IM 70.3 Mallorca PRO race

Wake up America! The #1 cycling destination on the planet is racing. Second half of the bike. Iden seems to have DNFed between 35 km and 60 km of the bike, Lange has a 10’ gap to lead, Margirier on an absolute tear. Women - Philipp ahead of Pallant (no big surprises here).


Live stream

Pallant catching her so could be a goood finish.

The podiums are just like Mallorca - half-German.

Shocked to see the 395th PTO ranked Nicolas Mann win. His highest ever ranking place was 67th. He does do well with 70.3s with hilly bikes. Lange only 17th.

Awesome showdown by Pallant and Philipp, putting 9 minutes between themselves and Svensk.

Gustav dnf, do we know why
And what about youri kielen?

Get caught up on all the action from 70.3 Mallorca HERE!

Gustav had said that he wasn’t expecting to compete up front, had decent bike fitness, wasn’t up to par on his run, & still wasn’t completely over his injury. Didn’t know if he was sandbagging or not. Hope to see him back at another race soon.

Mechanical for Gustav apparently. Does anyone know how his swim/bike went before his withdrawal?

Had a good swim & was riding up front.

thanks for the write up

On social media they tell us what they had for breakfast but when something ‘important’ happens it’s crickets. Go figure.

Awesome showdown by Pallant and Philipp, putting 9 minutes between themselves and Svensk.I am surprised Philipp couldn’t hold off EPB with a 2 minute buffer. I guess her running prowess has dropped from the 2:45 standard (in successive years) which implies better than 1:19 for a half. As @dcpinsson has suggested (I think) I guess she had to ride harder than she normally does to get that buffer, and almost got the balance right. EPB’s chase was impressive: let’s see that form in a T100.
Will be good to see Philipp race all the remaining T100s, including Ibiza days after Nice (might there be a grupetto formed for that race (Ryf, Haug, Matthews, Philipp, Sodaro, Lee))?
NB Philipp has now validated her IMWC AQ (podium) slot having raced two 70.3s.

I believe PTN mentioned that Keulen DNFed after he got a drafting penalty.

Man… that guy. He can really shut people up at races but then he also doesn’t follow the rules. He already have visual cues with Race Ranger but still chose to draft. If he wants to be accepted as a winner by his fellow pros, he better act like one.

On that course it’s easy to roll into the draft with the hills and turns on the first section, so without knowing the exact circumstances it’s hard to judge if it was intentional. Steph Clutterbuck had something similar happen, took the penalty and moved on.

On that course it’s easy to roll into the draft with the hills and turns on the first section, so without knowing the exact circumstances it’s hard to judge if it was intentional. Steph Clutterbuck had something similar happen, took the penalty and moved on.Agree. And remember they had Race Ranger there flashing at the refs saying ‘do something’ which is fine but context (as you’ve suggested) should be all. Though I’d just point out that ‘intention’ is a consideration for the moto-refs, but riders slowing in front more than might reasonably be anticipated is imho.
Two differences:

  1. This was Clutterbuck’s first pro race where she rode any distance. Riding in a pro train, especially on a hilly/twisty parcours is/was a new experience and many new(ish) pros get caught out. I think of LCB in 70.3WC Nice 2019: not her first pro race of course but just about the first time she’d ever rode in a group of more than 2. Jewett at Oceanside last year: with her improved swim she came out with the other (almost) front pack: a new experience (btw whither did her form shown in that race disappear). Matthews at IM Tulsa: and she went on to finish 5:01 down on Ryf. Philipp at Kona 2022: experienced but not in a competitive race with others all around. In all these incidents they may have just been ‘unlucky’: think they were all or nearly all sliding into the draft zone (with the rider ahead slowing) and then backing out.
  2. Keulen has been penalised a number of times and directly called out by Funk towards the end of last season. You’d think he would learn and take extra care. I can’t believe he relishes the earned reputation of wheel sucker in chief of the MPro community. And then not to stop at the first penalty tent available is barking. A drafting penalty is essentially unappealable, unless it’s a misidentitification fail by the moto-ref.

i cant think when there was the last time good draft marshaling in spain so great to see that they actually penalized athletes.
pto pressured ironman to use race ranger and if ironman pressures pto to actually use it that would be great.
competition is a great thing…

I find it super hard to warm to Keulen because of stuff like this. Many (most?) athletes get a drafting penalty at some point, either fairly or unfairly, and they suck it up and take the penalty.

Dropping out of the race or refusing to take the penalty and getting a subsequent DQ - on more than one occasion - smacks of someone who thinks he’s above the rules that apply to everyone else.

(also quite unimpressed that out of all the available triathlon coaches in the world, he chose to work with one who was banned from another sport for his role in a state-sponsored doping program).

I think they’re still trying to discover how to use the race ranger. On a course like Singapore, with lots of hills and 180 degree turns, you’ll inevitabily end up in the draft zone. It’s down to the discretion of the official to make the call whether it’s intentional drafting, or race dynamics. You also don’t want the official to show a card when the red (?) light has been on for 5 seconds for example.

I find it super hard to warm to Keulen because of stuff like this. Many (most?) athletes get a drafting penalty at some point, either fairly or unfairly, and they suck it up and take the penalty.

Dropping out of the race or refusing to take the penalty and getting a subsequent DQ - on more than one occasion - smacks of someone who thinks he’s above the rules that apply to everyone else.

(also quite unimpressed that out of all the available triathlon coaches in the world, he chose to work with one who was banned from another sport for his role in a state-sponsored doping program).


Get caught up on all the action from 70.3 Mallorca HERE!And for those who couldn’t watch it live on Outside Live, IM have posted a 100 minute ‘highlights’ here: Dede and Sidd.