IM Wisconsin (6)

I’m looking for some insight on the bike course for Ironman Wisconsin. I’ve done Lake Placid and Mont Tremblant is it more or less challenging? Thanks,

I have done all of them except the other 2 were 70.3. Bike course roads at IM Wisconsin are rough compared to the other 2. Windier too with September date. Some steep short climbs and lots of hills. Based on all the factors, I find Wisconsin the toughest bike course of the 3 personally but others will disagree. The first 15km or so are zigzagging to get out of town so tough to maintain speed. Hope this helps.

I haven’t done LP but WI and MT. I agree with what you said that roads are rough in some spots. What’s challenging about IMWI bike is that you don’t gain back all the effort from the climbs because there’s some turns on/right after descents. I had to hit brakes/slow down on some of descents.
And yes, it can be windy.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Rough roads (depending on what you are used to). So many punchy hills and 90 degree turns. Your rear derailleur better be tuned. It’s a frustrating course because you don’t get to use your speed on the hills. Lots of turns immediately at the bottom of descents. However the spectator support is awesome for the entire race.

Yup. Same as the others. MT is like a wet dream compared to Wisconsin. Polar opposites! Can’t maintain speed. Turns when you don’t want them and very rough roads. And nothing but barns to look at. If you’re not running 32’s, tubeless, with 60 psi in them, I’d seriously consider it!

I hope it returns to its former glory with it being sold out this year. I’ve spectated almost every year for last 8-9 years because I know at least a handful of friends racing. Unfortunately there are less people every year. Didnt go last year but my friends said it was dead last year. Two years ago was an exception with the very bad weather.
IMWI was my first 140.6 and it was epic. I came back out after to watch the last few racers coming in at midnight and Madison was packed.

Thank you. I loved IMMT I did it twice was planning a 3rd then covid hit! Then they didn’t renew their contract!

I did it 2 years ago with the bad weather…I was so cold I don’t even remember the course haha

I found MT more of a challenge than WI. But as a midwesterner the rough roads are just normal so doesn’t bother me. The three B’s aren’t any where as bad as people make them out to be.

Hard to believe that this IM Wisconsin thread does not mention snakes. Where are all the old timer slowtwitchers?

Thank you. Being in upstate NY ( Adirondacks) hills aren’t the issue. It’s the rough roads. I’m spoiled, the roads I ride are nice.

Thank you. Being in upstate NY ( Adirondacks) hills aren’t the issue. It’s the rough roads. I’m spoiled, the roads I ride are nice.

Rode the loop Monday and it’s not that bad except for one section. Much has been repaved and it’s good except for a few miles now.

Question was about the bike, not swim :slight_smile:

But as a midwesterner, you’re more likely to encounter snakes on bike and run than on swim.

Thanks, for the update.

Thanks, for the update.

You’re quite welcome. I think that short stretch is on Marsh View Road, where there potholes after a downhill. Hopefully patched or marked. If you’d like any other info, I live here and would be happy to help.

Thanks, much appreciated.