IM Taupo 70.3

Heading to NZ (from Canada) to race Taupo 70.3 does anyone have any race reviews from previous years? Tips on travel w/ bike? Course recce? I’ve been down there quite a bit but this will be my first visit to compete in a triathlon. Any info from past participants or locals is greatly appreciated!

There’s been a few changes this year. It’s a two lap bike course rather than the one. Will be more hilly than previously.

Swim course is great, might be a bit cold this time of year. Run course is 3 laps, they say flat it’s actually rolling but the on-course support is always fantastic.

Assuming you’re flying into Auckland and then driving to Taupo. New Zealand drivers are a unique combination of aggressive while also being a bit shit. If you’ve got a bike box then a big car is helpful. Google maps says about 3 hours, depending on when you leave I’d budget 3:30 so you’re not rushing.
It’s dual lane motor way till you get past Cambridge and then goes down to single lane each direction, if you notice cars queued up behind you, worth pulling over when it’s safe and letting them past otherwise you’ll have some muppet overtake you on a blind corner.

Would recommended stopping in Tirau at The Baker for food, they also do really good coffee, and worth stretching your legs.

Remind me to post an update later (at work at mo).

First trip to NZ was from UK for my honeymoon/IMNZ. So did the ‘tourist triathlete thing’ in 2008. Moved to NZ in 2010 (about 2 hours north of Taupo) and have done IMNZ several times since, in most cases staying down there to do a training camp one or two times before race week. Probably will be there to support the 70.3 this year too. So can help out fill in some of the gaps. Great place to race, although the chipseal is horrible (not as bad as it was, but still shitty) and you can be very confident that it will be a wetsuit swim…:wink:

Many thanks folks. I saw that it had changed to a two lap course which is disappointing. I was looking forward to the route that went right out to Reporoa. I have ordered some wider tires for my bike to hopefully mitigate the road conditions a bit.