IM California roll call

I plan to be there. First year was the 100 year storm. Last year I fractured my wrist 1 month before race. This year dealing with a hamstring issue, but able to keep some training going, so will toe the line.

Was able to do test swim of full course recently. Current truly makes it lightening fast.

Last year the bike was plagued by winds. Given how flat and exposed the course is, I can see headwinds a perennial risk. But fingers crossed it’s a quiet day. And not too hot.

Anyone else doing IM California?

I’ll be there! St. George was my first full (2022), and spent the entire run course saying, “never again.”

Yet, here we are.

I’ve been hearing from folks that they’re 30 minutes faster than a normal IM swim? Any thoughts on your experience? (I should have picked a non-downriver swim but again…here we are.)

I will be there. This will be my first full IM. I am dealing with a left knee issue that manifests while cycling but continues to hurt when running off the bike, so I did consider deferring to 2024. But I dread having to train for another full IM again, so I will bite the bullet and hope that I make it to the finish.

I am a poor swimmer, so I’m encouraged by all the talk of a fast swim.

I’ll also mention that this is the first race I joined race-specific Facebook groups and I have to say they are brilliant resources.

Regarding swim, I finished lake swim for IM Santa Rosa in around 1:20. Last week I was out of the the water for IMCA swim under 48 min. A 30 min savings is realistic. Stay toward middle of river and enjoy the ride!

Whoa. If this turns into a 30 minute swim, I won’t know what to do with myself. But, middle of the river, noted :slight_smile:

see my comment above regarding the swim.

I found the following overview helpful:

I will be there! My “A” race this year was supposed to be IM Canada but that was cancelled. The good folks at Ironman allowed us to transfer our registrations to remaining North American races in 2023. They opened up limited spots (first come, first served) for California so I jumped on it! The race week let down and then wrapping my head around another 8 weeks was a challenge, but here we are. I’m excited, never been to Sacramento. This will be IM #5. First time doing a point-to-point river swim leg.

Weather seems to be trending in the right direction.

I’ll be there for IM #4.

Been battling some different sicknesses (thanks to my kids) for the last month or so, so high volume training days have been limited.

Info on the swim seems to be accurate from some friends who live in the area and have done the course already, 20-30 minutes faster on your normal time is realistic.

As a smaller guy 5’7" and 155lbs I’m hoping for no winds since even light ones beat me around quite a bit, but you get what you get I guess. I’ll be on the course in a bright colored Fxck Cancer kit.

Thanks for the link. How was it doing a practice swim? Is there a good place to get in and out if you only want to practice for 20 minutes or so? I’m nervous I will miss the swim exit and end up wildly far down river!

A local tri coach happened to recently sponsor a couple of full course swims, accompanied by a boat, others on paddleboards, etc., which is how I was able to do a test run.

Without that, you really can only swim in the American river. Sacramento river has more boat traffic and I don’t think allows open water swimming. I’ve heard many athletes practice in American river. Just keep in mind you’ll have to battle current to get back to your starting point if swimming downstream.

I don’t think you’ll miss the swim exit – it’s at a boat dock that partially juts out into the river. Easy walk from Ironman village for when you check-in, in case you want to see it ahead of time.

Last year, there were tons of folks doing practice swims in the American River at Discovery Park. There’s a big beach and the current didn’t look too bad. I also saw some folks at Tiscornia Park when I was doing a shakeout ride, but it’s closer to where it meets the Sacramento River, so the currents might be more noticeable.

And the swim exit is very visible, especially since there is a giant gold pyramid on the shore right next to it. Aim for that, and you can’t miss it!

I’ll be there! St. George was my first full (2022), and spent the entire run course saying, “never again.”

Yet, here we are.

I’ve been hearing from folks that they’re 30 minutes faster than a normal IM swim? Any thoughts on your experience? (I should have picked a non-downriver swim but again…here we are.)

Get that Nice spot KJ!

