IM Frankfurt: AG race report

Disclaimer: I’ve never written any race report, but no need to be gentle, feedback is always appreciated.

1. Introduction

There’s a great front page article about the IM Frankfurt European Championship pro race. I thought I’d better share some amateur racer perspective. Rather than walking you through every minute of my race, I’d rather provide you with multiple dedicated paragraphs.

2. Main section (around the race)

2a. Frankfurt

Frankfurt is a highly populated city, primarily a financial center. It’s not particularly pretty. It has a good hotel and restaurant offer. Its center is full of junkies and homeless, particularly the area near the main station. It stinks of urine more than it doesn’t. I lived in the Frankfurt area in the past and there’re are valid reasons why I didn’t stay.

2b. Logistics

Frankfurt is the best connected city in Europe, if you consider plane, train, car or even a boat/ferry altogether. However, the airport is sometimes on strike, highways often clog-up and you should never ever trust Deutsche Bahn. My train trip from Zurich took over 9h and it still haunts me - it’s a material for a 1993 Falling Down spin-off. Best solution is still a plane if you’re coming from abroad, with an exception of car if you’re coming from Germany, Switzerland, east France or west Poland.

2c. Expo

Pretty standard nowadays, nothing extraordinary. Focus on German brands like Ryzon and Powerbar. No free gifts either ;-(

3. Main section (race)

3a. Pre-swim

The organizers offer free shuttle service between the city center and the start of the race (ca. 15km away). However, the shuttles were stuck in traffic on both Saturday and Sunday up to a point that we were allowed to leave the bus pre-race around 1.2km from the start and around 15 minutes before the original T1 closure. All in cold rain, no light, in flip-flops, with air pumps etc.

However, this big elephant in the room was addressed proactively and shamefully as almost the first thing during the Monday’s ceremony opening speech, promising to do way better next year. The acknowledgment of the issue so early and humbly received a separate round of applause.

I didn’t like that the organizer never announced either water temperature or mentioned wetsuit / non wetsuit allowance (I think it was like 80/20 chance, in favor of non wetsuit). Normally I’d expect to see this information at 4-5am in the Ironman Tracker application or on a Facebook page. As a result, many people were removing their calf sleeves in haste, trying to pack wetsuits into dry clothes bags etc. It’s a tiny information sharing / transparency issue that could’ve been easily mitigated.

3b. Swim

Mass start for pro but rolling start for AGers. Quite congested, but it’s a single loop in a sense that you never swim the same route twice. Ergo, you can’t do much more as an organizer. Nice warm and decently clean water.

3c. Bike

Wet. Wet & rainy. Wet, rainy & slippery. Many crashes.

175kms with (Strava-adjusted) 1296m of elevation. I wish it was 5km longer. Nothing steep or particularly long. Suburbs, little towns and countryside. Most of the time a good quality asphalt (Frankfurt itself being the exception). Course ideal for strong riders with high absolute power, on a nice big 1x setup. If dry, the course isn’t technical at all.

Many aid stations, all well equipped, clearly marked. ‘Ordnung muss sein’ at its best.

I’ve see a lot of AG drafting. Nothing like pelotons or gruppettos, but 2-3 riders in same trisuit riding together with 5m gaps shouldn’t be allowed. I haven’t seen many people in penalty tents though. To my taste, referees should’ve been more strict, by a significant margin.

3d. Run

Flat-ish course (flat course with 8x bridge passage). Roughly 75% tarmac, 20% gravel, 5% cobbles. 200m too long.

Same as for the bike: many aid stations, all well equipped, clearly marked. ‘Ordnung muss sein’ at its best. Volunteers did a great job.

Spectators were truly awesome: by their sheer number, by their preparation (orchestra, cheerleaders, kids with Mario Bros signs etc.), by their volume. All despite not-the-best weather.

3e. Finish line

Ok in general, with an exception of volunteers who were beyond extraordinary, again. Once you mention word “dizzy”, you’re being taken care of.

I don’t have much to say about the buffet or massage, as I left asap because I felt really cold and I dreamt about a warm shower in my hotel. If you check weather retrospectively, 17-23 degrees C doesn’t sound like cold, agree. But Frankfurt has had 30+ degrees C for over 2 weeks at that point, so it was a substantial drop plus rain & wind.

