IM Texas: Did no TriBike Trans affect you?

if you were a tribike transport user: i’d like to know how the lack of tribike transport affected anyone who traveled by plane (or would normally travel bike plane) to IM Texas? meaning, you got their fine, no problem, didn’t miss tribike? or, you got to the race but it was an extra hassle? or, you skipped the race because not having tribike caused too much hassle?

IM texas is a “local” race for me. In the past few years I’ve decided to use TBT to go to races further away. Not having tbt now means I’ll be doing IMTX more often instead.

Definitely affected me…I’ve used TBT several times in the past for my travel races and it was always a breeze. This time, had to buy a travel case, figure out how to break down and pack the bike safely and securely, pay the luggage fees, worry about the bike getting there and back safely, accidentally strip the seat post bolt reassembling the bike at the race (with my new torque wrench that I otherwise wouldn’t necessarily have bought), replace/fix said bolt at PlayTri for another unexpected expense (they had to drill it out), then break the bike back down to pack on the way home. A lot more expense and hassle compared to TBT.

I did not do this race (or others) specifically because TBT went out of business. I don’t like travel as it is and adding in another “hassle” makes it worse. I also travel with my wife and kids so adding in the extra luggage and hassle of a getting an oversized rental in order to lug around a bike box takes even more fun out of the trip and experience. Ironman races are a family experience for us so not having the convenience of TBT means less travel for racing.

Definitely affected me…I’ve used TBT several times in the past for my travel races and it was always a breeze. This time, had to buy a travel case, figure out how to break down and pack the bike safely and securely, pay the luggage fees, worry about the bike getting there and back safely, accidentally strip the seat post bolt reassembling the bike at the race (with my new torque wrench that I otherwise wouldn’t necessarily have bought), replace/fix said bolt at PlayTri for another unexpected expense (they had to drill it out), then break the bike back down to pack on the way home. A lot more expense and hassle compared to TBT.

This would have resolved a lot of your issues:

Anyone know if one can ship a BikeBox by Alan Triathlon Aero EasyFit back home via UPS, FedEx, etc.? If not, I don’t know if it’s such a great option if someone is planning to vacation after a race. I too miss TBT. It definitely will impact how often and where I race going forward. I won’t consider IM Texas because TBT is not an option any longer.

Not specific to Texas, but without a TBT I am done going to races that I would have to fly to. I have no desire to disconnect disk brakes and e shifting (front end stuff) and try to reassemble them at race and repeat to come home. Often those far away races become a vacation and I don’t want to lug a bike box around with me especially out of country.
I used TBT to Austria, Australia, Hawaii, and cross country to Chattanooga and Florida and never had a problem.

Yes 100%. In fact this year’s race would be the last out of the state race for me. And I register before tbt went under. I will stay local from now on.

Maybe…but not really
I am trying to have a vacation, not hailing the biggest piece of luggage in the airport and trying to fit it into an Uber when the driver thinks there is a body in it…lol. Then repeat after I am wasted. That is too much for me.

Definitely affected me…I’ve used TBT several times in the past for my travel races and it was always a breeze. This time, had to buy a travel case, figure out how to break down and pack the bike safely and securely, pay the luggage fees, worry about the bike getting there and back safely, accidentally strip the seat post bolt reassembling the bike at the race (with my new torque wrench that I otherwise wouldn’t necessarily have bought), replace/fix said bolt at PlayTri for another unexpected expense (they had to drill it out), then break the bike back down to pack on the way home. A lot more expense and hassle compared to TBT.

This would have resolved a lot of your issues:

Seems like a natural opening for IM to run a customer facing logistics ground that just does the bike transport stuff. I think this is core biz that they would benefit more by bringing it in house. I have figured out how to travel with bikes, but I have not updated a rim brake 2017 P3 (which is the 2013 NP3 model) because it is so easy to wrench and travel with. From it being rideable at home to packed or from packed to assemble at my destination I have timed it down to 18 minutes and seconds, with all my gear in the bike case (soft shell) and sub 50 lbs. My soft shell fits into a Kia Rio tiny rental car, and touch wood I have probably done 500 flight legs over 3 decades with zero damage. But Ironman can’t expect most customers to have that level of efficiently built up into their travel mode of operation (I also have the benefit of going on military deployment, so “one man one kit” mindset and being able to assemble your gear in the dark and survive with no logistics support).

And as I mentioned I have not upraded bikes because I want ease of travel. For me this is a superior feature to speed of my bike, mainly because I am so slow now, that travel convenience is more important. Not to say I am not looking to upgrade, but I will need to figure out my travel system if I get a bike that is a pain to take apart and put back together.

As a longtime user of Tri Bike Transport, I was sorry to see them collapse, and the way they did so might make it unlikely for a successor organization to start up and succeed if people worry their bikes might be damaged (as my friend’s was by TBT at two successive races) or held hostage by a subcontractor for payment.

