For anyone who’s interested. The courses are posted with maps and elev. for IM Racine. Don’t worry, you have time lol
I was like…what did I miss? Another IM in WI? But alas…it’s another 70.3!
The bike course is exactly the same as before…I still have the course map from 2009 in a pdf.
All they did was change the logo in the upper left corner.
The bike course is exactly the same as before…I still have the course map from 2009 in a pdf.
All they did was change the logo in the upper left corner.
And double the prices
Is the swim still short and so close to shore that one can walk the entire way? What a waste of a beautiful body of water in Lake Michigan!
I never understand why people seem to like point to point swims. I would rather have a large triangle or rectangle.
Starting and finishing at a different place at a race like Muncie is cool since there isn’t much distance between them but to have a long walk down the beach to get to the swim start is just a PITA.
Then the RD has to worry about setting up the course on the breaking waves and having to cancel it cuz of 1 foot waves
Absolutely agree. Cannot believe they kept the swim course the same. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Certainly expected the bike and run to be the same, but, we all expected the swim to be changed to an out-and-back or triangle. I don’t get it. The swim has always been the weak link in this race and they did nothing to correct the issue. Foolish.
Wow, I was speaking in jest…I can’t believe they do this. What a BS move. Oh well, it makes my race schedule easier to decide on. Either Green Bay or Pigman!
Why not try the Kuparisaari? Way better scenery than Pigman and you don’t have to smell farmage. But, as RD, I might be biased! Here’s the link, 2010 will be the inaugural year!
Green Bay - You mean the Door County Half? I might do that one.
Wow, I was speaking in jest…I can’t believe they do this. What a BS move. Oh well, it makes my race schedule easier to decide on. Either Green Bay or Pigman!
Thanks for the update! I hadn’t heard of it. I love your graphics…very cool. Let me know when you have more details, and I know some of my Michigan teammates will be interested as well. Where is the location in regards to Chicago?
Wow, I was speaking in jest…I can’t believe they do this. What a BS move. Oh well, it makes my race schedule easier to decide on. Either Green Bay or Pigman!
I highly recommend Door County Tri … and that isn’t simply b/c my firm is a major sponsor and the RD is my close friend from high school …
Seriously, top notch race.
Have you done Liberty in Minneapolis (Independence) before? Very low key, but fun! and support is phenomenal. Awards were the only thing that I wasn’t impressed with.
Come to the Whirlpool IM 70.3 Steelhead race - Great venue, close to Chicago and the swim is in Lake Michigan. Z
Thanks Tom. I can’t afford that many IM branded races, that’s for sure! And actually, i like a swim that goes out into the water a ways. This close to shore stuff is not what I’m looking for. I’d love to race in the old 'hood, though.
Come to the Whirlpool IM 70.3 Steelhead race…
Or Door County Half Iron…
I challenge any triathlete to compare this race to other Half IM’s in the Midwest in terms of operational planning, participant perks (technical t-shirts, cool medals, nice goodie bags), finish line grub (free pig & corn roast and Fat Tire beer), scenic course beauty and tourist appeal of the venue (remember the spouses, folks).
We may not have an “IM” logo attached to this event but that costs $50 extra per participant. Why pay more for less?
Sean Ryan
Race Director
Door County Half Iron
Sean - I’ve heard that your Door County Race is one of the best and I hope to make it up there to race someday. Good luck with the race and keep giving athletes a great event - it’s the best marketing a race can get - word of mouth - from one athlete to another. Z