My first IM coming up (IMFL) and I have a dumb questions.
Assuming your hydration is good, how often do you have to pee during an IM bike leg? During my training rides, it seemed like I initially had to stop (I know, HTFU) and pee almost every hour to hour and a half. But then as the ride went on, the need to pee came much less frequently.
2 pees on my Last IM
For love of god if your going to pee on your bike while moving pull the far right and dress “it” right.
At IMLP 2007 on the down hill into Keene,someone in the middle of the road had a flow going down his leg.Thats o.k. but we were going about 30mph,so as pee it the road it bounced up and gave people a nice misting.
on a slight downhill get up to speed then lean on one standing leg and let it rip. I did IM florida and it’s flat enough that you can do it on a slight decline or flat. By the time you’re done pissing you may be going really slow but it’s faster than stopping.
I would think your training rides should have told you that your fluid intake was too high. I raced American Zofigen a couple of weeks back and actually had to go a couple of miles into the run, which was the first time that has happened for years. Of course, the temp was in the 40s and low 50s, so even 60 oz on a five hour ride was too much. If your fluid intake is correct then answer to your question is zero and no, more-is-better-to-be-safe is not a good idea.