IM Portugal 2023 Kona 2024 slot allocation


There is an artificial scarcity because there were something like 1200 people who qualified for Kona 2023 before Nice was announced for 2023 who got to defer for 2024. So basically it is like all of the qualifiers for this round are competing to entre a 1300 starter race.

Looks like you’re in luck if you’re the one M70-74! I guess they figure he’s more likely to be able to afford a trip to Kona than the 81 M25-29s…

Big time gaps in that race only two slots did not have 10+ min between slot and no slot.

There is an artificial scarcity because there were something like 1200 people who qualified for Kona 2023 before Nice was announced for 2023 who got to defer for 2024. So basically it is like all of the qualifiers for this round are competing to enter a 1300 starter race.A fair proportion (say 500) of those 1200 would’ve qualified ‘in the normal way’ in a normal year with (say) 1800 slots (and 700 for women) thus filling the pier (see 2019).
So 1300 places for ‘the rest’ means that there’s a higher chance of qualifying for Kona 2024 than in previous (normal) years.
So not a “scarcity”.
Cue discussion about the field being “watered down”.

I don’t understand your reasoning AB.

Fully agree with Paul.

Many of the faster competitors have already qualified for Kona, it’s not like they aren’t racing this year. I qualified for Kona in 2022 in Penticton. My age ground the spots went to 1, 2, 3, no rolldown. I’m doing Arizona in a few weeks and hope to finish in a spot that would qualify for Kona, though obviously it will skip me and rolldown.

This likely will be a common occurrence, hence there will be more of a rolldown this year than last. Will it be different than normal years, probably, but there are still 2500 men going to Kona, so it’s not really a “scarcity”.

Many of the faster competitors have already qualified for Kona, it’s not like they aren’t racing this year. I qualified for Kona in 2022 in Penticton. My age ground the spots went to 1, 2, 3, no rolldown. I’m doing Arizona in a few weeks and hope to finish in a spot that would qualify for Kona, though obviously it will skip me and rolldown.

This likely will be a common occurrence, hence there will be more of a rolldown this year than last. Will it be different than normal years, probably, but there are still 2500 men going to Kona, so it’s not really a “scarcity”.

On the flip side a lot of super fast people qualify in a normal year and skip out because they don’t want/need to go to Kona every year and kind of bank on going 2 years later. Now you have two years of KQ studs packed into one year. Previously they may be spread over 2-3 years (because there is a category of racer who can qualify at will but don’t take their slot every time). So in 2024, almost all those superstars will be there so if you are one of those who typically needs a small rolldown you may be out of luck (maybe you give away 5 min on the swim or 5 min on the run and are super strong on the other two, but need that faster guy who has it all perfected to take a pass).

I think in general 2024 will be harder to qual for than say 2018 or 2019. I don’t really have a dog in this fight as I am not racing the distance, but have several friends who either already qualified or would like to.

55-59 rolled down–because he just won IM Copen/slot, IM Barc, and IM Port all in 9 week’s time. There is 1 slot roll down for sure. Yeah, that’s some serious “badassery” there…he will be a fav to win '24 (hope he does anyhow), I think along with a couple others.

Just quickly dropping in to say that I know a woman who finished 15th in her age group and got a Nice slot.
I don’t know if that indicates anything, but it was interesting to see.

Just quickly dropping in to say that I know a woman who finished 15th in her age group and got a Nice slot.
I don’t know if that indicates anything, but it was interesting to see.

at IM Malaysia many women slots for Nice 2024 WC were not assigned. we will see another big disgrace. I hope they understand the message

Just quickly dropping in to say that I know a woman who finished 15th in her age group and got a Nice slot.
I don’t know if that indicates anything, but it was interesting to see.

at IM Malaysia many women slots for Nice 2024 WC were not assigned. we will see another big disgrace. I hope they understand the message

I don’t agree with your interpretation of “the message”.

Nice put on a fantastic race with much better atmosphere than all you doubtfires realised. The woman have all said they need their own race day.

Perhaps the message is that the cost of getting to Nice for Asia continent racers is far higher and therefore in a cost of living crisis there is a decline in demand. Especially after an almost full womens race last week.

Exact but the only one AG 70/74 did not finished the race !