4. Conclusion

Overall a well organized race, with only minor issues. Spectators & volunteers were the highlight to me. Would I recommend to do the race? Yes. Would I do it again myself? No, primarily due to my negative attitude to Frankfurt as a host city.

5. Appendix

5a. Awards ceremony

Great atmosphere. Really. All the TOP10 pros appeared and were applauded numerous times. People created a corridor for pros to run/walk to the podium. Something similar I’ve seen only in 2023 WC in Nice. (edit) My short recording of the atmosphere when KB joins the stage:

5b. Slot allocation

There were 75 slots for men to Kona 2024, 75 slots for women to Nice 2024 and 35 slots for women in Kona 2025.

Kona 2025 for women went smooth. Only a few rolling slots.

Nice 2024 for women also went smooth, because the organizers simply asked “how many women are here, finished the race and want to go to Nice?” Roughly 12-15 came to a stage, there were one or two big rounds of applause and that’s it. Sorted.

Kona 2024 for men took most of the time. All the big age groups between 30 and 55 had 10-11 slots each. From the top of my head, 35-39 finished at #17, 40-44 finished at #20, 45-49 finished at #19 etc. To the best of my knowledge, 30-34 rolled down the most, somewhere around #35.

5c. My own race

I had two goals before the race: do a PB and qualify to Kona. For a long time I had hoped for a wetsuit swim, which didn’t happen.

I survived the swim, over-pushed the bike (my 4iiii PM stopped working after T1, showing +- 2000W), had a great zone2 run at target pace, until I didn’t. I didn’t stop for a second, but slowed down with every km.

Overall time of 9h17m15s, giving me #32 in my 30-34 AG. I find it crazy. This is now my long distance PB. I also qualified to Kona, benefiting from the deep roll down in my AG. This will be my first trip to Hawaii or even USA, for that matter. Huge amount of luck & coincidence at the ceremony, but I also feel that 9h17m15s is nothing short of a decent result. The only surprise to me was the fierce level of competition.

Congrats on the PB and the impending trip to Kona.

I’ve only been to Frankfurt as far as the airport and have no desire to ever return!

Well done!

Thanks for your report as it provides a nice overview of the experience on the ground and also congrats on punching ticket to Kona and you will definitely enjoy your first trip to USA (I am not American but love visiting as the country has so much variety east to west north to south, sea level to top of McKinley, Florida Keys to the edge of Alaska across from Russia)

Congrats on the PB, KQ and great race report

I grew up in one of those idealic towns outside of Frankfurt and I agree with your assessment of the big city itself. Bleh, but with great public transit.

Although, it does look much better than it did 30 years ago if you can believe it!

I think your time is awesome, and it’s wild how a time like that can be ranked outside of the top 15 to me.

Regarding Kona, congrats and I hope you love it. I’m definitely a believer in there being magic in the air there.

Congrats on PB and KQ

I was in Frankfurt in 2021 and a 9.24 was ok for a 10th place finish in 35-39 and a direct KQ
Every race is different but I guess, being the last opportunity to KQ this year made the level very high

(…) you will definitely enjoy your first trip to USA (…)

Thanks for the recommendations, surely there will be time for that at some point. This October I’ll stay in Hawaii, focusing on the hikes, water activities (snorkeling & scuba diving) and the race itself :wink:

I grew up in one of those idealic towns outside of Frankfurt (…)

Around the city it’s much better. I lived in MTK in 2015-2016, commuting to either Eschborn or Frankfurt itself. Still, Zurich is an immeasurably better place to be.

Congrats on PB and KQ

I was in Frankfurt in 2021 and a 9.24 was ok for a 10th place finish in 35-39 and a direct KQ
Every race is different but I guess, being the last opportunity to KQ this year made the level very high

Exactly my thinking before the race. European Championship status and last chance to qualify on one hand, but also the factor that some might’ve already been qualified and for some it’d be too short notice to go on the other hand.

I’ve prepared a few extras…

This is how the atmosphere during the awards ceremony was, KB going to the stage:

This is me running / being overtaken by KB on the bridge on live broadcast (06h41m00s):

This should be a template for public race reports! Mostly info/opinion about the race that might benefit others in the future, plus just about enough (a bit more would have been fine too) about your own race; succinct and clear. Thank you & well done!

