IM Vitoria-Gasteiz race day thread

laidlow just misses out on the swim win to - unsurprisingly? - richard varga, who turned in a tasty 45:00 in his first IM!

conditions look absolutely glassy; clutterbuck also looking good to break the women’s swim record too.

some interesting names on this list and it’ll be interesting to see how things shake down.

Great swim from Ruth Astle!

Great swim from Ruth Astle!

yep - surely a career best. she’s got to be happy as larry hanging with that group on the bike. hopefully her calf holds together on the run!

meanwhile, i come back from a bike ride and laidlow has disappeared from the tracker - what’s happened?

meanwhile, i come back from a bike ride and laidlow has disappeared from the tracker - what’s happened?
DQ for Sam. Drafting penalty, didn’t serve it at the next penalty tent.

Broadcast announcing that Laidlow has been DQ’d. Drafting penalty, which he failed to serve at the first available penalty tent.Yes we saw a replay of Laidlow being remonstrated with and shown Blue card (at about 69km).
Edit: We had seen some very ‘tight’ riding (behind Kallin) on the coverage. Laidlow is unused to riding with more than one other, perhaps (eg just Neumann (Kona) or Ditlev (Roth)). Victim of his efforts to ‘take it easy’ and ‘just’ validate, maybe.

Penalty tent is by T1 (after one of the two long laps) at 72.2km. Requirement is to serve at the first PT you ‘pass’. Laidlow rode past: assume he plans to protest the card. Laidlow has been removed from the tracker (as he’s been DQ’d). Some Dede/Joe chat on his need to validate.his AQ for the IMWC and the opportunities. IM Frankfurt (18 August) is only option.

meanwhile, i come back from a bike ride and laidlow has disappeared from the tracker - what’s happened?
DQ for Sam. Drafting penalty, didn’t serve it at the next penalty tent.

huh - that’s weird.

meanwhile, has the stream died for anyone else? can’t seem to get it to load anymore . . .

He also managed to cross the center line while passing another athlete with the ref / Moto right next to him…which probably won’t help his cause.

Broadcast announcing that Laidlow has been DQ’d. Drafting penalty, which he failed to serve at the first available penalty tent.Yes we saw a replay of Laidlow being remonstrated with and shown Blue card (at about 69km). Penalty tent is by T1 (after one of the two long laps) at 80km. Requirement is to serve at the first PT you ‘pass’. Laidlow rode past: assume he plans to protest the card. Laidlow has been removed from the tracker (as he’s been DQ’d). Some Dede/Joe chat on his need to validate.his AQ for the IMWC and the opportunities. IM Frankfurt (18 August) is only option.

You can’t protest drafting penalties. Am I correct?
Also, what happened to Zepunkte? Not following the live stream and saw him drop like a bag of potatoes from having smashed it at the front for over half of the bike.

Recent Dede comments say he’s out on the run course, planning to finish and then protest. The only way he can protest is in front of a competition panel. Really don’t know how you present any evidence that you were not drafting.

You can protest, but never succeeds (and requires the athlete to complete the course so 26 miles in your legs).
Kallin and Hoegenhaug both running same speed.
Lopez caught leader by 30 secs in the first km and has carried on catching fast enough to close the 13 minute gap. Lopez (who is the top ranked Spaniard) ran 2:37 in his first IM (last year) so if Kallin can’t go sub 2:50 it’ll be interesting.

You can protest, but never succeeds (and requires the athlete to complete the course so 26 miles in your legs).
kallin and Hoegenhaug both running same speed. Lopez caught leader by 30 secs in the first km and has carried on catching fast enough to close the 13 minute gap. Lopez ran 2:37 in his first IM (last year) so if Kallin can’t go sub 2:50 it’ll be interesting.

At current pace it’s Lopez v McNamee for the win.

Couldn’t he protest that the penalty tent wasn’t setup or accessible? If he served the penalty at some point he, then he might get the DQ tossed and complete the validation.

Let’s not forget Taylor Knibb in Kona when the tent wasn’t even setup.


Apparently Sam Laidlow is still running - 10 min in front of Kalinn. Can anybody confirm this? Some friends who are up there (seeing the race live) just send over that info.

Yeah, interesting to see how this one plays out. If DQ’d, Ironman makes their reigning world champ put an extra race in his legs before Kona, which I highly doubt will have been in his prep plan.
I’m no fan of Laidlow, but I also want to see him beaten fairly, with no excuses.

People on the Ironman Pro Series Youtube Chatter is saying the same thing. Laidlow is no. 1 but with a DQF

WTF ? Seems the commentars are ignoring him. Same as the whole Sanders passing the line fubar

Couldn’t he protest that the penalty tent wasn’t setup or accessible? If he served the penalty at some point he, then he might get the DQ tossed and complete the validation.
Let’s not forget Taylor Knibb in Kona when the tent wasn’t even setup.BUT he didn’t then stop at the next penalty tent (and there were at least two more on the bike course.Apparently Sam Laidlow is still running - 10 min in front of Kalinn. Can anybody confirm this? Some friends who are up there (seeing the race live) just send over that info.We saw him pass Kallin a few minutes ago so he’s not “10 minutes ahead”; maybe one or two. He is only a few minutes faster than Kallin over 26 miles.
I expect Lopez to catch Kallin but not to catch to DQ’d athlete completing the course.

SO the Q is: does he run into the finish and take the tape, and how would you manage that, as a race organiser/producer.
Could always find a way to send him off (run) course (and standby DQ for failing to follow the course).
Also I wonder if Laidlow wants to try to argue that the IMWC validation requirement is satisfied (complete a race competitively).

Apparently Sam Laidlow is still running - 10 min in front of Kalinn. Can anybody confirm this? Some friends who are up there (seeing the race live) just send over that info.

Laidlow came in on the bike behind Kallin so he’s nowhere near 10min ahead. They showed him just behind a short while ago so maybe slightly ahead at this point.

Let’s remember, that both IM LP and IM Frankfurt are closed.

If his protest is unsuccessful, then he won’t be able to validate for Kona 2024. The commentators ignoring the fact that Sam is leading the race is shameful - in case Sam’s protest is granted, how do they explain this? Won’t they extend the finisher’s tape for Sam? Crazy stupid situation.

Let’s remember, that both IM LP and IM Frankfurt are closed.

If his protest is unsuccessful, then he won’t be able to validate for Kona 2024. The commentators ignoring the fact that Sam is leading the race is shameful - in case Sam’s protest is granted, how do they explain this? Won’t they extend the finisher’s tape for Sam? Crazy stupid situation.
Yeah,it is pathetic that they are ignoring Sam when his situation is the biggest story of the whole event. I hope he continues on and finishes first just to see what sort of dance Ironman does.

Let’s remember, that both IM LP and IM Frankfurt are closed.

If his protest is unsuccessful, then he won’t be able to validate for Kona 2024. The commentators ignoring the fact that Sam is leading the race is shameful - in case Sam’s protest is granted, how do they explain this? Won’t they extend the finisher’s tape for Sam? Crazy stupid situation.
Yeah,it is pathetic that they are ignoring Sam when his situation is the biggest story of the whole event. I hope he continues on and finishes first just to see what sort of dance Ironman does.

IM loves to ignore stuff/put head in the sand. They never name T100 for example…
“If you don’t name it it doesn’t exist…” Voldemort 2.0