Newbie question here… I’ve been training (and loving it I might add) for two months now getting ready for the season. Over the last five days I had to suspend my training due to a sinus infection that drained most of my energy. My doc put me on antibiotics and such which has affected my energy as well. Should I start where I left off or go back a week or so and start there? I don’t want to lose this momentum. Thanks.
I’m sure there will be a lot of good feedback on this one but here is my 2 cents based on my expereince. There are two issues here: The antibiotics and the illness. Both will exert an effect. I think you have to be cured and have all the antibiotics out of your system before you start going hard again. Don’t worry too much about “losing momentum”. People get sick, it’s a fact of life. You’ll bounce back. My advice (FWIW) is to go very, very easy- take it slow. Don’t sweat it.
I suffer from sinus infections often I have a bent nose. I just got off antibiotics last week. I noticed that during the course of the infection and the antibiotics my resting heart rate is up. I do notice that exercise helps the sinus and nasal passages to flow. I blow alot of snot missiles while training. I have talked to my doctor about training during these times and basically he said to use common sense, listen to your body. I am base training right now so the intensity of my training is low. I check my resting heart rate each morning while fighting a sinus infection and adjust my training accordingly. During a hard training phase I may alter significantly what I do. Hope this helps.
I was just reading, (in the triathletes bible) that for every day sick, you should take 2 days of easy recovery work. I know that I just made that mistake by getting sick last monday, taking most of the week off, racing on saturday, and then because I felt fine, did some nice hard intense swim workouts on sunday and monday. Guess what? tuesday, I was sick as ever. So, listen to your body, and take in easy for at least a week after the last symptoms dissapear. Then I would re-evaluate where you are, and start the build period again.