Just want to see at what volume others training is at: I am just starting to get really tired and unmotivated, hoping seeing what others are doing will either reassure me or push me.
Yards Swam Per week?
Miles Ran Per Week?
Long Run distance?
Bike Miles per week?
Long Bike ride?
I agree, it’s just what works for you. I’m sure there will be a ton of athletes cleaning my clock on race day who have done half the days of training. I’m doing LP and starting to feel a bit unmotivated too. I’ve averaged about 12-14 hrs/week since Jan w/ a consistent mix of: Mon (easy bike, pilates), Tues (swim / interval run), wed (off or yoga), Thurs (interval Computrainer, easy run), fri (swim), sat (open water swim /long run), sun (long bike/short run). Only thing that is getting me through these days is thinking that I need to focus on the next 3-4 weeks and that’s about it. Just push through, not much longer…it’ll be worth it! Good luck and see you there!
When was the last time you raced anything? And I mean anything, even your local sprint… I find that if I don’t race periodically leading up to an IM, I lose focus and forget what the sport is about. For example, I’m heading to Pelham today for the Xterra; does that help my race at LP? Not that I know of! But I guarantee you my training on Sunday will be better because of it.
When was the last time you raced anything? And I mean anything, even your local sprint… I find that if I don’t race periodically leading up to an IM, I lose focus and forget what the sport is about. For example, I’m heading to Pelham today for the Xterra; does that help my race at LP? Not that I know of! But I guarantee you my training on Sunday will be better because of it.
Along the same lines, you have to mix it up. If you’re training solo all of the time, then you’re going to burn out. Sometimes you have to jump in with motivated people to get out of your funk. Plan some easy days with a group run or group ride. Schedule some races prior to LP to give yourself intermediate goals. The time between the start of training and the race itself is much too long to stay continually motivated. Like a tough workout, try breaking it into smaller, manageable pieces.
2nd year in a row for me and it’s well, different. Motivation is there, unfortunately I’m dealing with an achilles issue that is limiting my running. Slowly impoving so I’m optimistic with some more rest I’ll be ready for the big push. My mental battle has been dealing with laying off the run. But I know it has to heal or there will be no qualiity just suffering.
Biking and swimming are on par with last year:
bike 130-150/week (with volume increasing). long ride so far 80 miles, century next week
Swim 3x a week, 10,000 meters.
Since the swim at Harriman was cancelled I’m entering a 1.2 swim race (Navasink,NJ) just for fun on 6/7. Then it’s LP “training camp” 6/19-6/21 which I had a blast at last year. Those two things and the century are my short term motivation.
I agree with others find something between now and then to do just for fun.
When was the last time you raced anything? And I mean anything, even your local sprint… I find that if I don’t race periodically leading up to an IM, I lose focus and forget what the sport is about.
I find that many training for IM races fall into this trap and all they do is focus and obsess on the training for the IM race with minimal to no other racing on the calendar. I have no idea how or why they do this, when the racing, even right on down to sprint tris and 5K running races can be of great value in many different ways.
To the OP, a tried and true tactic that many of the very best in the sport do just before the big push of training before a key IM, is to take a few days off or a VERY light week of training. Then start the build. Theis freshens the mind and the body.