That said, I’m not worried about packing my own bike to fly to a race. Done it before, no big deal. Except for one wrinkle. Without Tri Bike Transport to ground ship bikes, a lot more people will be showing up at the airport, bike box in tow, expecting it to arrive at their destination on the same plane they are on.

I suspect that some bikes simply won’t make it onto the owners’ flights due to non-timely check-in, disputes over weight/cost of bike boxes, and limits on passenger flight cargo space. Also some destinations have you fly into a big airport on a big jet (cargo space not an issue) and then you transfer to a small plane with less cargo space. Oops, no room for more bikes!

For that reason, I would be adding a day to the beginning and end of my triathlon trips to fly on a less popular day. So rather than arrive on Thursday for a Sunday race, maybe I get there on Wednesday. There would be an even bigger crush of folks flying their bikes home.

And I know you can reserve an airplane seat, but I don’t know if a person can reserve cargo space for a bike box. I use a standard hard-side box, but those behemoth boxes that are so popular now might face additional space challenges.

I’d like to hear from airport logistics folk about what a lot more bike boxes will mean for the airlines and tri-flying public

This is part of the reason I can’t really understand the need for discs on tri bikes. Rim brake: who has genuinely worn their race wheels out at the rim? I’ve rebuilt winter bike wheel sets with new rims; I’ve replaced lots of hub bearings, but generally succumbed to a new, latest greatest wheel set before my old one wore out.

I wrench on all my own bikes; I only ever buy framesets (road, tri, full suspension) and build them up, so comfortable with most brake systems, invest in the correct tooling for a new system (but also tend to stick to systems I know - mainly Shimano). I don’t want to travel with a bleed kit on top of everything else - I’ve got a dropper that constantly needs bleeding as is a PIA.

I’ve got a 2016 NP3 and just recently rebuilt the bike to have all cables hidden, Profile Designs HSC Aeria front hydration, Tri stem, 43ASC extensions, Wing 20C+ basebar and Attak XL - looks super neat now with everything hidden and the Aeria front hydration does a nice job of fairing the front cable. I’ve got the rear storage box from the

The ability to dismantle completely has been reduced now with full length cabling and keeping all the cabling very close… Di2 is easy as you can build in junctions to separate the bars, but the brake will need loosening to give a bit more room. Still prefer that to fiddling with hydraulics in a hotel room pre race.

This turned into a bit of a rant…

if you were a tribike transport user: i’d like to know how the lack of tribike transport affected anyone who traveled by plane (or would normally travel bike plane) to IM Texas? meaning, you got their fine, no problem, didn’t miss tribike? or, you got to the race but it was an extra hassle? or, you skipped the race because not having tribike caused too much hassle?

With the demise of TBT, I will only race at venues within driving distance. TX is right on the edge of what I consider drivable, and I’d need a couple extra travel days to race there. I knew I wouldn’t have those days this April and so chose another race.

"This would have resolved a lot of your issues: "

I have that bike box, and like it. My wife and I still wish we had the convenience of TBT. It didn’t do Texas, but this will have some effect on my selection of races in the future.

I had this conversation with a few people at Texas. What I found interesting is Ironman’s partnership with PlayTriStore – ie their race ready service experienced a significant uptick in business as more people were traveling with their bikes and not feeling entirely comfortable in their ability to “rebuild” the bike prior to the race. Personally, I miss the ease of TriBike and while airline travel wouldn’t preclude me from doing races, I am more inclined to pick something closer to home.

I had already registered for 2 travel races with the intent of using TBT before they went under.

I would most likely not have registered for them because like an earlier poster said, now I have to buy/rent a box, get comfortable with breaking it down, get tools etc.

Not a fan.

With the case coming in at 30lbs and most bikes pushing 20lbs weight; have you had to pay the overage charge using the Aero Easyfit box?

With the case coming in at 30lbs and most bikes pushing 20lbs weight; have you had to pay the overage charge using the Aero Easyfit box?

Not yet :-)!

And as I mentioned I have not upraded bikes because I want ease of travel. For me this is a superior feature to speed of my bike, mainly because I am so slow now, that travel convenience is more important.

Yep,this is me as well.Don’t care about finish times too much anymore.I have been flying both domestically and internationally to races and for bike tours (or both on the same trip) since we did IMC together in 1991 and that isn’t going to change. Cardboard box every time.This was me at Perth Airport on my way to Busselton in Dec '22


BBA - bike (size small TT) and box around 50lbs depending on the airport scale. I don’t pack anything but the bike.

Oceanside - free on United (outbound) / $100 Southwest (return)
Texas - United both ways - free

Prior to 2024, if I was flying, I used TBT. If a substitute emerged, I would try them out. I would prefer not to have to travel with my bike. It is just cumbersome. But, I am not changing my racing this year because TBT is gone.