Thanks bud! I am sure gonna try :slight_smile:

Ok here’s a general question…

Restaurant recommendations? Coffee, lunch, dinner, pre-race, post-race, etc.? Open to ALL suggestions! Sacramento has so many more options than what I’m used to (raced in STG 3 times in 2 years, lol) that the search is a little overwhelming!

Just got back from driving the bike course. Crew was working on assembling transition area when I drove by.

Road crews out today repairing potholes along Babel Slough Rd. Passed quite a few fresh asphalt patches. This part of the course is largely tree-lined on both sides of the road, so lots of shadows. Fixing up potholes is great, but my car was running over a good bit of loose gravel around the patches. Something I’ll be mindful of on that section.

I also saw road crew out filling road cracks with tar, I think on S River Rd. Shouldn’t be too sticky by Sunday, lol.

I’ll be shocked to not have some winds along Jefferson/Courtland/Ryer segments. Very flat and very exposed.

Regarding restaurant recommendations in Sacramento, there are many choices, but I’m a total suburbanite, so I rarely venture there to eat. If looking for a celebratory dinner perhaps the night after the event, Ella is fantastic, as is The Kitchen.

Hey great news that road crews were still working - I saw some out there a few weeks ago when pre-riding. Thanks for the note about loose gravel, I imagine lap 2 may be a little sketchy with just more people on course.

Thanks for the recs! They both look awesome :slight_smile:

2022 participant here, not in for roll call either. Just want to wish everyone luck. If I could pass along one thing about the course is this: out on the levy it is VERY narrow. Be a little conservative there. Have a great day, looks like perfect conditions- finally!

2022 participant here, not in for roll call either. Just want to wish everyone luck. If I could pass along one thing about the course is this: out on the levy it is VERY narrow. Be a little conservative there. Have a great day, looks like perfect conditions- finally!

Same here, raced 2022 but not this year. I would echo the statement that the levy is narrow, and would add to it that at the aid station just before the levy, be very careful as the road is also VERY narrow, and with the added craziness of the aid station, be VERY cautious!!!

Ok here’s a general question…

Restaurant recommendations? Coffee, lunch, dinner, pre-race, post-race, etc.? Open to ALL suggestions! Sacramento has so many more options than what I’m used to (raced in STG 3 times in 2 years, lol) that the search is a little overwhelming!

You’ll have lots of options for all the above. I’ve lived here for 1.5 years and here are some recommendations:

  1. Hit Midtown Farmers’ Market SAT morning where you’ll be able to pick up some fresh fruit and nuts along with tasty bites from vendors.
  2. As for coffee, it’s hard to go wrong with Temple Coffee (any location). If you hit the market, I recommend grabbing coffee from the Drip in Midtown 24th and J, which is small but nice shop.
  3. Sweets. After grabbing a coffee from Drip, go across the street to Rick’s Dessert Diner and get a slice of cake or pie. If you want ice cream, Gunther’s is the place to go.
  4. For a dining experience, go to Kru and ask for Michael who will cater courses and even a cocktail based on your palate. Be warned though it can get expensive.
  5. Alternative dining experience that is friendly on the wallet is Binchoyaki. Everything is delicious.
  6. All around good bites include Steamers in Old Sac (really dig the egg and ham on croissant) and Beach Hut Midtown.
  7. You will find a brewery every few blocks and while most will recommend Urban Roots (it is good), my hands down favorite is At Ease Brewing at I and 18th. I just stopped in yesterday to grab a mix and match 6 pack. My current favorite is the Jumpmaster, a wheat with fresh grapefruit and orange.

Good luck to everyone. I’ll check in on this thread and chime in when I can.

Oh, amazing. *This *is what I was hoping for!! I’m originally from the east bay, but Sac has never really been on my radar and being in Boulder the last 2ish years has made me feel super removed from the California food scene. Really appreciate the diversity of suggestions here - THANK YOU.