55-59 a été annulé - parce qu’il vient de gagner IM Copen/slot, IM Barc et IM Port en 9 semaines. Il y a 1 emplacement déroulant, c’est sûr. Ouais, c’est un sérieux “badassery” là… il sera un favori pour gagner '24 (j’espère qu’il le fera de toute façon), je pense avec quelques autres.
Exact. Bob McRae is a (ex)pro still very strong. He wins Copenhagen at the end of August, Barcelona 6 weeks later and now, 3 weeks later, Portugal.

at IM Malaysia many women slots for Nice 2024 WC were not assigned. we will see another big disgrace. I hope they understand the message

What’s the other disgrace and what message?

at IM Malaysia many women slots for Nice 2024 WC were not assigned. we will see another big disgrace. I hope they understand the message

What’s the other disgrace and what message?

Nice 2023 men WC was full of people who received the slot as a gift or as position 70th because huge roll downs
message is that Nice WC is not interesting for most of the people as Kona and they will always struggle to fill it

What do you mean by “received slot as a gift”? As far as I know all qualifiers still have to pay.

Were you in Nice?
I was there spectating and it was a really amazing event and the top athletes completed the course in very strong times considering how much tougher the bike course is vs Kona. Not a “disgrace” at all. I raced in Kona and the advantages of Nice are evident. Keep in mind I’m the kind of athlete who performs much better in a place like Kona rather than a place like Nice.

Anyhow it seems that you’re talking for yourself. I respect that you may not like the idea of a WC in Nice but you must realise that not everyone thinks the same as you.

In fact - and bridging back to the topic of this thread - I’d go as far as saying that i’d be thrilled to see a WC in Portugal if it started rotating locations. Cascais would make a superb location. A unique and beautiful course, great organisation and really well connected via Lisbon airport.

What do you mean by “received slot as a gift”? As far as I know all qualifiers still have to pay.

Were you in Nice?
I was there spectating and it was a really amazing event and the top athletes completed the course in very strong times considering how much tougher the bike course is vs Kona. Not a “disgrace” at all. I raced in Kona and the advantages of Nice are evident. Keep in mind I’m the kind of athlete who performs much better in a place like Kona rather than a place like Nice.

Anyhow it seems that you’re talking for yourself. I respect that you may not like the idea of a WC in Nice but you must realise that not everyone thinks the same as you.

In fact - and bridging back to the topic of this thread - I’d go as far as saying that i’d be thrilled to see a WC in Portugal if it started rotating locations. Cascais would make a superb location. A unique and beautiful course, great organisation and really well connected via Lisbon airport.

Gift means slot assigned as free invitation because they didnt manage to assign all the possible slots at the races since many people didnt accept it.
I was invited and i rejected it so no, I wasnt there.

Nice is a great race, dont take me wrong. I am talking in a WC point of view. If you want to run a WC somewhere, you should not see slots not assigned because people dont want to go. It has to be something super challenging, only for the best in the world.
Then we can talk about many great locations in the world for Ironman. That’s a different story.
If they organize a WC in Portugal and only me and you show up, it is a disgrace, you agree? but the location and the race itself is amazing.

Please try to correlate things properly in this discussion. I am not talking about my point of view: i am bringing facts, many slots could not be allocated in Nice and many other will not be next year in the women race.
Do you have an explanation?

Just quickly dropping in to say that I know a woman who finished 15th in her age group and got a Nice slot.
I don’t know if that indicates anything, but it was interesting to see.

at IM Malaysia many women slots for Nice 2024 WC were not assigned. we will see another big disgrace. I hope they understand the message

I don’t agree with your interpretation of “the message”.

Nice put on a fantastic race with much better atmosphere than all you doubtfires realised. The woman have all said they need their own race day.

Perhaps the message is that the cost of getting to Nice for Asia continent racers is far higher and therefore in a cost of living crisis there is a decline in demand. Especially after an almost full womens race last week.

so you are saying that the costs from Asia to Nice (France) vs Asia to Hawaii are so higher to justify only 4 out 50 accepting the slot? Are you sure?

Yep, I’m well aware. I’m hoping he wins Kona ‘24. I would l love to see him kick the snot out of a particular individual’s hind end & deservedly so. If Draft Kings App only had age group betting for Kona—I think I could make some $ on that one!