3a. Pre-swim

The organizers offer free shuttle service between the city center and the start of the race (ca. 15km away). However, the shuttles were stuck in traffic on both Saturday and Sunday up to a point that we were allowed to leave the bus pre-race around 1.2km from the start and around 15 minutes before the original T1 closure. All in cold rain, no light, in flip-flops, with air pumps etc.

I didn’t like that the organizer never announced either water temperature or mentioned wetsuit / non wetsuit allowance (I think it was like 80/20 chance, in favor of non wetsuit). Normally I’d expect to see this information at 4-5am in the Ironman Tracker application or on a Facebook page. As a result, many people were removing their calf sleeves in haste, trying to pack wetsuits into dry clothes bags etc. It’s a tiny information sharing / transparency issue that could’ve been easily mitigated.

4. Conclusion

Would I do it again myself? No, primarily due to my negative attitude to Frankfurt as a host city.


I raced IM Frankfurt in 2021, and the logistics for the swim on the morning of the race were awful. Not enough numbers of buses for the number of athletes waiting for them at the designated bus stop downtown Frankfurt. Collapsed road at the entrance of the lake area, so had to walk long and fast with all the morning gear to make the cutoff time for check-in. No information whatsoever about water temperature and the use of wetsuit. So many athletes (hundreds…) were so much late (because the Organization issues), that the official start time had to be delayed for 10 or 15 minutes. But they announced it a few minutes before the official start time, so it was pretty stressful in T1 before the swim, with athletes rushing and running everywhere.

I see they haven’t improved a bit.
Not coming back.
I had a great race.

This is me running / being overtaken by KB on the bridge on live broadcast (06h41m00s):

What did you say to him? Passing you must’ve required quite a surge as Kritian puked all over himself shortly thereafter!!!

Congrats and gratulacje, takes some doing to come away with a KQ from a race this competitive.

That’s a fantastic time and I’m glad you met your goals.
I like the factual but tell me some memorable emotional moment from the race - something funny, something heartwarming, some time you wanted to quit (aside from quitting the buffet and massage)…

:slight_smile: good job! xoxo

What did you say to him? Passing you must’ve required quite a surge as Kritian puked all over himself shortly thereafter!!!

Congrats and gratulacje, takes some doing to come away with a KQ from a race this competitive.

I was like “are you leading?! yes you’re leading! fist bump on tv?”. But he was keeping his mouth shut though :wink:

That’s a fantastic time and I’m glad you met your goals.
I like the factual but tell me some memorable emotional moment from the race - something funny, something heartwarming, some time you wanted to quit (aside from quitting the buffet and massage)…

:slight_smile: good job! xoxo

Situation 1 - PM doesn’t work from the start
I was frustrated, especially as bike leg is my strongest and I needed to recover time from the swim. I knew that I could push roughly 250W average power (roughly 265W NP) and still be undercooked. On test rides the Z2/Z3 break-even has been around 275W and 150bpm, so this was my ceiling. I tried first PM re-connecting, then PM re-calibrating (clicked out on of the pedals on a the little descent), then re-adding PM. None of those helped. I then decided, that riding to HR is my best tactic (not the best overall but the best I had available). I went up to 160bpm only when I wanted to escape from groups, not for long. Average HR for the ride was 148bpm - I overcooked the ride but not completely.

Situation 2 - placing after run / run begin
Again, I had 2 goals: PB and Kona. They were connected: based on 2022 and 2023 results, 9:20:00 was giving around 15th position in my AG. Course this year was shorter on the bike, but weather was worse and the swim was without wetsuit, so my math was telling me “it’ll even out”. After the over-cooked bike where only 1 person took me over (AG winner afterwards), I expected to be around 10th position and ready to give-up 5 places on the run. Imagine the surprise when, after 200m of running, my girlfriend shouted “you’re 27th, 27”. Huge disappointment and immediate thinking “WTF? should I stop now? Kona is gone”. But the second goal was still within reach, I just couldn’t blow-up completely and I’d have my PB. In my mind was also, that I paid for the entry, for the trip, took 3 days of vacation etc. - I didn’t want to waste it. I continued running to plan, then involuntarily slowed down and guess what - I eventually lost exactly 5 positions (27->32)…