IMAZ 2020 Registration?

Anyone know when this opens for registration online? Last time I did it it was selling out in minutes, and it opened in the morning after the race.

AWA registration is Monday. Tri Club registration is Wednesday. Both good through Sunday, December 1st. My guess is general registration will be Monday, December 2nd.

Ok thanks. I’m not AWA or Tri club, but are any spots likely to be left by the 2nd December?

Anyone receive their AWA registration code yet? I am silver, but have not.

I’m an AWA as well and I haven’t received anything.

Their new website is so poorly made, it’s painful to watch. I guess their mailing system is not much better either.

To be honest, they don’t really need a non-shitty site if people create threads to discuss how to purchase their products faster.

Meanwhile. The registration is still in the process of being opened soon, but Tier 1 is already sold out! :slight_smile:

I’m in a tri club and got the email last week that registration opens Wednesday and general registration opens on Sunday.

I just took a look at the website and tier 1 is already sold out. Knowing my luck by the time I register on Wednesday it’ll be at tier 4.

I think I read somewhere that last year it sold out about 7 hours after general registration opened.

The IM registration system is complete crap. I routinely don’t get the early registration codes for AWA Gold, but then sometimes do. They can’t fix it. Good luck dealing with their customer service.

My wife received her AWA registration a few days ago and signed up this morning when it went live.

It didn’t sell out in 7 hours last year. It was open for several days if my memory is correct

Is she AWA gold?

No kidding. I’m trying to transfer out if IM St. George, it took two weeks for them to even acknowledge me. 5 tickets and probably ten emails later. Abysmal.

The tier system is a joke - I registered within minutes of receiving email link and had to pay Tier 2 price - on top of tax and a $64+ fee.

Is she AWA gold?

No bronze. I’m not sure if they have a different schedule depending on level, I think all AWA’s go at the same time.

I think the catch is that AWA receive invitation for selected races (as advertised on their benefits page).

I just checked my inbox, I’ve received 10 invitations for 70.3 and 140.6 events this year. There are of course significantly more events opened. They’re probably randomly sending invites to some races to some people

I finally got mine (silver).

Got an AWA invite and bought it. Somehow had to pay Tier 3 even if the site says Tier 2 is still open.
Ah, well, marketing!

I just registered and it’s definitely at Tier 3 pricing even though the website says it’s at Tier 2.

$905 after taxes and Active fees. Yikes.


So, Traverse City 70.3 there were no taxes. It looks like I needed to re-up my USAT membership then…but this time? Cmon man. My membership doesn’t expire until September of 2020, why does the software force me to re-up? Maybe the Lifetime membership is a smart idea?

So if you take out the taxes and USAT renewal, it would have been $800 after fees. I had a projected cost and Active and Ironman kicked that can down the road. Good thing I have WSG stock!

They also offered, and I purchased, race insurance for $90. I was surprised to see it because St George did not.
Due to a back injury, I used the insurance for this year’s race.