later with a confirmation number. You can also sign yourself up AND a friend. It was SO great meeting people there!

good job on your first IM, not bad at all! I am curious though… could you see some people swimming on the left side of the boueys? :slight_smile:

Great job Matt, I was the one riding with Chip when you caught up to us the first time around, and then you caught me agian about mile 90. Awesome run, that was a tough course.

good job on your first IM, not bad at all! I am curious though… could you see some people swimming on the left side of the boueys? :slight_smile:
This is actually what Dev does and what he recommended, as well as several others. In the end I picked the perfect spot to the right and had a great swim. Since I breath to the right, it would be harder to swim to the left.

I can’t imagine that you’ll be up for doing Timberman in 25 days but come anyway, I’ll sneak you into transition with your beer! You and Kurt can do up some wings on the barbe!

Congrats on your race!

How could you forget meeting me?!?!??!

I worked registration this morning…new system where you pay on-line later with a confirmation number. You can also sign yourself up AND a friend. It was SO great meeting people there!
Sorry about that. I always seem to be absent minded when it comes to women (I forget their name, that I know them, even the good looking ones). Probably while I am single;) Good luck at Zofingen.

Triyoda, like I said, congrats on becoming an Ironman. You really kicked ass despite your stomach issues. My race was going from good to very bad on run loop 1 with severe stomach issues, but having a solid dozen of these races under my belt allowed me to come back from the dead at mile 16 where I was ready to dig a gravesite and resume running. I just happen to have a bit more experience on you. Otherwise, you would have easily hammered me yesterday.

Yes and to confirm Trevor’s statement about my 12 hour retirement from Ironman, I was in line this morning at 8:30 am to sign up with my buddy Barry “Konaexpress” Dmitruk who won 45-49. Like this year, my only long run of the year in 2007 will be at Ironman LP. I will once again show up on race day with the max run of 2 hours only and be on the swim and bike till you drop program :-).

Bring on Epicman and Irontour 07!


Yeah, I tried that retirement thing too but it didn’t seem to work out. I was asked about 100 times on Sunday if I was doing the race next year and all I said was “no frickin way” but in a brief moment of weakness i signed up. Damn! I so much wanted to retire.

Congrats on the well deserved Kona spot and a great race. When the stomach goes bad it’s very hard to right the ship and you did it.

Looks like we will be matched up once again in Kona and LP next year.

…and then I’ll retire.

Oh and St croix. mustn’t forget St Croix.

The main reason for retirement talk is the fear of losing the usage of my knees with too much running. The last 2 years, I proved to myself that I can run “just fast enough” on 2 hour runs only :-).

As for racing you in the lava fields, I will “watch” from the back of the bus, while you, Kus and others duke it out at the front pack!

Thanks for the good words…by the way, will you wear the LG prolog for Kona, or will you go with a more vented aero helmet like the Rudy Project or the LG Chrono?


Good effort out there Matt, I was rooting for you all day. I was really hoping you would pull off a studly sub 3:20 first time IM marathon, but it was not to be that day. It has been fun keeping tabs on your Ironman journey, thanks for the entertainment.

quads, u raced LP and u have timberman in 25 days? what the hell man, do you think you’ll be recovered?
by the way how did u finish?

Matt, great job, and helluva IM debut. Hopefully I’ll run into you again at Timberman.

Dev, big congrats on making Kona.

Great meeting all the STers out there and a lot of awesome performances out there yesterday.

Yoda, great job, it was good seeing you on the course. 10:40 in your first? Shit, I’ve done 4 now and not yet close to that. When’s your next? :slight_smile:


I never run longer than 2 hours either. Actually this year I haven’t run longer than 1.5hrs yet.

I’m with you at Kona. I’m just there for fun, do a lot of hiking with the kids, have a cool vacation…etc. The race is somewhat secondary. Although i will be fresher than past races having not done an earlier ironman this year. Who knows?

I will NOT wear an aero helmet in Kona. WAY too hot for me. I need all the vents I can get there.

BTW, I’ve never seen so many aerohelmets as I did Sunday.

No swimming for me, but I saw Record10 and promptly told him I had called the sheriff to get his dog off the beach. Since I played it straight and he didn’t know who I was I had him going for a minute.

Caught Record10 on the first out and back, told him he was drafting/blocking/cheating (he wasn’t) and I was going to post on slowtwitch about it.


Congrats on your first IM.


Congrats on an awesome first IM ! It was great getting to know you better during the week and I’m looking forward to lining up with you at the LG Tri.